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The Metal Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gietz, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    I forgot, Pantera Is a totally awesome Metal band. I'd say most of todays metal got their inspiration from them.
  2. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    'ol alice is making trash metal songs too
  3. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Alice is actually a dick in real life, he doesn't like the song War Pigs by Sabbath because its an anti-war song.
  4. Gietz

    Gietz Well-Known Member

    No. Emo is considered Emo, along with Grindcore, Screamo and the other False Metal Genres. I would never consider Emo to be metal, and poeple who do are complete idiots.
  5. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    I'm just telling you what they call it, like I said, it's rubbish.
  6. einherjar

    einherjar Well-Known Member

    This is my metal Cd list:

    Domine - Horn of Fate (power metal)
    Elvenking - Heathenreel (folk/power metal)
    Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk (symphonic black metal)
    Ayreon - 01011001 (prog metal-like stuff)
    Ayreon - The Human Equation (prog metal-like stuff)
    Ayreon - The Universal Migrator pt. I & II (yes, the same prog metal-like stuff)
    Aina - Days of Rising Doom (power metalopera)
    Avantasia - The Metal Opera Pt.1&2 (power metalopera)
    Avantasia - Lost in Space Pt.1&2 (power metal)
    Avantasia - The Scarecrow (power metal)
    Rebellion - Miklagard: The History of the Vikings pt.II (heavy/power metal)
    Therion - Lemuria (symphonic prog metal)
    Dare - Out of the Silence (soft-rock (grils stuff :/)
    Dragonland - Astronomy (power metal)
    Dragonland - Holy War (power metal)
    Dragonland - Starfall (power metal)
    Alestorm - Captain Morgan's Revenge (pirate metal)
    Turisas - The Varangian Way (battle/viking metal)
    Eluveitie - Spirit (folk metal)
    Eluveitie - Slania (folk metal)
    Empyrium - Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays (ambient metal)
    Empyrium - Weiland (ambient metal)
    Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor (prog/trash/speed metal)
    Axxis - Doom of Destiny (power metal)
    Nocturnal Rites - The 8th Sin (speed/power metal)
    Be'lakor - The Frail Tide (melodic death metal)
    Benedictum - Seasons of Tragedy (prog metal)
    Edguy - Hellfire Club (power metal)
    Lost Horizon - A Flame to the Ground Beneath (f**king cool power metal)
    Heidevolk - De Strijdlust is Geboren (folk metal)
    Jorn - Out to every Nation (metal)
    Nightwish - All Cd's (I'm too lame to type them out ;)
    Raintime - Flies 'n Lies (style-clash metal)
    Amon Amarth - With Oden on Our Side (Viking metal)
    Slipknot - all CD's (industrial/trash meltpot)
    Sonata Arctica - All Cd's (power metal)

    ... And all other stuff I forgot to mention...
  7. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    you do know what metal is considered to has cranged,
    it used to be bands like iron maiden and things like that in the days when they used to do the monsters of metal tours.

    but time has past and they brought in new(nu) metal a scary evil little gremlin thing with its screaming and sub genres and progressive riffs and it frightend all the metalheads who still to this day haven't been able to handle it and are stuck in a time warp.
    anyway the new metal is now metal and metal that was is now old school cheese.

    don't get me wrong i used to listen to the old stuff and every thing people have listed but i got so fed up with it, it was so boring and cheesey and i can't listen to it without laughing.

    i agree but screw the lyrics the way they play and write songs is stupidly technical its awesome and those albums you listed are amazing but even dream theater have turned to a pile of poop since they joined roadrunner and maybe just befor that with octavarium they have lost alot of there progressivness which was what made them.

    there not false metal they are a sub genre just like slayer and metalica anre in a sub genre called thrash metal.
    i'd just like to tell every one that metal is not one thing it is a hole host of sub genres and just because you like one does not mean you have to like them all just because your under the same main title.

    if you sit there having a go at the different types of metal calling them false metal your just as bad as the people that say all metals rubish when they haven't even listened to any of it.

    just to make it clear i'm not having a go at any bands as i have listened to or own nearly every band people have said on here so i'm unbiasd.

    this is my opinion of what metal is these days

    progressive metal

    awesomeness (listen to insomnia)

    again progressive metal, my favorite band (listen to sanguin seas of bigotry)

    please no flaming from listeners of thrash metal be open minded.

    i'd also like to point out that the diffinition of metal is anything with a distorted guitar and heavy bass and drum track so there :-*
  8. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Ehh, I don't hate those types of bands, I just listen to them. I'm extremely picky about music, though. You have to relate to what you're listening to, so rock on regardless if anyone likes it or not.
  9. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i'm not picky i'm very eclectic with my music taste i can listen to just about anything as long as its not punk or R&B
  10. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    well I do not know where you live but here where I live everybody knows what the metal is, was and will be and respect that fact.

