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the DS games crap has to stop

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by lugia543, Apr 14, 2010.


The latest games for the DS is HORSE CRAP!

  1. Totally agree

    0 vote(s)
  2. Well it's not THAT bad.

    0 vote(s)
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  1. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    yeah those games are for kids... don't blame romulation they do what they can... is no one fault that those kids were releases these days... wait for the good ones on the following months.
  2. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    you expressed my anger over nintendo's pet games in many ways I could not explain. The ds is capable of many great titles but nintendo thinks it like shit and releases 2 hour long games
  3. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure Nintendo just licenses most of the pet games and not shoves it down the throats of innocent gamers...
  4. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

  5. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    MessoMesso's right; Nintendo just hands out licenses to paying developers. They are not directly responsible for the content or quality of the games that are published for their platforms. I assume there's a nominal "does it work and not crash?" quality assurance, but it's most likely expedited to ensure games don't get held up in a phase that should've been done by the developer and publisher in the first place.

    If Nintendo didn't develop or publish it, they are not responsible for it. Do you blame Sony for the crappy games that appeared on the PS2 or 3? Of course not; they just licensed the games. Get your head out of your ass, kid.
  6. dwago

    dwago Active Member

    So you are saying that Pokemon is a good game? The only Pokemon i can still play is Pokemon Blue and i even own the cartridge ;)
  7. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Re: FAIL topic

    How do you think the SCENE feels about these kind of noobs?

    And yet people played arcade games like Killer Instinct on a D-Pad when it hit SNES just fine, it might not be that far off for all we know.

    You must not know many games, then :\

    see xelados' post, above.(or below)

    Hai, Dr. DRM (or should it be Dr. ANTI-DRM?):p

    As for RomU 'not putting out', who do you think supplies the roms that RomU puts up for ungrateful kids like you? The SCENE, the ROM SCENE that hides in ur innernets, poised and ready to stricke...or take a vacation, as most NORMAL human beings do. Though, I think they could've said "Gone to visit Iceland(vacation!)".
    YES, there's shovelware, YES, most of it's not good, YES, it sucks, NO it's never going to stop, not unless people WISE UP AND STOP BUYING GARBAGE 'GAMES'!

    ...long quote-fest is long.
  8. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    :clearly out of topic:

    What's up with the title? You know when you check it out on the main site?

    "FAIL Topic"

    >returns to normal when I'm logged in
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    There is but one response to this entire thread.

  10. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    mom and dad? not sharing his PSP and laptop?

    yeah, TS is a spoiled brat.
  11. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Once again the guy with the headphones avatar gives a glorious 4 words to sum up the post.
  12. cherjohn

    cherjohn Member

    This is a service that beifits all ds users, not just yourself. If you dont like the game then move on, or better yet dont cloud up the forums with useless complaining. It's more of a common sense issue than anything else. For example if you a guy then don't download Hello Kitty roms, find what interest you and be done with it.
  13. Arron_zero

    Arron_zero Well-Known Member

    Erm...sorry to ask but, what does that four letter word mean? o_O
  14. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    Ya know you can always grab other gaming systems.DS isn't exactly the only one on the market.
  15. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    If you don't like a game, don't download it.
  16. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Everything sums up to "Hes an immature, spoilt boy"
  17. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    This topic has gone to hell and your still ranting?

    [me=hYpNoS]detects a failed topic still in progress of self destruction[/me]
  19. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Please go play Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey right now.
  20. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Then play some old games.
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