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The Best Sword in Anime

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by DerikkuKun, Aug 24, 2007.

  1. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

  2. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    a naginata ain't a real sword :p
  3. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    But still, its big
  4. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    A naginata is not even a sword. Its a spear with asickle like end.
  5. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Holy crap. Now if only it were made of real metal and real humans could really hold it.
  6. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    in terms of looks

  7. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    That one is mentioned wayyyyy too much. :-\

    A claymore sword from the same named anime: Claymore.
  8. wolfshark

    wolfshark Active Member

  9. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member


    Merodach: The Original Sin (原罪 Genzai?)
    Type: Anti-Unit.
    A relatively unadorned but lustrous Noble Phantasm of immense magical power. Merodach is the source for the legendary evil sword Gram of Norse mythology, also known as Balmung in the Nibelungenlied and Nothung in Richard Wagner's Ring Cycle, which was brandished by Sigurd of the Völsunga saga who withdrew the weapon from a tree. In turn, Caliburn, the golden sword pulled out of a stone by King Arthur, was constructed from the schematic of Gram. Although not famous at all when compared to either of its descendants, the strength of Merodach as a Noble Phantasm exceeds either Gram or Caliburn. The name of this sword honors the chief god of the ancient Sumerians and patron deity of Babylon, Merodach.


    Durendal: The Unparalleled Famous Sword
    Type: Anti-Unit.
    This gleaming, holy sword is enchanted by three miracles, allowing its blade to never dull even when its user's Mana has been expended. Old legends call Durendal indestructible, and claim it was once wielded by Hector of Troy, a skilled lancer who fought in Homer's Iliad. Later, this sword became famous as the weapon gifted to the renowned paladin Roland by the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne, who had originally received the blade from a seraph.
  10. hmm, its a tough decision, has to be based on several things if your going for overall best sword, because you can rate swords on well...design, effectiveness, weight, is it realistic, etc....
    so my top five would have to be as follows

    5. Link's Sword = Reasons = A classic sword, easily wield as it has a common sword design, straight edged, fairly light, and highly effective spanning across almost 20 years now.

    4. Rurouni Kenshin's Sword (Sakabato) = Reasons = Although it has very few distinguishing features, the important one is that it is reversed edged, look up sakabato in google if you dont know what that means, in Vol. 28 of RK, Yahiko has a problem wielding it because of its weight, but he isnt strong, the sword probably weighing around 20 kg.

    3. Cloud Strife's Sword = Reasons = There are so many reasons for it not to be up here, i.e. its freakishly high weight and size, aside from its blunt edge, making it very unrealistic for a sword, its just too famous and come on, who doesn't dream of wielding it just once...

    2. Aoshi's Sword = Reasons = It isnt exactly a famous sword, nor would many have the training required to wield it. The sheer technique available and the fact that you could catch the enemy off guard with two swords in one sheath is pretty impressive

    Before I say #1, there are swords Im sure people will put up as the best sword, but I just cant place them in my top five, most of the time for different reasons, but all the same in general. So I'll just brush over a few I thought worth mentioning

    Ichigo's Sword, Although a fan favourite of bleach fans, doesnt really strike me as reliable, or strong for that matter, nor is it very memorable.

    That dude from one-piece, whatshisname with the sword in his mouth, I mean thats cool I guess for novelty effect, but who can seriously wield a sword in their mouth? no one, thats who.

    and the number one sword is...

    1. Twin Blades of Azzinoth = Reasons = Alright, Im sure I'll get a lot of heat for this but...seriously, if you had these swords, no one, not even the retards in the back, would be stupid enough to pick a fight with you....now...I know these blades would be impossible to get in real life, and there'd be no way anyone can wield them except for the blades current owner, and Im sure the swords weigh at least 75 kg's each, and their massive size....but have you seen them, I MEAN HOLY SH*T, I dont care if a nerd who looks like he'd fall over just touching them, I would stay away from this pair of bad ass weapons unless they were in my hands.
  11. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The guy with the sword from One Piece is Roronoa Zolo or Zoro.
  12. zoro....theres an original name :p
    meh, thanks tho, just not a big one piece fan, what with the gum drops or whatever, and the shark men....reindeer that can talk...need I say more
    anyway, I stick to my above ranks
  13. Exrael

    Exrael Member

    Guts's Dragonslayer Sword, hands down!

    Well... either that or Zoro's Sandai Kitetsu, I believe it was. :D
  14. tigerleon

    tigerleon New Member

    i.. for myself agree with the people who liked ichigos bankai
    and kuchiki
    out of nowhere... buh woh about zolo-sentyoruu-three sword style-onepeice
    love onepiece :D
  15. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    I think that Cloud's swords in adventchildren are cool
  16. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

  17. tbsboy

    tbsboy Member

    I'd have to say that for me it's a tie between Archer's Kansho and Bakuya (Fate/Stay Night) and Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni's Ryujin Jakka (Bleach).
  18. Pantera

    Pantera Active Member

    "The Black Blade", of Elric. Oh wait that is literature not anime...
  19. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    the grass long sword or Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi(天叢雲剣, "Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven") is the best sword that i know of its also a part of Japanese mythology, it seems like most parts of naruto has some relation to Japanese mythology, and it also a japanese secret item (the sword)
  20. xXbladeZz

    xXbladeZz Member

    Aizen's blade is also cool, i mean his shikai he hasn't used bankai yet.
    It causes total hypnosis to the one who sees it realease.