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The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time, DS game ever be possible

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by rootwo62, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    ?!?! It reduces the file's size so the game would be ''shorten''. It would be easier for the DS to read it.
    ?!?! N64 packs cannot hold 512 MB, the biggest I ever seen is 100 MB. The biggest size for a DS card (official Nintendo one) is 256 MB.
  2. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Sooo... You basically kinda pointed out how stupid you are. DS games can be much bigger than any N64 game, so "How on earth would making the game shorter help?".
    And notice eyeball said "512Mb" not "512 MB".
    Yes, YoshiFlip, I'm talking to you.
  3. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Who, I?
  4. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    I think DS could handle polygons.
    But it could work the touch screen into a solution in the controls.

    Yoshi, read a bit more carefully and you'll be understood.
    Don't jump to conclusions instantly.

    There is no need to continue on the topic of what sizes the cartridges have, but the main thing is that the DS would probably have a bigger filesize due to conversion and what not (Graphics, Models, New Features, Differences between the N64 and DS, etc.)

    Remember people. This is Nintendo and they aren't all morons.
    They aren't going to ruin one of their best games. If they actually do make one, they will make it work.
    If they fail, they probably won't sell it.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Just for that point (yes the other was obvious).

    They made those BEFORE the virtual console, the games there are far cheaper to buy/make.

    WTF would I pay $69.95 for a ds cart when I can download it from the virtual console on the wii for approx $15?

    They would need to put ALOT into making it worth while, plus the point of the virtual console is so people can relive classic gaming, they won't let us even download this game on the dsi shop for crying out loud...

    In other words-cost.

    And seeing as I paid (basically) $200 on zelda orcarina of time (had to look on ebay for both zelda collector's edition and the wind walker with the bonus disc...) I think if I had of know about the virtual console versions, I would have got those instead, every game I wanted is on virtual console, at most I could spend roughly...$50 for every game in the series in one transaction.
  6. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Well...i agree.But what if they simplified it with a few "command mooves" with the stylus? You know... you want to do a certain ability,you must make a gesture to bring it up or something.The aiming and sword-play could be done with the stylus quite well in my opinion... i never played N64 games since i didnt own N64,so maybe that's why i dont see such a big deal about controls.Excuse my ignorance,but how hard could it be to play it with the stylus or using the D-pad combined with touch-screen virtual buttons ?

    Cheers,thanks for your (future) answers ;)
  7. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    @hYpNoS and MindFever: That is from October, did you know?

    Post Merge: [time]1262112831[/time]

    Everyone (on the WHOLE forum) threats me (except hYpNoS) as he/she is my mom, I GET SICK OF IT! I may be 10, but I already have a mom. PLEASE STOP WITH IT!!!!!
  8. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    The primary difficulty in figuring out controls for Ocarina lies in the C buttons. You could equip 3 items at once using C Down, Left, and Right. It's possible for the stylus to be used for some actions, but when we're dealing with a classic game like Ocarina, it's important that you don't alienate the fans who played it when it first hit the scene. I don't remember if I posted a sample control scheme earlier in the topic or not, but the game could easily be worked by just removing one of the item buttons, since you never need to use more than 2 items in tandem (those two being the Lens of Truth and the Fairy Bow).

    Unfortunately, I only see the touch screen being useful for decluttering the main screen. That is, using the touch screen for the map and whatnot. It's difficult to come up with any other use for it that won't turn gamers off to the remake.
  9. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Meaby using the touchscreen for it?
  10. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Oh i see...also the Fairy Bow sounds so ... funny :D

    Anyway, what if like i said, there would be additional buttons on the touch screen ? You know,like using New Super Mario Bros. powerups when you have them in "stock" ,so to speak... I assume you played the game extensively (Zelda on N64 i mean).So basicaly,you think it could work on the DSi ?

    If you ask me, the possible port. of Ocarina of Time should be done for the DSi only,since the DSi in the "DSiMode" can handle twice as much regarding "horse power" than the DSLite can.It would suck though,that the DSLite users couldnt play ... but such is life.I cant play Final Fantasy 6 on my DSi. Yes,it is a sorry excuse ,but it is just a thought ... Nintendo is not interested in smart mooves anyway - hey,maybe they will do what i said then! ha :D (just kidding)
  11. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    First off, making the port on the DSi would be a good idea, actually. It'd allow it to reach closer to the real game's actual draw distance and give the dev team more power to play around with to add extras.

    As far as the touch screen goes... I could see dragging item icons to the two item buttons to equip them, and a button to go first person (which would be controlled via touch screen for aiming weapons, much like an FPS). It's important, however, that both methods of control are present (or at least an option).
    Post Merge: [time]1262208189[/time]
    Pokémon Stadium 2 is 64MB unzipped.
  12. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    I vote we collectively blank YoshiFlip. All his posts are of no worth, and only cause arguments. Who agrees? Do you think I'm being overly harsh?
  13. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    I think you should keep it to yourself. There's no need to bring public attention to someone's conduct just because you don't like them. Grow up.
  14. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    You gave me another piece of feeling: SADNESS... *Sniff* I already got, everyone hates me... I think I'm gonna stop someday with RomU.
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  15. poonotron

    poonotron Member

    stop instantly jumpin to conclusions then.
  16. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    indeed... but maybe he/she could learn to verify his/her "hunches" before making a conclusion.Im willing to give him/her a 2nd chance or a retry,so to speak ;) Are you with me or what? (now,that's what you call diplomacy... :D )
  17. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Ok, maybe I was a bit harsh, but the problem is that all his posts cause arguments and tension.
    It's not because I don't like him. I just think this thread would go a lot better if his posts were ignored. It's nothing to do with any childish vendetta.
    Anyway, sorry for going off topic. And sorry if I upset or offended anyone.
  18. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    I wasnt offended.Everyone is responsible for his/her own feelings (most of the time).

    Well,the argument because you dont like a person you must NOT question his/her conduct ... doesnt seem logical.Why not ? questioning a person's conduct doesn't proove anything withouth the support of facts though.

    Also i think objectivity should be the main issue here. (if anyone CAN be objective regarding Zelda on the DS/DSi ... lol,i know i dont want to be,since i would love to play this game on my portable - i havent played the game in question ,yet)
  19. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    My point with the comment was that I noticed some of the people in the topic were taking their arguments too far regarding Yoshi and extending them to judge his character, when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. It doesn't matter what he or she has done in other topics; what matters is what's in this topic.

    That's all.

    Anyways, is there anything else that can be said about the topic? I can't think of much. It's just an idea in the sky that _could_ happen, but probably won't due to the level of effort required and the fact that no Zelda has ever been remade and hit US shores. BS Zelda never hit America, and Master Quest was an expansion to OoT through the 64 Disk Drive, codenamed "Ura Zelda".
  20. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ..Didn't anyone read about the cost factor?

    If the wii came out before super mario 64DS, it wouldn't have came to the ds...well it might have just as a tech demo.
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    Yoshi used to be alot worse...I tried to educate him since he posted in all topics I went to look at :(

    He's only young so go easy on him guys :)

    ...and as for my opnions, I'm being realistic, of course the ds could handle this awsome game, but if it's realitic for nintendo to do so is an entirly different matter.