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Steam Game Key Free Giveaways

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Dark Infernape, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
  2. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    What do you play?
  3. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    ATM i'm playing Dues Ex Human Revolution.
    I started using Steam just recently so i don't own many games.
    The Only Multiplayers im playing now are Tribes Ascends and Ridge Racer Driftopia.
    I'm gonna get Castlevania Lords of Shadow soon though.

    If you can see my Sig you will see that i have a copy of Watch Dogs, its non steam though.

    What about you?
  4. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    I'm not playing steam games at the moment, just stockpiling on the summer sale.
  5. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    Ok and do add me
    Post Merge: [time]1403861995[/time]
    There's a Romulation Group on Steam, can someone add me there too.
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Is this game good?


    Never mind I tried it out & didn't enjoy it that much because it reminded me how much I sucked at Chemistry class.

    Also getting stumped at the third stage didn't help much :p

    I think I'll just go back to playing Clickr now...
  7. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    I added you last night. I think you even sent me a message, but I don't really care about that unless your sending me cards or games.
  8. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    Yea im just playing it for the achievements. Besides, who doesn't like to get something for free.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Touche ;D

    I wish I still had a few more card drops from the games I currently have. I wanted to buy "Critical Mass" for $0.99 but I'm still twenty cents short :(
  10. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    I dont even own a single card :'(
    I just started using steam. I havent played much on steam.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I myself have just turned one year old on Steam this month.

    Cards are earned from games you've purchased on Steam, some of 'em are given to you as soon as you've bought your game, whilst others drop randomly as you play. You collect these to craft badges for your steam profile but I could give a fuck to that & ever since I learned that people actually buy cards, I just sell 'em which was how I was able to buy two games (actually three as two of 'em come as a bundle) this past Summer sale.

    My current games are SIMCity 4
    Cities XL Platinum
    The Broken Sword Games
    Mata Hari
    GTA Vice City
    Knights of Pen & Paper
    Cthulhu Saves the World & Breath of Death (these were the two pack bundle)
    Sparkle 2 Evo

    All single player games, the only two games I have that support online play are Clickr & Pool Nation but every time I try to join an online session I get booted because of how slow my internet is.
  12. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    PC gamer will be giving away a new game from tomorrow.
  13. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

  14. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Oooh, Dino D Day has Steam Trading cards, so I guess it's worth it to grab. But will I get cards with this freebie version though :-\
  15. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    This is not a free version of the game. This is the full original game given out for free.
    So yea i think you will get the cards.
  16. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    So did you get cards from the game yet?

    According to the Steam Trading card wiki page for Dino D-Day...


    You're supposed to get 4 cards from purchasing & playing the game.

    I opted not to get the game as 5GB would take nearly 10 hours to download on my crappy internet, and I'm not an FPS player anyway.
  17. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    I got the key and entered it to steam.
    I havent downloaded the game yet.
    Ill download this week end when im home. Im away at the moment.
  18. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    Btw im no fps player either. I play rpgs and hack and slash and adventures
    But its free so :p
  19. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    LOL indeed.

    So the group is unofficial... kind of a bummer then. I thought I could find a few of the inactive oldie RomUlites there like anandjones :)

    RFE: Addendum:

    The "So the group is unofficial... kind of a bummer then. I thought I could find a few of the inactive oldie RomUlites there like anandjones :)" comment was supposed to go on the "Post your Steam IDs Here" thread but it somehow made it here instead.

    Anyhoo, I finally caved in and installed the game as I was really interested in the Steam Cards for money making purposes :)

    First thing's first, the information on the game's Steam store page is incorrect, the game IS NOT 5GB big, it's actually only 1.6GB and only took an hour to download on my end, so kudos there.

    Secondly I did get cards from playing the game a bit albeit I was just running around an empty server. I'm really not into FPS games but the Steam cards are just important for me to pass up.
  20. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    How many cards does this game give you?
    Oh thank god its only 1 gb
    I can finish download in hours, get the cards and uninstall it.