its like in china, when we first saw it, it was disgusting. one of the main problem in china is lack of water for toilets. and they are in the ground... one of those holes even had a unflushed sit and it was like, do dogs use these too?
so what do they do with the wheelchair and how do they get back on it? my dads paraplegic, just wondering
Ban this man. Anyone that shits standing in a river should be banned from breathing anyway, squat in a bush you fucking caveman.
:-[ Ahahaha. actually, in some places in my country, people still dump in the river. so it is not weird for them.
Is there any benefit to it or is it just to contaminate a legitimate source of hydration, sanitation, and agriculture?
In the provinces up north, the natives don't shit or piss at any water source, water is very precious. They shit near a tree, cause they think shit is fertilizer and will help in growing vegetation. Some used leaves or grass in wiping their asses, some dont. They dont use water to clean their asses with, except when they take a bath, which clean every part of the body. I also saw those shitting in the river, in the provinces down south, and even here in the capital, near the pasig river area. If i have a rifle and was travelling using the river, i would shoot those asses.
Hey, the river i'm talking about didn't used for consumption/drink. people uses water from wells, not rivers.
it will get used for consumption somewhere along its length, either directly or indirectly. It is a fertiliser
That depends, if they were like kangaroos and only eats plants, then yes it is. But if meat is in it, then that changes crap doesn't work is all I can say.
But if it's like mine then it won't help, mostly meat in my diet. (Well what else do zombies eat!?) If mostly plant life then maybe.
I do what most people do(hopefully), which is keeping the way I take a shit and the up only to myself.
The picture for the "sit" one is funny. I always use a sitting one, with a hose, and wipe it off with tissues.