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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by monter, May 29, 2008.

  1. err

    err Well-Known Member

    This might sound stupid but I really can't explain it well. When I was 6 or so I may or may not have seen a flying ghost while playing outside one night. All I remember was it got really cold (it was summer) then I saw a white flash. I was blinded for a few seconds (I was screaming by that time) when I could see again my father was there trying to calm me. I still don't know if it really happened but it was freaky.
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Since we are talking about the Paranormal here, maybe you had an encounter with a UFO, who knows right?
  3. monter

    monter Guest

    I always wanted to see a ufo.

    I remember waking up once and seeing an old victorian lady by my bed
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I know UFOs are Hollywood sensationalisms, but yeah I believe there are other intelligent Sentient beings out there & am wishing that I could see them too, ofcourse I do hope they're not out to eradicate us or something like that.
  5. monter

    monter Guest

    I thought I saw one but I might tell you if you want me to ::)
  6. SamBeckett94

    SamBeckett94 Member

    I once saw my deceased Great Grandmother next to my wife and I in bed.

    Turns out it was a photo.
  7. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    PROTIP: It's in your head.

    Also, I'd lean on the idea of alien life being certain, but probably not how a typical human would perceive one.
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    As long as they're not into galactic dominance then I welcome them
  9. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I really hate talking about ghosts and stuff.. but aliens are okay.. I think there are millions of types out there, some just originating, some just on the brink of extinction, if Earth did it, why can't other do it?
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    and i'm sure one of them is full with catgirls XD

    btw i dont belive in ghost and stuff, but i love ghost and supernatural storys...
  11. Zhuo_Xing

    Zhuo_Xing Well-Known Member

    did you look down from your window?even though i also believe in spirits and ghost but i do agree with Cahos Rahne Veloza that this might be a burglary.because this ghost won't be grabbing your bed sheet in order to run away from you.he must have expected you to grab your bed sheet and thus giving him a safe landing.

    as for seeing a ghost i do had seen 1 before.when i was about to sleep in my Granny's room i saw a funny thing keep changing shapes which was not there before the light is turn off.i started crying then my Granny only tried to comfort me and didn't ask me what happen.that shape appeared again and i cried again.Granny still do the same thing.after i felt asleep.

    from what i know we human beings when we are very young our luck is quite bad and having a very bad luck will let us have the ability to see a ghost.even when we have grown up as a teenager or even an adult if our luck is very bad we still can see a ghost as ghost they exist everywhere on Earth.the only problem is we can't see them unless we have a very bad luck.
  12. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    are you guys trying to scare me?
  13. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    That thing Zhuo_Xing saw could only be two things:

    A Ditto or
    An Unown!! ;D

    But seriously, did you guys notice that things like ghosts, spirits & such like to appear or have their pressence felt in old places or use antiques as a medium for them to get noticed?
  14. Zhuo_Xing

    Zhuo_Xing Well-Known Member

    you hor,must have watch too much fantasy.aiyah actually the changing of shape isn't really changing in all kinds of form.it's just like it changes 1 shape to another then back to the previous one and to the 2nd shape again constantly.actually the reason for the ghost and spirits to use antiques as a medium is because these antiques used to belong to the ghost when they were alive.as for the old places is because either the ghost died there or is because they used to lived there as no one has been going to that place for quite a long time.so it's best not to buy any antiques or too much antiques if we seldom touch them as ghost and spirits will use anything like dolls and figurines as a medium.ESPECIALLY antiques which previously had another owner who is not in this World anymore.
  15. mekusho

    mekusho Well-Known Member

    I have. I have once done a ritual with friends at a party.
    I don't really know what happened, after I did it, I kind of was freakin' scared.
    I also have had a lot of other crazy ghost experiences in my life,
    I once crashed at this huge villa in Belgium, Brussel, which had this other villa in front of it, where there (apparently not in the villa but in the same block was this dude who killed 10+ people there about 200 years ago, which I found out a few years after the incident).
    So, I crashed at one of the rooms which was GIGANTIC, those people were some rich dudes.
    I woke up at night, stared at one of the windows, there was this head, something happened, had it in front of me, fell down, went k.o, woke up, everything around me was broken. Went to see a psychiatre said nothing was wrong, went to see an exorcist, told me I had something evil in me, a demon or whatever it was, he did some strange stuff to me, I wan't home and had some bad dreams for a few weeks, went back did the same thing, then the bad dreams didn't happen again.
    I freaking hate talking about ghosts it's just so.. I don't know.. so awkward and negative...