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The big Nintendo 3DS roms and emulation discussion thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by athemoe, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. 9lucario9

    9lucario9 Well-Known Member

    Isn't is taking the hackers long to hack the 3DS and stuff?
  2. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Over expectancy is something you should avoid practicing. It took the DS years to be hacked to the point that it is now. I think people fail to remember that.
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    In order to make or work with a 3DS the 3DS firmware would have to be dumped, I am supprised by now they has bean no attempt on a development to get the bios/firmware to run first, but this can also like sed take a few years to complete fully working games.

    What like RandomRedMage mentioned !.
  4. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    It'll happen, just not anytime soon
  5. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    the only way i would use a 3ds card on my 3ds all the time is if hackers found a way to unbrick the system like the psps if they didi that id download all my games
  6. luneth23

    luneth23 Active Member

    Ha! There goes Nintendo...hopefully by the end of the year, more 3DS roms are to come, and a card to play with.
  7. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    i doubt it sure theres 3 out now but i dont think it will be possible hackers are good but sooner or later they will get copped
  8. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    I'm sure team Acekard, and the others are hard at work looking for a way to get a card to run on the 3DS in 3Ds Mode. From the console side of things though, it seems it may be a little tricky. And when and IF it is made, I have the feeling that the 3DS flash card will be a Card that ONLY runs 3DS games and homebrew. though proper homebrew is a long way off...

    On the plus side however the internal componants of the 3DS cart and the DS/DSi cart are essentialy the same. So there should be little real issue at that level.

    As for a CFW... I just don't see it happening. The more I think about it the more obvious it is to me, that if a CFW on the 3DS would happen, it would have already happened with the DSi. But from what I remember there was a lot blocking that from happening.
  9. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    What makes you think there will even be a flash cart? With the anticipated size of the games and the current cost of memory, but that may not be the best choice. Who is going to spend $80 or $90 on a 3DS flash cart after how cheap DS flash carts were? And of course it will be tricky. It's a new console, new types of encryption all over the board that have to be broken on every little piece, etc.

    Yeahhhh, no. Looking similar =/= being the same.

    You do realize that DSi hacking was barely worked on, right? There were barely any dedicated teams that even knew what they were looking for, and even then, the effort wasn't strong. The main reason is because the only thing to get out of it would be DSi mode, which quite frankly, was shitty and nobody cared about. There are basically no worthwhile reasons to even bother trying to hack the DSi. Regardless, don't look to the past for what may come in the future. CFW is a strong possibility, and I would be happy as hell to cut out the Chinese middleman.
  10. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    i thought i was the only wiccan on here a small world huh red mage?
  11. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    @Nathan Drake, What makes me think there will be a flash cart? Not a damn thing. But then again you have to take into account that, working on =/= there will be. Opinion is exactly that, my thoughts. And yes I understand that there are new hurdles in the way of making a flashcart for the 3DS.

    If I remember right, some of the first slot-1 DS flash carts were pretty damn pricey. So seeing a first generation 3DS flash cart with a price tag in the $50+ range wouldn't be too far out there. As for the size of 3DS games, they are not really that big. High quality models and such on the games isnt making them much bigger than the games the DS had. The cost of memory is going down each year, so projected timeframe... say 3 years from now would be about the earliest I think I would expect a card to be released if at all. By then 8 gig Micro SD cards would be around the same price as 4 gigs are now most likely. Possibly only a few bucks more. [this is all USD based btw]

    However on that note, The average PSP game is 600+ MB with some reaching out to the 1500MB zone. Memory Stick Pro Duo are far from inexpensive, though the PSP has CFW on its side, your roughly paying the same between the PSP and the 3DS [projected costs mind you]

    As for my comment on the simmilarity between the 3DS and DS cart. That much has been made clear to me by the release of an updated software for OLD hardware meant for backing up save games off of DS carts. The updated software allowed that old hardware to take backups of the save games on 3DS titles such as Zelda:OOT and DoA:D. The internals of the 3DS card can't be far different, in regards to basic functionality. Otherwise a new hardware solution would have been necessary for backups rather than just software.

    I agree there wasn't a strong forefront working to unlock DSi mode, but at the same time there has been a sad decline in the Homebrew scene for DS as well. DSi mode would have been a fantastic thing for Homebrew Devs, not so much for the basic game playing community, like one sch as yourself, and yes I am taking liberties with that statement since your argument against this seems to be solely based on how "shitty" DSi mode is. However there were some actual design choices Nintendo took with the DSi that got in the way of CFW for the device. Mainly blocking of writing to the nand flash memory in most cases. [the one exception obviously being during a system update.]

    Now, next time please, make sure before you bash another persons opinion and thoughts that you bring some facts and statistics to back you up, and not just opinionated "because it was shitty" statements.

    @hirokaski Yea, I'm Pagan through and through. though I don't often get much time to practice, I did have a large group that I was part of when I lived in Georgia.
  12. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    But your opinions are as shitty and opinionated as the opinions are of anybody else. You pretty much voided your entire argument thus far with that statement.

