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Super Scribblenauts AP Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by wasbeer500, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Hmm...I wonder if anyone will ever patch it for my only DS flashcard, M3 Perfect SD?

    I think I'd have more luck actually getting a super scribblenauts magical notepad IRL (hot, intelligent girlfriend and huge sack of money would no doubt be some of the first things I'd write on it).

    Anyways, the game looks cool, hopefully it will be patched for most major flashcards so the peeps can enjoy.
  2. maxerty

    maxerty Active Member

    ;D LOL i got on desumme and made an idiotic evil pickled giant zombie sentient potato
    Post Merge: [time]1286915933[/time]
    sometimes if you spawn somthing with super(because of the games title) in the name it gives birth to the bathtubs with wings...
  3. Jammy780

    Jammy780 Well-Known Member

    Try something like "Super logo" or "Super bath" or something like that then...
  4. Cookino

    Cookino Well-Known Member

    How do I play it on iDeaS?When I open the rom the emulator just crashes...
  5. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Make sure you have the latest IdeaS, and that your PC can handle the limits. And make sure the save type is 64kbits.
    It should work with that.

    And this is getting weird, random things pop up when I write something. I wrote "Super Bathtub" and a "Nuclear Colossal Bathtub" appeared.

    Post Merge: [time]1286916856[/time]
    I wrote "Psychic Cat" and an "uncolorable cat" popped up. I'm sure that's not supposed to happen.....
  6. hoflu.siari

    hoflu.siari Member

    what's iDeaS latest version??
    i cant get to play it...
  7. Cookino

    Cookino Well-Known Member

    My version is, is that the latest?Also, there isn't an option to cahnge save type...at least I didin't find it.
  8. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Try the official site.
    Also, you may want to set it to Frame Skip: None and Increase CPU Speed: Auto.
    Post Merge: [time]1286917152[/time]
    It's outdated. The newest IdeaS has an option for save type, frame speed, graphic processing, etc.
  9. Cookino

    Cookino Well-Known Member

    Oh, thanks. It works now :)
    WTF, I typed purple cat and a giant black cat appeared?
  10. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Remember to change the settings like I said above (so it can be faster).
    I prefer it to work on an R4, but this is fine for now.
  11. 00Davo

    00Davo Well-Known Member

    Perhaps this getting-the-wrong-adjectives stuff is another antipiracy check, albeit a more subtle one? Hmm.
  12. Marth16

    Marth16 Well-Known Member

    Maybe some sort of extra AP?
  13. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Either that or the game is already showing signs of not being as good as people want,
  14. rolocosto123

    rolocosto123 Member

    someone posted this on naspev:

    "cracked. hope this will help =)
    support include r4


    I'm trying it now.
  15. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    I'm starting to think that.
    Nothing I write turns out correct except for the most basic (nonadjective) stuff.
    I doubt it, as the trailer showed things that I can't create. They always turn into something else. I've seen youtube videos of people playing (mostly legit copies) and the correct things appear.....I'm thinking it's AP.
    For example, on gbatemp someone wrote "Lovecraftian clone". I get....different things every time I write it....Definitely AP.
  16. Cookino

    Cookino Well-Known Member

    It looks like adjectives aren't working...I type in giant man and a normal man appears, i typed gentlemanly red dinossaur and a normal dinossaur appeared, I wrote flying bully and a blue bully appeared...
    Sounds like the KH 365/2 AP, when tehy got over the first AP there was another AP where it froze on a cutscene.
  17. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Ah, that actually is pretty funny.
  18. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Agreed, it's probably the third most funny AP.
    The 1st two would be the no EXP for Pokemon Black/White and the FireRed/Leafgreen message ("If you like this game, buy it or die")
  19. Cookino

    Cookino Well-Known Member

    Wow, was this really on FR/FG?Is there a video?Lol, good thing I bought it...
  20. hoflu.siari

    hoflu.siari Member

    naspev crack dude,have you tested it??does it work??