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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time vs. Twilight Princess.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by CloudBoy101, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I felt windwaker was not a proper Zelda game, the cel shading style just did not suit the franchise.
  2. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    I thought it was something new and fresh....I liked it
    The same boring old formula will only keep you going for so long....

    Besides...it must have done something right, as Phantom Hourglass is a game in the same vein....
  3. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    In my opinion Zelda has been awful since it went 3d
  4. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    So you liked LTTP ?
    (Unless you are a monster and enjoyed that side-scrolling abomination)

    The original Zelda just isn't a great game to play anymore....it hasn't stood the test of time,
    making LTTP the only good pre-3D Zelda....
    Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask were fantastic....
    Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are pretty good games....

    (All opinion of course)

    I completely disagree with your statement....
  5. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Actually I still play the NES and SNES versions of Zelda every so often.
  6. Supasly

    Supasly Guest

    I believe that OoT was way better in story wise because the first part of the game you paly as young link which tells us about his childhood then later as the hero of time battling his way through temples by that point the game has answered many previous questions about link. TP also had its good moments but the plot didn't seem well organised as OoT's plot.
  7. qlum

    qlum Member

    TP i think is better than Oort and many people like Oort more because they where younger than and had played less good games the best thing about Twp is that its much more action and less time not knowing how to do things but the best i think is Windwaker it has a big open see where you can explore many islands and its cartoon stile is much better but its a bit too short
  8. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Twilight Princess was a great game, It had a new battle style that allowed you to attack multiple enemies at once, and it was decent in how many unique dungeons there where. If it only had half the dungeons it has now I wouldn't even bother playing it again. Though at the moment I'm playing it on my friends Wii, I love it!
  9. crimsondeath00

    crimsondeath00 Well-Known Member

    I personally think overall the 2 best Zelda games are Link To The Past & Minish Cap.
  10. big_jake_420

    big_jake_420 Well-Known Member

    Zelda: OoT is the best game ever. period.
  11. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    This, in my mind makes it worse...not better....
    A big part of Zelda games is not knowing how to do things....and figuring it out for yourself
  12. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    I find it funny that you said that. I was playing through Twilight Princess with a friend, and keep in mind we started at the same time. I started to creep ahead of him so any time something came up in a dungeon he couldn't figure out, he'd ask me what to do. This went on for the entire game. He actually beat the game before I did but he totally wouldn't have if I didn't help him through it all. I never understood it, he kicked ass in every other game he'd played except TP :D
  13. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    I HATED Minish Cap. i still do, I Find it so Boring. What is so good about a gay Hate that sucks on Links Head to make link become as tiny as an Ant, you would think that link must always be in trouble getting Chased by ants and Bactiria and stuff. i just hated the game.

    but Link to the Past was realy good, the Version i had was 2games in 1, i could play Link to the past and the 4 Swords, this was realy realy Good.
  14. crimsondeath00

    crimsondeath00 Well-Known Member

    The Minish Cap is an incredible game. It was actually interesting shrinking down and seeing puddles turn into rivers. It shows that Zelda games can change while still remaining as good as ever.
  15. kaj1992

    kaj1992 Member

    definately twilight princess, i have played twilight for my wii and i have played OoT on an emulator for my PC, but I think that the game is pretty boring although i like the way the ocarina is used for puzzles and access to dungeons. But twilight left me alot more satisfied as the game felt bigger, and the dungeons were more challenging. also i loved link having snowboard races with yeti and yeta, and the poe souls give the user a substitute for collecting gold skultulas aswell as the insect collecting. I also think that the fishing system on twilight was awsome, and as me and my dad like fishing, i obviously loved this (im gonna get that fishing game that is out for the wii) so Twilight would be my choice on what would be best
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you collected poe souls in OoT as well...
  17. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Actually I think thats the only part I haven't finished on the game...... Now I must make it my duty to finished that part ;D
  18. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's reasonably hard to shoot them with an arrow while on a horse :p I managed to get them all though.
  19. Biokinton

    Biokinton New Member

    Ocarina of Time is infinitely better than TP. TP was too short, too easy, too linear, not enough side quests, had very few necessary NPCS, no instuments (the horse call is most certainly not an instrument), and was far too easy.

    I actually enjoy Wind Waker the most. Saying its cel-shading style disqualifies it is like saying Ocarina of Time's pre-rendered graphics disqulifie it, as all previous games were 2D.

    I haven't collected all the poe souls in TP or OoT.
  20. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    I've been playing OoT on the GameCube a lot since I have no computer. Anyways, I finally got all the Big Poes!!!! Muhahaha!!! I need one more Piece of Heart and I've beaten the entire game all the way through.... well, I've collected 50 Skulltula's, but you need 100 to save the father or whoever the person in the middle of the House of Skulltulas is, so, ALOMST %100 finished!!!