    You would have been better off saying that you were making it up as you go or something. I was also pretty damn respectful with that post. I don't think you realize what my general posts look like. You should feel yourself blessed that I didn't belittle you as much as possible.
  13. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    Intelligent observation/speculation VS "It's Shitty"

    Clearly I have the upper hand here. As for your level of respect, the moment you start throwing a curse word, you lose all credibility as a person with something worth listening too. So please do not walk around with your head held high, because your opinion is worth no more than my own. Regardless of how "shitty" you think it may be.

    In case it wasn't obvious, I don't actually care what your "general" posts look like, and I have no feelings of being blessed by your decision to not "belittle" me as much as possible. Because to me your nothing more than another nameless faceless forum follower with too little to add but so much to say.

    It's a discussion thread, about a topic that has yet to really develop, thus we are left with speculation, speculation is a combination of opinion and fact, with a lot of guesswork. Next time, why not add to the discussion rather than just trying to bash another persons thoughts? Or is having your own speculations on the topic too much to ask? If so, perhaps you should be lurking rather than posting.
  14. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    it may happen but the chance for it to carry on working with nintendo combating piracy will be a real kick in the ass for the ppl who are too cheap to buy a second hand game in my opinion its cheapeer to get it second hand or borrorw it off a mate
  15. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Dude, are you fucking retarded? And I'm talking mentally, like downs syndrome, trisomy 21 retarded. You have the "upperhand" on the internet? Good lord, your e-penis must be six miles long and about 10 miles wide. By the by, I've tl;dr'd the hell out of your last two posts for sounding like a hardcore internet doucher. Let me drop some hard facts on you since you are so hindered in the aspect of understanding.

    - Being able to dump saves with a same device? Big woop. It is more likely to mean that the way the save is stored on the cart is similar than the actual physical structure and components of the cart being the same. Is that hard to comprehend? Or are you going to keep pushing that point that you obviously know nothing about. Observation isn't knowledge. You should make a real attempt to learn something.

    - Nobody knows jack shit regarding the 3DS yet except for maybe a small handful of people. Certainly the people that really know how to get into the machine won't be the flash cart manufactures. Most of them are just Chinese groups of one sort or another that took the exploits created by another and modified it all for their own. The underground hacking groups are the ones that know what they're doing, not the shit, generic Chinese flash cart manufactures.

    - The DSi was worthless in terms of hacking possibilities. What there was to exploit wasn't even worth the effort. That isn't observation, that has been stated multiple times by many people in many different places. There were no benefits to hacking it that really made the time worth wasting. I'm surprised something even came out with the ability to enter DSi mode. Not like it's that great, but it's something. Notice how nobody else has bothered even though DSi mode apparently isn't incredibly hard to crack. Nobody cares. Nobody. Zip. Zilch.

    - There is no saying there will be no flash carts. There is no saying there won't be CFW. Different encryption methods are used all over the system for every different part. A flash cart may not prove viable due to shit read speeds between the flash cart and the system. A direction system interface may be needed in order to run 3DS specific homebrew, maybe even 3DS ROM's. Regardless, it took about six years for flash carts to get where they are now on the DS. Trying to say you know jack shit this early when you aren't even the one working on the system is laughable at best.

    There you go. Now you sound like an even bigger prick than you come across as.

    Good day.

    By the way, I curse just because I do. It's a part of who I am. I'm not gonna clean up who I am to appease you.
  16. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    are you always this much of a douche nathan roms are ok but the 3ds i have actually read up on took one apart and found out alot but by the way it sounds your just being childish as you dont know much yourself so you sue words people you hope people will get upset over to make yourself look hard when your probally just some overwheight loser that sits in his mothers basement watching porn thinking how miserable and pathetic you are
    Post Merge: [time]1313725588[/time]
    also last time i checked i thought this was a rom site not the fucking jeremy kyle show man what a loser
  17. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Reasons you are wrong (again - do I need to follow you around?):

    - Your grammar is deplorable. You couldn't make it more obvious that you're a child that will likely hate yourself later in life.

    - Believe it or not, taking apart a 3DS is not figuring out how to break the encryption around every little bit. That part isn't physical. You can poke and prod the innards of the 3DS as long as you want, it won't make a lick of difference until you know it from a digital standpoint just as well as the physical.

    - I know plenty. I keep up. In all honesty, there isn't much to know right now. Everybody is bitching over speculation and trying to write off theirs as hard fact. I only talk about what I do know. Speculation is pointless. I would rather wait to see what comes rather than guess it all out. At this point, anything with the 3DS is possible, and I'm not going to treat it any differently. My personal feelings that a flash cart is unlikely is for a couple of reasons, but that doesn't mean I'm denying the possibility of one.

    - I'm actually in shape. Thanks for trying though.

    - There's no basement here.

    - I don't currently live with my Mom.

    - I watch porn wherever I please. There are many ways to make it mobile.

    - This site hasn't been anything really since the ESA debacle. There is barely a reason to go by the ROM section on the main site anymore. Regardless, that point is invalid as a whole. This is simply a forum connected to the main site. What happens on it doesn't need to always reflect the main site directly.

    - lol calling me a loser online. I'm a cynical bastard. Get it right.
  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Go to your room you three.
  19. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    If you insist, I'll go to your room.
  20. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I'm okay with this.