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Sonic Classic Collection AP Chat

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by JazzyBunny, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. Xalfrea

    Xalfrea Well-Known Member

    I see.

    So is this why this particular AP is hard to crack?
  2. MangaRx

    MangaRx Well-Known Member

    Well, I guess, It's SEGA, I mean they love their AP and legal bindings and sh*t
  3. Xalfrea

    Xalfrea Well-Known Member

    Oh right. Sega.

    Part of me was really hoping this wouldn't have AP, it being nothing more then a compilation. Guess those hopes were shattered.

    Can it really be helped that I'm 100% pessimistic about this?
  4. rangete

    rangete Member

    i tried loading it on AKAIO 1.5.1 with AKAIO 1.5's loader and it actually works!
    but im very disappointed in the game itself.... so many bugs....
  5. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    So it's not worth playing with this method?
  6. Thrust

    Thrust Member

    so people who've played both methods, is jenesisds better or is this better as far as emulation quality
  7. Josh241294

    Josh241294 Well-Known Member

    jenesisDS has its flaws. But, nevertheless, it's good.
  8. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    it works, just that if you try using savestates, the game can be buggy
    the one I have is the bad dump/nuked version
  9. 19blac74

    19blac74 Active Member

    Works on an EZ-FLASH V with RC12 on it
  10. rangete

    rangete Member

    well yeah, mine is the bad dump/nuked one so a good dump might be worth the wait. "might" though
  11. Josh241294

    Josh241294 Well-Known Member

    Oh to hell with it. My mum said I can get 2 DS games tommorow. Pre-ordering SoulSilver, and I'll buy Sonic Classic Collection to pass the time.
  12. Xalfrea

    Xalfrea Well-Known Member

    From what I've been hearing, aside from some minor music issues, very minute slowdown and a few sprite messups, it's a very faithful port.

    I never played the originals on the Genesis anyway so I don't really care, as long as finally got some portable Sonic.

    Unfortunately ever since my parents found out about R4 and pirated Wii games that are sold near my house, they're absolutely forbidding me to buy original games now.

    So what would be the better option? Waiting for the practically never-to-come R4 fix of this collection or just downloading a JenisisDS and downloading the original titles separately?
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

  14. Xalfrea

    Xalfrea Well-Known Member

    ^That will definitely not work on R4?
  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    No , although i wish it did...

    Just have to wait for a new infolib.dat or extinfo.dat for my ysmenu on R4, With hope
  16. ollie809

    ollie809 Active Member

    so if this is just a emulation why would anybody want it as they can already play an emulation of all the games already on jenisisDS. Can you play the "top loaded" sonic 3 with sonic and knuckles on this as i dont seam to be able to on jenisisDS at least not on my last attempt (a long time ago)
  17. Xalfrea

    Xalfrea Well-Known Member

    Really the only benefit of playing this new collection is the "save anywhere" addition. And yes, toploaded S3 & K, plus Knuckles in Sonic 2 are playable here.

    Why? jEnisisDS can't play those two?
  18. ollie809

    ollie809 Active Member

    i didn't really try very hard to get jenisisDS top loading games to work as i was just testing the emulator out as i had only just got my acekard and threw as many emulators on there as i could find, so didnt have much time to fully get in to it plus i was happier to play splaterhouse 3 on my ds! P.S. you can save anywhere on jenisisDS as it supports save states.

    just tried to top load on jenisisDS properly but you cant, and i cant find a ready loaded sonic 3 and knuckles probably isnt one. so worth getting the ds collection just for that as its much better than just sonic 3 on its own.
  19. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    I have RC13 and it is working fine!
  20. dodge

    dodge New Member

    I am using supercard and game is working fine. But I can not save my game any ideas?