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The moon landing: ridiculous

Discussion in 'Debates' started by lampslammer, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Sometimes I'll write up a post and will feel that it doesn't have enough "fuck"s, so I will add some. :)
  2. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Ok this is getting stupid >_>
    everybody knows the landing is true
  3. sunago

    sunago Member

    Okay, let me respond again, because apparently some people don't have brain cells in their head or simply don't use them.
    The Moon landing was not and I repeat NOT a fake. It's been discussed many times and all the times it had been proven the moon landing was real. You guys are just clearly not thinking if you are saying it's fake because all the facts point in the completely different direction.

    First of all, they didn't know much about space and gravity on the moon. Sure, a lot of scientist had come up with what could happen and they knew gravity was going to be lower up there but nothing was known for absolute certainty because they had never gone up there. Therefor they couldn't have known exactly what would happen up there, what kind of effects it had on the human body and other stuff. Had they recreated it and simply made a fake then a lot of things wouldn't have matched and they would have been found out rather quickly once someone else went up there.

    If you want to argue about this and claim the moon landing was fake, please come with actual facts instead of mere speculation. It's getting rather tiresome especially since the ones who say it wasn't a fake have actual scientist backing them up who have been screaming the exact same thing ever since this argument started. The rumor was simply started by the opposing country since they couldn't get over the fact that America got there first. They were just sore losers. get over it. Please.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    actually it was not the russians that started it, so I wouldn't call them sore losers.
  5. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    I like how amateurs who have no background whatsoever in anything involving what they are trying to dis-approve tell the scientists- who make it their fucking living, who study this shit day in and day out, who went to college to learn every tiny detail of their field, -that they are wrong.
  6. failtorespond

    failtorespond Well-Known Member

  7. kazzi

    kazzi Member

    If they did pay Mythbusters to cover it up think of how many other people they would have to pay of because there are thousands of theories like this. And by now surely someone would have let it slip. Anyway do people really think that if it was fake NASA would make a mistake in such an important thing? they arent stupid.
  8. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    what the hell is the point of that picture?....
    I don't get it...
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If I could remember, it brought up good points...but unfortunatly, I cannot, so if you really want, just for once, you have my permission to IGNORE me.
  10. failtorespond

    failtorespond Well-Known Member

  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Um, your going offtopic...oh wait, I gave permission to be ignored-dam :(
  12. timbizcut

    timbizcut Well-Known Member

    Also, I can't remember exact details and can't be bothered checking (it's obvious from reading the posts a lot of people feel the same) but didn't Buzz Aldrin (in his 80s' I believe) punch someone in the face at a cash-point machine because they questioned the veracity of the moon landing claims. I think at 80 years old you would be pretty selective about who you did or didn't punch out.
  13. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

  14. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    It is an odd world that we could send so many people to the moon in the past but can find every excuse and reason not to do so today. Did we all get stupid after the mid 70's?
    Post Merge: [time]1246094810[/time]
    Do you like how those amateurs have discovered more near earth objects than those experts who are too busy with their commercial exploitation of space? Do you know that those amateurs have discovered more planets beyond our solar system than your experts? Thankfully most experts in this field are more than happy to credit 'amateur' discovery and achivement than you.

    Do you realise it is this kind of bullshit that fuels the fire of controversy?

    Please chill people, this is obviously a good topic to to chat about and share opinion but given the absence of verifiable evidence on both sides, I guess we can at best look to to future and wonder why we have a vast lunar gap in the past.

    Edit: removed the swear words.
  15. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Can you provide the evidence that proves the amateurs are the ones that have discovered more than the scientists? I like how you say there's an absence of evidence yet you provide none to backup your statement.
  16. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Here is a list of award winning amateurs, the awards given in 1997 & 2003 relate to my previous claims. The list does not address the actual number of discoveries made, I am unable to find any data relating to the number of near earth objects or occultations found either by amateurs or professionals. However the second link is to an amateur astronomer who holds the all-time record for visual discoveries of supernovae. The third link is to another amateur who holds the record for most comets found by an individual(22)


    So sorry I could not find good evidence to back up my previous claims but I hope I have given enough to satisfy you of the hugely important role amateurs have played in this field. Do remember that professional's hands are tied as to what they can invest time and money into as commercial needs often stifle curiosity. The amateur has no such restraints.
    You seem to suggests that it is knowledge that separates the amateur from the professional in this field, yet many of these amateurs know more of this subject than their professional counterparts. The only thing that separates the two groups is money.
  17. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Very nice list on that first wiki

    But i also am wondering, are any of these people trying to debunk the moon landing?

    I'd like to see a list of names and the backgrounds of the people trying to shoot down the idea of us landing on the moon.
  18. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    @Littlekill, I am not one of those who dispute the moon landing, what I am interested in is some of the questions this event raises. The problem is that all the evidence presented about the lunar landing is only coming from one source, NASA. Strange goings on such as this http://search.space.com/news/060813_apollo11_tapes.html really help to fuel the fires of conspiracy and cover-up. Of course if the tapes mentioned in the article are ever found then we have evidence from a group other than NASA, in this case the Parkes Radio Observatory in Australia.
  19. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Ah, i was under the impression you were also a supporter of the conspiracy

    Also that is an interesting article
  20. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I have found a very surprising document from a group called BCC Meteorites. Two improtant claims are made by this group, I quote:

    "A) BCC Meteorites has found substantial valid evidence to show that NASA landed humans on the Moon in July of 1969.

    B) BCC Meteorites has not found the necessary evidence to confirm any lunar landings after July of 1969, or the evidence is scant, flimsy, or non-existent."

    The rest of the document can be found here http://www.bccmeteorites.com/KOROTEV.html
    Section E makes for some very interesting reading.