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Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: The Lord of Elemental (J) - Anti Piracy Thread

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Kiekoes, May 25, 2010.

  1. Katoma

    Katoma Member

    Yeah, this was the solution I put. It's the ONLY way to get the game to work but you -still- can't save.
  2. ZeroMarch

    ZeroMarch Member

    TTDS >.<

    EDIT: alright i have found the solution(which is quite weird @@) Turn off the soft reset function.....and enjoy the animation =D
  3. raaat

    raaat Well-Known Member

    Have you tried to put the save type on auto (GBS NDS-Cartridge Backup Media)... It worked for me I'm up to Scenario 15 and I managed to save, load and continue.
  4. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Can someone explain what is this "BGM AP" I heard of?
  5. raaat

    raaat Well-Known Member

    IIRC, It's an AP that supposedly changes the BGM from the HQ DS to the low quality SNES. Though from what I gather the BGM is supposed to remain unchanged meaning the BGMs will have an SNES feel to them... which is a real downer since the DS's sound capability can support voice acting and slightly HQ Bgms
  6. miryuri

    miryuri New Member

    I played the game using no$zoomer and I can confirm myself it is working without any AP and I can still save and load (already played until stage 13, already tried saving, exit and open application and then loading)

    I am not sure about the bgm AP but I did try to check youtube for gameplay trailers and I find that the bgm there matches mine so I guess the bgm AP didn't affect me as well...

    Playing the game from the rom downloaded directly from romulation so I think it is unpatched...
    And using GBA bios with no extra selected and also save type on both set on auto... I can still see all the animation working including Cybuster's Akashic Buster....
  7. 102world

    102world New Member

    It's working as well but freeze when reset (L + R + select + start).
    How about you guys? It happen to only me?
    R4 + Ysmenu v1.17
  8. freedom0819

    freedom0819 Member

    Those using no$gba perhaps could try this method :
  9. Jon_Roretsu

    Jon_Roretsu Member

  10. Iron_wofle

    Iron_wofle Member

    Works fine on my EZ-flash Vi, kernel 2.0 RC16. Won't run at all on kernel 1.72 (haven't updated it since I got it), but runs fine with no issues ( no oneshotting, BGM issues, or other oddities) on 2.0 RC16.
  11. Miliardo

    Miliardo New Member

    All of them is not working for SuperCard Slot 2 MiniSD with v1.85. Any solution?
  12. ZeroMarch

    ZeroMarch Member

    it happen to all R4 and TTds user. I using TTDS it does not freeze but it wont reset and the BGm will gone mute for some reason. So it mayb also some kind of AP too.
  13. ifanck

    ifanck New Member

    In stage 21, when the enemy attack my robot, the game is freeze and the screen is black.
  14. kerobelle

    kerobelle Member

    I'm using N5 and it doesnt work with prepatch rom or clean rom or any other way.
    Please helppp
  15. Iron_wofle

    Iron_wofle Member

    Looks like i may have spoken too soon. It runs fine most of the time on my EZ-flash Vi (2.0 RC16), however I've started experiencing freezing. There's no specific event that seems to trigger it, although it seems to happen the most often when enemies are about to move. I've never had it happen during attack animations, only on the map.

    /edit Note that the game doesn't freeze completely - music still plays and animated scenery still moves, but the game is stuck waiting for some action.
  16. rocielvn

    rocielvn New Member

    My DSi with R4 v1.09c not working (rom patched)....
  17. Dragoonzero

    Dragoonzero Well-Known Member

    Aparently there isnt a fix for this R4,the thing is just wait and hope
  18. Zoeila

    Zoeila New Member

    i got the game to play perfectly on no$zoomer using the trick where you get it to load the bios screen first and it even saves for me.


    to see this you are at the end of part1 and about to start part 2 wich means i got past granzon with no troubles at all. in fact after the fusion event i 1 shotted him! plus from the black on the sides of the screen you can see i'm in full screen mode.
    Post Merge: [time]1275420124[/time]
    1 more thing at first i had some graphics errors by i fixed it by switching to nocash renderer and direct 8 option on no$zoomer. also put on the ex options for og saga. also i used a clean rom from this site, no patched rom.
  19. veda

    veda New Member

    err.. the first time i got cybuster(on the desert stage) why's the song was not the cybuster theme? :(
    is this an AP check or did cybuster get its original BGM on later stage..

    I am using EDGE 1.10 and the patched rom
  20. Arcwolf09

    Arcwolf09 Guest

    Is there a english version thats going to be released?