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Tha Weed

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by doughboy, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    That sounded so selfish dude, governement don't think only in a certain kind of people, well some times they just care about the richies, that is the most big amount of drug users here, not the poor people.
    Imagine if we legalize something that will make bad things to you and say "If you can't handle it, then you'll die" and don't just care about it?
    This don't work like that dude, think bigger.
    I see now whatchu mean, that true, when the usage of it doesn't affect surrounding people, I see no problemo with it, but when it go out of control as with many teenagers, the thing ain't gonna be nice if you know what I mean...
    Orale mexican guy you ain't the only south side there I'm latin american too ^^
    I'm brazilian but I know spañol too, due that our language is kinda similar.
  2. basho1213

    basho1213 Well-Known Member


  3. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    very true.
    se pasa de verga basho1213, no mira las consequencias de esta situacion (cree que el dinero es lo mas importante), nomas piensa en si mismo, o opta por ellos nomas porque oye que la marijuana es algo pasivo entre amigos, yo la e fumado, pero tengo control
    Stop watching World of Warcraft videos and other war shit, this is not the middle ages.
    Survival of the fittest he? I think you have been watching too many, 'man for himself' movies.
    Lets say your brother or someone you care about did drugs, so if he can't 'hang', then fuck it, let him die?
    The money benefits are good, but you are only thinking about yourself and how it affects you as an indiviual, you must see past yourself and the millions of people on earth and their beliefs, views, influences, attitudes etc....
    This isn't some National Geographic Special either.
    We are rational people, we are not cavemen or jungle cats after a meal.
    hitler+saw+every other 'man for himself movie' = basho1213
    http://translate.google.com/# ...figure out what this is for...or use another translator cause this one sorta says the wrong thing...
  4. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    I really don't go waste my time replyeing him Mexican Guy, I sugest you do same, it doesn't worth, we're taking it to a debate and share thoughts, however he, instead is just throwing some shit on us.
    So if we say that "survival of the fittest", it's funny...
    Here the users of Mary Jane (a.k.a. marijuana) don't stand to longer, due to their addict, they lost family as resort and back up, and they don't go have job, so they have a debt with the dealers, so they die for not paying that debt, or go rob, but failure and get killed in the middle of the process, or rob and go out alive but the cops capture and send the person to the can, there he will try steal others to have money to afford the drug, and will get caught and killed.
    So in that way, many users will die, that'd be a "good" thing, however it doesn't work like that, we gotta think with our HEAD and think about others, if the decisions will and how will affect the others.
  5. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Yeah i know, that was my last response to him...
    But yeah, it has both good and bad [mostly bad if you think about it], but we (the people) are not ready...
    A kind though...
    I do hope though, that if the whole human race moves into space, we leave him behind, so that he can sodomize with that guy from twilight, and wrestle some animals for his meals......survival of the fittest, right... :D
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I have to stop you there, what the fuck. You're bringing it to the extreme dude, no one's that seriously addicted to marijuana, most likely, if someone wants to kill for marijuana, then they most likely want to sell it or take something else too.

    What you've just said describes meth users or stuff that you can get seriously addicted to. Marijuana is not one of these things. Marijuana in terms of addiction is exactly the same as any other habit forming hobby, if you're addicted, it's because you think you're depended on it, to which marijuana can be replaced by something else like the internet, video games, or whatever habits may form.

    Alcohol has the same effect, alcohol makes you 'drunk' but it isn't at all different from being high.

    Oh hey, I was 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and I've smoked marijuana for all these years, look how I turned out, huh? I've never touched a hard drug in my life too.

    And no one has given me a single reason as to why alcohol is legal, yet marijuana isn't. Honestly, you guys think that good minded adults (as it won't be available to minors) would go out and try harder drugs, especially since most of them won't touch weed because it's illegal? No matter what you're going to do if a teen wants something, there's always a channel to get it, be it marijuana or something else, they will get it.

    Legalizing marijuana will free up prison space for people who actually deserve it, it will start up jobs, it'll have similar laws to alcohol/cigarettes, and generate money, you guys are only caring for the demographic that isn't supposed to acquire it in the first place and you guys are thinking that most teens are irresponsible and do not have any sort of self control.

    Weed's high does not have the same effects as being drunk, when you're drunk, you're more likely to do dangerous things, getting high on weed is the opposite, how do I know? I've been drunk and high before and I've seen people drunk and high, the drunk ones do the stupid shit and the high people do nothing besides chill and question what they were doing two seconds ago.

    Again, alcohol is much more dangerous for the person drinking and the person around them, why is it legal, yet weed illegal?

