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super powers

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by ulikepie, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. sollight

    sollight New Member

    It's not real, the disorder is not actually as power as 100x a supercomputer, and anyone that has it will probably have a mental disorder, and no, even at full usage of the brain it may not even reach 50% of this power.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the disorder is called autism, and I have it.
  3. sollight

    sollight New Member

    Then you must have an incredible memory to remember everything you've ever done in your life in full detail and also to solve the square root of any number in your head. If you do, I'm going to have to come and cut off the top of your head and find out how your brain works...
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    my long term memory is damn good yes, but my short term memory sucks badly. Maths isn't my strong point although I'm good enough to get by (better than most people these days it seems), but I can do virtually anything with a computer. I'm only mildly autistic though.
  5. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i gotta love that ^_^
  6. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    Honistly i dont see how this can be Casted as a "Disorder". Because its a good thing to remeber almost everything youve done for tha past few years and sh1t.

    Its like calling a person that learned to fly (Without any help of Equiptments and What not) "Disabled" Or calling the Abilty to fly a "Disorder"

    But then again, people do have there reasons but atleast stat why it is.

    I remeber reading something about a guy that could read a book with 1 eye on the left page and 1 eye on the right page and be able to read it out to you without reading it because it stays in his head for a good few years.
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    1- Loonylion, you are wrong, it doesn't give you it to that power.
    You get better memory and learning skills. There is variants of this, from Aspergus->Autism->So on...
    I missed a lot out and the order isn't exactly correct. There is also another disorder, it gives much better memory and learning capabilities than the group your disorder fits in, but it's extremely rare and the disorder's negative effect is much worse...
    2- 1Blacks1, the memory is the benefit, not the disorder, the disorder is in the personality and social skills...
    3- I'm pretty sure that i'm not completely right there...
    4- Sollight, the brain's power is much more powerful than any possible technology to ever possibly happen, we just need to be able to learn how to use the brain to it's full potential and evolution could further increase it's potential, nature beats machine hands-down in the end...
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Nowhere did I state to what extent it enhances my intelligence/abilities, because I don't know. It also does not have that effect on everyone.

    as cjdogger said, that is not the disorder, the disorder is what it comes with. I cannot write, I cannot draw, I have poor social skills and terrible organisational skills. I'm clumsy and slow to react, and I often endanger myself unintentionally. Do you still want what I have?

    If you are referring to what Stephen Hawking has, it's Motor Neurone Disease. I think his intelligence/memory is not characteristic of MND though.

    Correct, the human brain is at most 50% used. I was once told the computer equivalent memory capacity of the human brain, it escapes me now, but I think it was Yottabytes.
  9. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    Ye but,

    Being able to write and Draw you can simply learn it by practicing, Now it could be difficult for you to learn it but still it can be learnt.

    Terrible Organisational Skills is more like a Bad Habit than a "Disorder" or Side Effect.

    Clumsy Is more like lack of Hand Eye Cordiantion (Somthing Around those lines) and Balance. Yet again this can be learnt, Babys Aint perfect walks at the Start are they ? They simply learn to balance themselfs so then they dont fall and get hurt.

    slow to react This to me can be Called a "Dissorder" Since you cannot Simply Learn To react faster. (Can be Prooven Wrong, This is just what i think anyway)

    often endanger myself In like what way ? This can be Counted as Clumsy i surpose.

    Even though you might have this Dissorder, i aint gonna Lie, i envy since your Smarter than me. :(
  10. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    You said you had good long-term memory, but I probably didn't read it properly, it took me 3 seconds to read this whole page
    It seems like you have bad hand-eye coordination Loony... I didn't know Autism included that, that must be infuriating
    And some parts of disorders "normal" people have, like I have bad social skills, awkward balance and a bad temper, I don't need to go into this anymore...

    I thought the average person only uses 5% of their brains, although I think I'm wrong...

    A good superpower would be Perferction, although if someone became Perfect then the universe would probably collapse in on itself :p

    -I was just about to post but then Blacks did so I can't be bothered to write anything else
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I can't learn it. I cannot control my muscles adequately to write or draw. If I try I get tired within about 5 minutes because it takes so much effort to control my hand to that extent.

    Again, this is medically recognised as part of my condition

    I've been trying for 21 years. It is partly hand-eye co-ordination, and partly lack of fine muscle control.

    You can to an extent, but the issue in my case is the length of time it takes my brain to process an event, issue instructions and for my muscles to actually receive and perform the instructions. It is part of my condition.

    Partly being slow, and partly a lack of awareness/concept of danger. again, related to my condition.

    my condition is a neurological condition that affects the brain and nervous system. Essentially nerve signals tend to get lost between where they're sent from and where they're sent to. This means my muscles do not receive as many signals as they should, meaning I have less control over them as it is the frequency of nerve signals that control fine/coarse movement. I also have no awareness of how much force I'm applying, which has led to me crushing a lightbulb in my hand once.
  12. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    Ouch, i see now.

    so your disoder is mostly to do with the signals not reaching your muscles. isnt there some kind of cure or way to fix this problem ?
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    nope, they don't even know what causes it.
  14. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    I see. Well as i can see ur using the Benefit to ur advantage ay.
  15. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    that is just an old believe, everyone (except those with brain disorder) use thier brain 100%, but we only notice a small brain's function because the rest is control by our subconscious.

    We only able to control our thinking, learning, recall memory and emotiontional thingys (comunications).

    but our subconscious is controlling our heart beats, breathing and other organ functions, automated motions like reflexes and learned movement (like driving a car or walking)

    btw talk about memory, i kindda have short term memory problem.... most of the times i forget things even that i'm currently doing or what i'm suppost to do in the next minute. Although i learn that IF i pay extra attention to it, i wont forget it as fast, but it is very triering to do so (and i get headache)....

    I also have problem recalling long term memory (maybe its related to my short term memory problem), i couldnt recall what happen last weeks or even last night.....
  16. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    My brain works differently, feelings, sights, noises,etc bring back big loads of forgotten memories, i can't remember alot of things from a certain period in my life, it's really important for me to remember them because something happened and nobody will tell me what...
    And I may be wrong but you are also wrong, i've checked, 10% of the brain is meant to be used via subconscious and about 7% Conscious, it read it in an old textbook at the school library, I don't think it's very reliable but we most definitely don't use 100%, I'm pretty sure our lifespan would be shortened alot if we could anyway...
    I'm not checking wikipedia, they usually make mistakes...
  17. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    like i said, that is just old believe, ask any doctor, they will tell the same thing because our understanding of this complex organ have improve much and doctor are still studying it.

    or else use common sense, what is the use of our large brain if we can only use 10% of it? it doesnt make sense.

    read that for more info -> Brain myth
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Yes but the bigger the brain the larger amounts go into each percentage, they never took that into account on their page
  19. blacksun23

    blacksun23 Guest

    changing the way people think
  20. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member


    you know what, go ahead and belive that 10% brain myth.