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I wonder why people have questioned the man on the moon thing? Acording to the Americans and Mythbusters people have been on the moon, they have really good arguments to back those claims up. I have access to the Armagh observitory which is able to get a 90cm(at worse) observation on any point on the visable side of the moon including the Sea of Tranquility area, how come all the old lunar rovers are not visable?
*sigh* Okay people, for anyone coming up with the "Hey the flag was moving while it shouldn't" argument. While it is true that due to the low gravity and lack of wind on the moon the flag itself shouldn't move I must say that that argument has to be the dumbest one. Have you ever put a flag down? If you do so the 'pole' will still move because you can't put it down and have it completely stop swaying from side to side. Try it with a lamp that's hanging from the ceiling. Try giving it a little swing and then completely stopping it's motion with your hands. Pretty much impossible. That's what the movement of the flag was from, not any wind, not any gravity, simple human hands starting a motion when they put it in the ground. Because of the low gravity it kept going for a little while subtly.
Of course, here for example is NASA's data on the Apollo 15 mission including co-ords I am not suggesting that all the missions have been faked but I do not understand given the number and power of todays optical telescopes why a non-NASA image of the lunar landing sites has never been seen. According to NASA 118 tonnes of junk was left on the moon after all the missions, maybe there are some non-NASA images out there but I have not seen them.
the equipment seen on the photo doesnt look so big, so how close can you look at the moon with your telescopes? Mythbuster however did point a laser to the moon landing side and receive an echo. plus even of there is ngo who have a really good telescopes, do you think they would spend time looking for the moon landing side? i bet they would put thier telescopes into better use, like looking for a new planet.
I actually believe it's fake... Right up to myth busters...yep they could have paid them to prove it? Also, while this info was heard years ago to me, didn't those astronaughts die, I can't remember the circumstances...but seems suspicious... And then 1 one was left-and he confirmed it-probably paid But yes, why can't they do it now??? If they go up there now..I'll drop my point... AND btw, to those thinking "well america would do thier best to cover it"... They are human-they make slip ups!
I think this debate will last as long as there are no more manned lunar missions. Anyone want to volunteer to prove millions of people wrong?
Don't you think the Russians would have told the world if they thought the US didn't actually go. There was a hoax doco. a few years ago with Rumsfeld claiming they had Kubrick film a fake landing. I'm pretty sure every argument that the doubters have was trotted out as the "truth" I heard put forward in this documentary
there is nothing to study about the moon......its just a giant rock floothing in earth's orbit...... If the moon landing is fake, paying the mythbuster to shoot a giant laser to moon landing side.........i really dont know what else to say, south park is right about 1/4th of the american is retarded.
Go ahead and drop your retarded point please, NASA has successfully landed 6 crews of three men on the moon. Also, holy fuck. Okay, this thread still needs to be addressed. Undeniable Proof Fucking 1) There are documented radio transmissions from the moon during the time in which Apollo 11 inhabited the planet. Undeniable Proof Fucking 2) The Apollo 11 left a reflectant material on the surface of the moon that has been looked at and documented time after time. You can see it yourself with adequate hardware. Undeniable Proof Fucking 3) Countless geologists have studied and confirmed rocks brought back to earth from the moon. Undeniable Proof Fucking 4) No credible scientist denies the landing. The reason for this is that these people know what the fuck they are talking about because they are motherfucking scientists. The only people who question this are people who think the government is out to get them (ps - govt. doesn't give a fuck about you) and people who want to feel that their lives are a part of something, so they put hope in some kind of revolutionary conspiracy. Congratulations. /thread
Void, +1 Internetz to you for amusing overuse of the word "Fuck" This isn't a debate anymore, is it? Next thing we know an "Is the earth round or flat?" topic might pop up here. Be on your guard.
No way! The Earth can't be flat did you guys read the link to the post Usoppu posted ! :
@ICE-X You should read their FAQ. I nearly snorted my drink laughing. THE SUN IS A HOT LIGHT, I TELL YOU! A HOT LIGHT!!