keep referring to = said it only once :thonk: y'all are hilarious, don't stop. I'll just be in my corner smoochin my desert rose
RE: Like Farming cheat Fuck. @Loonylion Man, You really are one fucking buzzkill. Question is, If the forum's gonna be taken down anyway then why bother?
Oh dang I haven't been here in forever, only logged in cause my cuz needed something here and oh god, the cringe. Glad to see the forums are still sort of alive though?
S'up guys, I finally got time to visit! How's this Nintendo thing affecting Romulation? Are roms being pulled down again? I've been too busy to visit, I got a new job. I remember I was training to fight last time I visited, well I made weight but the fight was cancelled after the other fighter didn't turn up. I hung up the gloves for good, and even sold them on Facebook marketplace. I'm pleased with making weight though, I'm 40 in a few weeks and can still turn it on. I've also been collecting handhelds: And I've also been collecting consoles and computers: And finally this happened: Yeah, I'm going to be a dad again. At 40 too! So what you guys been up to this year?