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Super Scribblenauts AP Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by wasbeer500, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Yes, before Wood, original R4s sucked....But Wood has made them quickly fixed with games.
    Glad I got mine, but you might want a Supercard DSTWO.
  2. ~7Vath~

    ~7Vath~ Well-Known Member

    for wood r4, does it hang on the puzzle levels?
  3. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    No, the latest Wood on the R4 has no flaws so far with Super Scribblenauts.
    I've played quite a few "Constellations", up to the 6th, everything was fine.
  4. Amon12

    Amon12 Active Member

    God dammit...the only good news yet is SATURDAY finnally...
    I want a "new" WAIO so badly because only Pokémon White isn't enough for me... I want Super Scribblenauts, full speed, touching the screen,and almost breaking my neck looking down on the DS,just like in every game.
  5. me123

    me123 Well-Known Member

    Is there an AP for the r4i gold yet T_T?
  6. marcos13

    marcos13 Active Member

    Maybe bc you're acting like a noob?

    I'm glad my M3 Simply works fine.

    I played some of the levels in constellations 1-10 along with s1-s2.
  7. This happens to me as well...but only on the Start screen...the adjectives seem ok within puzzles.
  8. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    how to NOT act like a noob in GBATEMP.
    1) DO NOT SAY "PLZ SOMEONE POST FIX FOR *insert flashcard here*" OR ANYTHING RELATED!!!!
    2) before asking questions, read up to about 20 pages behind the current page to see if the same question has been answered
    3) don't say that it doesn't work on said flashcard. the main page usually has all the information.
    4) do not use the words "PLZ" and "FIX" on the same sentence. GBATEMP users can easily decode your noobishness and ignore you entirely.
    5) make as little as posts you can. that way they'll know that you are patient for a fix for your current flashcard.
    6) f5'ing a page is allowed but do not post saying that you do so.
    7) if a fix has been released, don't rely on someone to say whether it works or not. there is no problem in trying it yourself
    if you have done ANY of this, everyone is likely to ignore you. wait out for about 2 days then come back. these are just the basics and I recommend you follow this
  9. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Please follow these rules here as well.
    Though members here are usually more nice and will still answer (I know I would) it still get's annoying answering the same questions....
  10. TopherAbe

    TopherAbe New Member

    Tell me about it. The Real's been...well, real for me, it works and does what I want it to do, but this wait is moiderin' me!
  11. Pi.Face.can.flick

    Pi.Face.can.flick Active Member

    Something wrong with the song/music on my Super Scribblenauts. (I'm using EDGE)
    Is their a AP fix their or my DS is broke?!
  12. gamblore101

    gamblore101 Well-Known Member

    I use akmenu on r4ds pro.

    and all it does is loop.

  13. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    If your R4 is an original, just download the latest Wood release.
    If not, I honestly can't help you :(

  14. Mr_Drayton

    Mr_Drayton Member

    Ok people!


    - Usa a FAT16-formatted MicroSD. FAT32 won't work! Any size should be fine. Be sure it's an original MicroSD and not a fake one. Also, better if it's class 3 or more.
    - Use the a clear, untrimmed and unpatched iND Rom. Do not use the Scene Rom: it's pre-patched, and it's not compatible with AAP.
    - Delete all the Akaio 1.7 files.
    - Load the new Akaio 1.8 on MicroSD
    - Delete every previous save file of the game.
    - Disable AAP in the system options.
    - Enable AAP in the game options.
    - Play!

    All done. This is working 100% for me, and should work for everyone. ;)

    From Akaio forums!
  15. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    yeah, i used to have a dstt but i screwed it up with some indie homebrew virus thing and got what i thought was an original R4 >.<
  16. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    FAT32 should be fine too.
  17. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    For best results on Acekard, its better to format with the SD Formatter
  18. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    im using fat 32 and its working with no problems. you just have to make sure that the rom is clean and untrimmed
  19. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    man, now im seriously pissed at my friend who owns an acekard and lols at me all the time since the update. hurry up r4isdhc team. come on. /desperate and needs a life
  20. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Not only for Acekard. It's better for all cards.