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Standard controller for Wii

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ben360, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. ben360

    ben360 Well-Known Member

    You could put the ir sensor where he charging plug goes
  2. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    You'd still have to keep it pointed at the screen the whole time, plus any game which needed the motion controls would still have problems. Is there a game in particular you want this for? I can't think of a game that doesn't need the IR or motion controls that also doesn't support the classic controllers.
  3. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    There probably is one, but if they didn't give it CC support even when it doesn't use motion, it can't be that great a game.
  4. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    You keep saying that, but I really don't think there is one as I can find no evidence of its existence.
  5. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but there's so much shovelware out there, there's bound to be one.
  6. ben360

    ben360 Well-Known Member

    Mario galaxy you have to shake to spin and use the ir to collect the star bits so I it would be great for that
  7. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    ...What? That goes against everything I've just been saying. Now I agree with everyone else!
  8. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Did you not know this. Its small features but without them it wouldn't work
  9. ben360

    ben360 Well-Known Member

    The ps3 controller has motion sensing and some games require you to shake the controller and the Ur thing would work fine
  10. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    You would have to create an iv port on the controller. It just wouldn't be worth it. It could be done but the whole concept is just redicious.
  11. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    I knew Mario Galaxy needed the ir, but I didn't know that was the game he planned to use his controller for. That's just stupid.
  12. ben360

    ben360 Well-Known Member

    Mario galaxy has he nicest visuals on any game ever its not all textures and this would work with it and I'm sure many others
  13. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    What've the visuals got to do with it? For the motion sensor to work, you have to do a lot to compensate for the difference in position caused by the different shape.
  14. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    What the fudge are you on about
  15. ben360

    ben360 Well-Known Member

    Sorry abot the Mario galaxy thing I thought u mention the game was crap which it's not

    Any way you could put the sensor in the middle facing frontwards like the wii remote I think it sort of work for the left and right tilting and the forward and backward I dunno but for just shaking it would be fine
  16. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Yeah it would work apart from then you would have to move the controller and then you might aswell just use the wii remote.
  17. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    That's really irritating :mad:
  18. chronoquarium

    chronoquarium Member

    Sorry. I was just insulted by what people call the Wii. I don't want any more problems, so if what I just said is offensive, sorry.
  19. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Cool story chumps. Let keep it in the spam thread
  20. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Not offensive, just hurt my eyes a little! ;)