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Story of my life

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Kage56, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    normal cats live to 20 years.....
    i never had a cat...
    how do i know this?
    because i dont know
  2. Ryoslide

    Ryoslide Well-Known Member

    Cats are just easier to take care of I have 2 inside cats and they are perfect. We also have a dog but he's a door nob.
  3. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I was once walking through the woods from my friends house, and I found this unconscious guy in the woods, I kicked him a few times to try and wake him up but he didn't wake up, so thinking he'd be dead I called 999 and managed to direct 2 policemen and 2 paramedics to where I was with the unconscious man, So they poke him lightly and he wakes up. Then when they left I was still walking home and it starts bucketing it down with rain...

    That's when I started thinking to myself, does this count as +1 karma points for trying to help the unconscious guy or -1 Karma points for wasting police time.


    And also I told myself 6 weeks ago ish I'd try and eat a little bit healthier, I've slept at various peoples houses on the weekends. Anyway, so 1 week after I say that to myself, my family decide to order chinese, I think okay a one off isn't bad... So next weekend I stay around friend number 1's house along with a number of other people. They order chinese... I think to myself "Okay that'll never happen again.." I sleep over at friend number 2's house the next weekend... And we have chinese... This happened a total of 6 times. I feel like a fat pig now.
  4. paintape

    paintape Well-Known Member

    I have a fat taco cat too,lol