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Super Scribblenauts AP Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by wasbeer500, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Banana-kun

    Banana-kun Active Member

    Not sure. It works on desmume. Naked is a great adjective... :p
  2. machomuu

    machomuu Active Member

    Only with No$Zoomer.
  3. rombeyotch2212

    rombeyotch2212 Active Member

    It doesn't work on DeSmuME 0.9.6.
    It doesn't work with No$Gba 2.6a (NO$ZOOMER or not).
    It barely kinda not really works with iDeaS, but the gameplay is really glitched, half of the objects blow up, and/or will start attacking you, and/or are really big when you didn't use any adjectives.
  4. machomuu

    machomuu Active Member

    Actually, I got No$Zoomer and DeSmuME working. No$ was kind of squished, but I'm using DeS right now and it's working perfectly.
  5. j c 2000

    j c 2000 Well-Known Member

    nope me too
  6. KatieZientek

    KatieZientek Member

    I broke down and bought the game TT____TT .. I just don't think a patch is coming any time soon. The game is definitely worth the $30
  7. Deeshan

    Deeshan Active Member

    Any fix for AKAIO 1.7.1 yet?
  8. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    To be quite honest, it's quite boring, no, I do not have a terrible imagination.
  9. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Burn the heretic!
    But yeah, I might just buy the game tomorrow afternoon. I mean, my sister wants her own copy and she lacks a flashcart, so I have to buy it anyway. Might as well get my own.
    Actually, it works on DesmuME 0.9.6 perfectly fine. I and several others across different websites have played there without flaw other than the occasional lag during intense levels. The iDeas thing was confirmed pages ago. The adjectives are screwed up. Apparently, the adjectives are a program or app (something like that) and iDeaS doesn't have the capabilities for it.
  10. KatieZientek

    KatieZientek Member

    What?? I created a Giant Angry Mobile Refrigerator and armed it with a Giant Sword. How is this boring? XD
  11. Deeshan

    Deeshan Active Member

    How do you make it work on Desmume? All i get is a white screen.
  12. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    If you have the latest versions, it should work. Be sure that you have the scene rom (it's numbered). If it still does not work, I don't know what's wrong since this has worked for me and most people.
  13. CrvyloOo

    CrvyloOo Member

  14. Banana-kun

    Banana-kun Active Member

    ^Is not a fix. STFU!
  15. CrvyloOo

    CrvyloOo Member

    Just thought I'd ask. Since I don't feel like reading through the extra pages that appear while I'm away.
  16. Deeshan

    Deeshan Active Member

    Is this AP so hard? Lufia has already been cracked..
  17. kammithecamel

    kammithecamel Well-Known Member

    If there was a working patch out, you wouldn't need to go through all the pages that came up while you were gone. Instead, all of the new posts would be asking for help patching the ROM, requests for a pre-patched ROM, or links to a pre-patched ROM.
  18. Banana-kun

    Banana-kun Active Member

    Ap varies from game to game. just because one game is easy to crack doesn't mean others will be. (rolls his eyes)
    Post Merge: [time]1287028926[/time]
    I plan to do some torrent hosting as soon as it's patched on a certain demon site. ^.^
  19. Deeshan

    Deeshan Active Member

    Super Scribblenauts should have been easy because it already works on desmume. Hmm Idk.
  20. Banana-kun

    Banana-kun Active Member

    One would think so, at any rate.