    Though I seriously doubt that one can truly get fed up with that "old school cheese" I won't try to change your mind because I know that when it

    comes to music nobody can change your taste other you yourself
  11. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i come form england where metal was born and where all the best bands have ever come from

    i did get fed up with it, i listened to it alot and i've been through a phase of every type of metal apart from grindcore as its just noise but at the moment i'm in to progessive as its not boring as there is so much going on
  12. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    Well currently sitting in Germany where we've got the Wacken festival

    and by the way Grave Digger(german band) is also one of that old bands(around 28 years of music history) and I could never get fed up with them.

    and no that was not a try to persuade you and I also do not wanna read any kind of humiliation towards them other than that you may say what you want.

    then again i probably do not get fed up with the bands i'm listening to because they all are still active and make new albums and unlike

    metallica(st.anger cough... cough..) those albs are quite interessting and keep me going
  13. einherjar

    einherjar Well-Known Member

    Some members of Grave Digger are in Rebellion too... Perhaps you should give that band a try, it really surprised me!

    Btw; do you guys like it too when there's a story in a cd; meaning all the numbers resolve about one theme and are connected?
  14. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    Uwe lulis just ain't the same without uncle reaper

    and about storytelling sometimes I can't avoid it as some particular band I like do that qiute often

    but don't get me wring I don't dislike it as an additional feature

    and I'm cuurently listening to the band named mercenary thanks to the united abominations concert of megadeth
  15. Gietz

    Gietz Well-Known Member

  16. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    a quote from who sounds like its from a retard stuck in the past that can't move on or realize that there are other sounding bands.

    and did you not read what i posted ealier there is no such thing as false metal there are just sub genres and if you think that they are shit thats fine but don't pick holes in them because there is just as much about old style metal that people can take a bash at. and if you have that attitude your just as bad as the small minded twat who sees you wearing all black and calls you a goth to which you reply F off you know nothing.
  17. Gietz

    Gietz Well-Known Member

    But screamo is not metal. It tries to be.

    But, as you said, everyone does get a opinion. :)

    On the note of that quote, that was sent me via email ages ago. Can't remember who sent it.
  18. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    what is your definition of scremo, are you thalking about bands that scream or screamy emo.

    screams are just a more modern beter sound then the old growl and they are all metal still anyway you need to just live with that fact

    in death metal they growl all the time and that sounds far worse then any scream.

    matal has changed you need to live with it and realize that having bands that don't all sound the same is a good thing. you don't have to listed to them just stop crying about it. and if all you can do is point out bad points of music and not find the good points then shut up.

    the sub genres have only come about because they take what was good from bands before them and move on with it making it better or how they want it to sound. and it only gets given a new title to describe the new style under the metal title.

    i agree that some are complete poop and feel disgusted that the bands i like are put in the same box (the metal box) but i live with it as i just don't listen to it
  19. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    I can't stand when people argue over terms and genres. Who cares? Do you feel as if a band you like sharing a genre with some bands you do like is embarrassing or something? I can't find any other reason, other than being blinded by nostalgia, as stated above. I think know Dragonforce is horrid, but I'm not going to say they're not power-metal. Suppose that the debates genres are not metal, even. You've made your point, you don't consider them metal, I probably wouldn't either, but the argument of labeling something is pointless.

    I pointed this out when people were freaking out saying Avatar was anime, or whatever. No, it is not (or it is, who cares). No, it does not matter.


    And on a more relevant note:
    ^Kamelot win!!~
  20. crimsondeath00

    crimsondeath00 Well-Known Member

    I tire of all this talk of genre. Personally for me, there are only two kinds of music: Great music & crappy music.