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Super Scribblenauts AP Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by wasbeer500, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. machomuu

    machomuu Active Member

    I would just go buy the game...but if I had the money for that, I'd already be playing it on the SuperCard DSTwo that I'm trying to save up for...
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Your very welcome ;), Remember most games with white are black screen problems do work that way! - with no$gba though no$Zommer!
  3. hoflu.siari

    hoflu.siari Member

    anyone tried a vampiric owl,atomic owl,silver owl,magic owl??
    and yes,i like owls
  4. Sparks97

    Sparks97 Well-Known Member

    Back from an epic walk with friends to Mickie D's... No fixes yet I'm guessing?
  5. wesley0104

    wesley0104 Active Member

  6. deur70

    deur70 Active Member

    go super potion!
  7. Sparks97

    Sparks97 Well-Known Member

    Just as I thought lol. I'm gonna find something else to do with my life while people come up with a fix. :)
  8. wesley0104

    wesley0104 Active Member

    I actually re-downloaded the first scribblenauts to get in the mood when a fix is released
  9. Sparks97

    Sparks97 Well-Known Member

    Yeah that'll help. Do ya better than cutting yourself saying, "MAKE A FIX PL0X!!!"
  10. wesley0104

    wesley0104 Active Member

    If you would cut yourself untill a fix is out, you might as well chop your arms off right now XD
  11. Sparks97

    Sparks97 Well-Known Member

    Let's get back on topic....

    Make a patch for M3 Real NAO pl0x :eek:
  12. deur70

    deur70 Active Member

    is thats true my whole county is dead right now.
    Post Merge: [time]1286993416[/time]
    make patch m3i zero pl0x(whatever pl0x means...)
  13. Sparks97

    Sparks97 Well-Known Member

    Wow I think we may be the only 2 with an M3i Zero. xD
  14. sonicfanboy

    sonicfanboy Well-Known Member

    dose anyone know where i can find out about wood r4 updates and stuff on gbatemp
  15. Sparks97

    Sparks97 Well-Known Member

    Filetrip.net ;D
  16. wesley0104

    wesley0104 Active Member

    This topic is quite dead isn't it ?
  17. sonicfanboy

    sonicfanboy Well-Known Member

    no sorry the topic on gbatemp
    Post Merge: [time]1286993814[/time]
    lol yes i suppose it is
  18. Jammy780

    Jammy780 Well-Known Member

    I've got an idea. Let's pray.
  19. wesley0104

    wesley0104 Active Member

    I've been doing that all day XD
  20. Jammy780

    Jammy780 Well-Known Member

    I don't really understand, usually withing a day of release for most games, there is an attempt of a patch or SOMETHING. But for this... Nothing...