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Teacher Fails - post the funniest here.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by personuser, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member


    So that means "The baseball pitcher threw the ball speedily and violently at the Batter" also means
    "The baseball pitcher fucked the ball at the batter".

    ....what kinda engrish do youse speak? XD
  2. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    dunno. I don't use it that much, only when exaggerating a story.
    "He fucked a spear at me, the psycho!"
    "She fucked it out the window"

    It's for emphasis, it makes you picture the person throwing something really hard and angrily
  3. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    makes me picture someone raping objects
  4. kingvxx

    kingvxx Well-Known Member

    This happened in kindergarten and its really hilarious.

    So i was at this kindergarten when i was 5 years old.One day this one student had to take a shit,and you know how 5 years old were,when they gotta go they gotta go.So this student crap in his pant.I knew it was him cause i saw his face goes all scruffy.

    So anyway here's the funny part.My kindergarten teacher is a woman and she started noticing the smell but for some reason she couldnt find the source of it.So she had ALL of us make a line and wait.What's funny was she f***ing SNIFFED all our ASSES ONE BY ONE!!It was real funny we were on a line and she went squatting behind our asses and sniffed! The crap student was sent home xD.

    omg to this day i still remember it and it was freaking hilarious
  5. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    That teacher is a pedophile
  6. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    i agree
  7. Cheesewizard

    Cheesewizard Well-Known Member

    haha when in music these 2 lads were messing with this pen. well the other guy went up behind him and did the thing were you make them just by diggin ur hand in there hips
    well. he jumped and the pen lid was of and it flew across the room and hit here in the eye. she had inc all over her. She said it was brand new too. there was ink on the wall and the pen fell into her coffee. the then shouted fuck my eye. then started shouting what prick did that. it was funny. She then shouted at us asking us for a mirror. then she ran out of the room.

    the funny think was though, her anger subsided extremely quickly when she re entered the room. it was as if nothing had happend
  8. Dracosyna

    Dracosyna Well-Known Member

    Today this morning, my English teacher was so mad at my classmate because she said that "she's so sleepy" very loud that my teacher ended up throwing many verbose curses and describing her as a "filthy pig"(We refer our "foreign student from CA" as a pig because she is).
    Of course, it may not be a Teacher Fail but still worth sharing :)

    My dad used to tell this to me that his morbidly obese teacher got his foot stuck on a 2nd floor wooden flooring that the students below can see his foot. The teacher was absent after that.
  9. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    my english teacher broke into tears when we were helping her clean chalk off a painting using those wet clothes for hands. friggin hell, they even confirmed it would do nothing to harm the painting and she still went into a hissy fit...
  10. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Now that reminds us of a English Teacher of ours that also broke into tears because we were starring in a class play and the principal and subject coordinator was watching the play to observed the teacher. We were doing so poorly that in the middle of the play, the subject coordinator ordered it to stop and talked to the teacher to inform her of their observation.

    During recess, we were at our rooms and suddenly she burst inside and talked to us crying that we failed her because of the play. She even scolded us about the way we act and with the scripts. When my turn came, she scolded me what was my part and why was i not speaking my lines except from animal sounds.... like I made a sad-terrified face and calmly said: What should i say? I am the carabao. After hearing that, she gave a smile and just shut up.

    Moral of the Story: Even Carabao/ any animal should have a speaking line to not embarrass a stupid teacher that thinks a carabao should have a speaking line.
  11. TonyAAA

    TonyAAA New Member

    ^ What is it about English teachers?

    Once, in high school my English teacher broke down and started crying in the middle of a lesson.

    She started babbling how her daughter threw a party the previous weekend and her house got destroyed---things like holes kicked in walls, furniture ruined, someone took a shit in her bed, etc.

    What made it even stranger is that (unknown to her) over 1/2 our class was at that party- No one had the heart to tell her that besides all that, her daughter was a total whore with a dozen guys -lol.