exactly! thank you it caters for everyone, it can be as easy as throwing a mario render on a background or something we've not seen before it's what each person makes of it and the overall result of the entries will show the level of sig makers and what we get is what we get.
This time theme is also Great.... We have too many opportunities like: DS, Wii, Nintendo 64 and etc.. Pretty cool theme thanks.... btw, next theme is tekken or sony?
because it's Nintendo week he'll need to wait for sony week for that which will be either two weeks away or four here's what i said as a reminder
i don't think so and with other hand drawn images it looks like no one takes it seriously so your entry is more likely to drive people away then bring them in.
Hmmm... this week, I decided to be semi-serious, and just do a sig with no witty tagline. Does anyone actually find those amusing? Even just a-flicker-of-a-twitch-of-the-corner-of-the-mouth funny?