I have never ran into anyone who has made Homebrew that charges for it. Especially for the Wii. And the others cost money because it takes a hardware replacement or addition to the system and that is how they make money. I have never heard of DaX making money off of the PSP scene or Normatt for AKAIO or Hermes or Waninkoko or anyone else for that matter. Only Team Xecutor and other flashcart/modchip teams. And as for the flashcart makers having websites, they don't sell them directly. They'd have to put a return address and that industry is usually kept under wraps from anybody outside of the industry. One of the GMs/Admins from GBATemp...I think Costello?...went over and interviewed someone from the flashcart industry. He wasn't even allowed in a factory where they make them..or even aware where one may be. EDIT! Forgot to mention that there is a way to run homebrew on the DSi apparently without a flashcart that I read about a while ago. I didn't want to because it is in the early stages and it was most likely going to brick my DSi and it wasn't worth it. Plus, the camera wasn't unlocked at all either. =\ And the makers of that aren't making any money off of it.
But he must at least make some or he would have shut it down/ask for donations a long time ago. That or he have buckets of money to spare. Still! Websites are pretty profitable, I think. I once saw a bunch of webby owners discussing their income, and the average seems to be 400$+, with one guy claiming he made more than a thousand a month. It's a lot of work, but it's not too bad a deal. Don't forget fame. Most hackers I see seem to be in more for the online fame than out of the kindness of their heart/profit.
RomUlation's income in its hayday was thousands of dollars a month, but then the site also cost thousands of dollars a month to run. So it evened out.
Just checked ShopTemp, doesn't seem like anything's out of stock... Was thinking of getting an Acekard or something from there, but if this is true then I don't know what I'll do.
I just proceeded to the checkout with an AK2i, which is supposed to be "Out of Stock", but it's not...
Yeah.They were that stupid,the wife ordered something for me,then 2 minutes later she ordered something else and they sent it in separate jiffy bags. It was also funny how people moaned about the delivery times,then they find out other places are worse.