    Also, as this topic is going, California's taking it's first steps into legalizing marijuana. They've made it so, if they catch you with marijuana, you'll be getting a fine instead of going to court and going to prison. That and the vote for legalizing it, more people are in favor for legalization.
  7. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    I don't go either way, but I can see if weed is legalized, then the heroine addicts will want it legalized too, so will the cocaine addicts. I smoked the stuff, never had issues with it. Don't smoke it now, mainly 'cause I can't, but it grows naturally. It's not a synthetic man made drug, it's not like these stimulants they give kids(I.E. Adderall and Ritalin), and it doesn't have a true physiological need like an opiate painkiller would do to you. Truth is I've been off and on painkillers since I was 4 years old for anti-tussive purposes, and if my lungs weren't being destroyed by tumors, then I'd spark a blunt now. But even if they don't legalize it fully, they do need to get it off of schedule I in the US. It's not Flunitrazepam, or Diacetylmorphine.
    It shouldn't be up there with those high potency type drugs.
  8. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    i never said that they would try stronger drugs, it leaves some curiosity to some poeple (times that by millions and what do you have :p).
    if you haven't read everything before you left, please read so you can better understand what we were arguing about.
    good luck either way, you seem to have basho's mentality... ::)
    I mean, like I said, if you want to get drunk or high its your choice, based on your views and experiences.
  9. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    This point makes absolutely no sense. If they won't try stronger drugs, but leave them curious, then they won't try them, as you just said. There's no harm in being curious when you won't actually do it. Being drunk does the same thing as being high, in terms of curiosity.

    You also seem to think that being curious is a horrible thing. If I were to share his 'mentality' I would be saying that the people going to harder drugs should die.

    I did read all your guys' posts, in between the broken grammar and stuff that doesn't make sense because of it, you guys are repeating the same thing.
  10. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    i need some sleep, talk tomorrow if you like
  11. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Its not exactly the same, weed gets you high and changes what your brain is doing.
    You are right in saying its addictive in the same way, but its more so because of the effects it has. I would put it a small step up from a non drug habit.
  12. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    Natalie I invite you to come in my country, just for a month and you'll see what I mean.
    As I said in a previous post of mine, I dunno how is out there in your countries, so I say what is happening here and why it can't go right here.
    The "Source" you find in internet isn't as good as the face-to-face, as example, a person can't talk about war if he/she hasn't been in one yet. I'm not saying that you dunno shit, what I'm saying is that you shoulda face it here to see how things work here.
    Maybe what I say don't apply to you, but to the people here yes.
    And as you say that marijuana is so "harmless" and doesn't affect the people, I must say that it doesn't apply for most people, marijuana does affect the person's judgement.
    It's not same as internet and games, please. It make you do what in sanity you woudn't never do. (Yes I've seen this on live)
    If this post does left any doubt, feel free to ask, I'll try to explain the better I can.
  13. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Playing video games changes what your brain is doing, not in the same way as smoking does, but it does change what your brain is normally doing. It's the same with anything you like doing.

    How about you explain it better, because this post is only saying "it's bad because of the situation here" to which you haven't explained.

    Yes, marijuana effects your judgment, but alcohol does the same thing, and it's legal. It also effects your judgment in a less dangerous light than alcohol. As I mentioned before, alcohol takes away inhibitions and you feel like you can do anything by the time you're drunk. Getting high on weed does not have this effect.

    Also, when the prohibition with alcohol took place in the Americas, the Mafia took a large, large part of the criminal activity during that time, including having alcohol and violent crimes. A lot of the Mafia organizations disappeared after the prohibition. I'd imagine there's some organizations that are doing similar things, although not on the scale as the Mafia. I think the cartel as mentioned before are involved with marijuana, but they're also involved with other drugs too, making it legal would simply mean that they'll avoid selling it since it's widely available.
  14. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Weed can change your mood, make you paranoid, get you high. Ive even known people pass out from it. Its affecting your brain differently to something that you enjoy doing, its affecting your brain directly.
    Put it this way, what would you rather your kids be addicted to, gaming or weed?
    Both might be psychologically addictive but one is worse. I think its better compared with alcohol, but less addictive.
    I dunno....it needs a category of its own, in between the two.
  15. basho1213

    basho1213 Well-Known Member

    Look im not saying JUST legalize it im saying with the right regulation, we can minimize the risks.
    If after that people abuse it, which they will. Let them do what they will. America is about freedom.
    Freedom to do stupid things, freedom to CHOOSE what you want to do and what you don't.
    If its legalized the CARTELS will likely become less dangerous because then they can make money legally.
    Obviously there would be an initial wave of people doing it but it wouldn't be illegal anymore so it would lose that rebellion
    appeal. Some people want to do things just because its illegal to get that rush or whatever.
    Look at alcohol, its far worse than marijuana. And yet everyday people drink and they dont go crazy with it.
    Yeah alot of people are alcoholics those are the weaker people. I had my bout with alcohol and weed, but I dont do it anymore
    because i have the will to get past it. People who take the initiative to dispose of their addiction, those are the strong people.

    If it were legalized, finding the right way to regulate the sale and production of marijuana is what we need.
    Also this would create countless jobs. Which is what this country needs.
  16. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    the only part i agree on, which i have to say am quite skeptical about.
    the other i do not agree on that much, cartels don't work like that for starters....