Very true, but to take care of mindless spam you could either have an approval system or appoint a member to approve the reviews. 8)
Well in the future you'll be able to rate comments (-/+ not 1-5) and comments with a rating of less than x will get trashed so you have to expand an area if you want to read it. That should filther out most of the bad reviews.
Screenshots May I help? I have nothing but time on my side... Plus I actually have fun taking screenshots...
The point is that the community generates the content so that I can focus on adding new features. Once you have added a screneshot it will first have to be approved thoug .
Actually, I'm very sorry to say my computer died last night... :[ And with that case, all my screenshots went with it... -_-; So I'm stuck using the Wii for now... X[ I really did wish to be some help to the site... -_-;
Maybe we could get download points for participating in the forums so even then new members can amass fortunes by talking in the forums. And perhaps a select few senior members after they have shown that they are active members can have more points added to their accounts a day rather than just 50. It's just an idea after all
We won't award points for posting, it would encourage spamming too much. New members have plenty of chances to get points, they can just upload screenshots for games, we award 5 points per approved screenshot. We limit points because we have to limit the amount of bandwidth we use, people who pay such as premium members do get more though. As it is now we actually give 4.5 TB of bandwidth away each day, thankfully not everyone use their points.
what about using the points for something else? maybe a contest where ppl spend their points or something
but i hope the free downloading will not change when the site is up again... free download will bring more ppl in den u can have ppl pay for becuming premium=]
How about make a new section within the ROM download page, seperate to comments, we could also have reviews, like FULL reviews.
How bout Seph creates a game where we throw our points into a bin of eternal doom! ;D Sounds like fun to me.
We do plan to expand on things to do with games, that's why we changed to a tab-based interface, so we could easily add more. We just need to fix a few things and get some more javascript running before we go that route. Also there are more pressing matters but that's for me to deal with.