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Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing - USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by doomeyes, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. boman524

    boman524 New Member

    but, my r4 revolution can't run the latest loader of AKIAO
  2. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    I use the same thing.
    I can't wait for your patch.
  3. Alithepro1

    Alithepro1 Well-Known Member

    sorry to disappoint you guys but it still doesn't work !!!, me and my friends are tyring all kind of codes and patches and when its ready ill be sure to post it here !
  4. metal10

    metal10 Active Member

    wow come on GET IT PATCHED ALRDY WTF OMG! I really wanna play this game!0.0!
  5. BlueSonikku

    BlueSonikku Well-Known Member

    Just got my M3iZero in the mail..and after some hard work on figuring out just how the heck to work this thing (coming from a user of R4) I found that it runs S&SASR clean when using their new upgrade System V4.7h X. Also runs Sonic Classic Collection fine thus far ;D

    List of fixes and supported games for V4.7


    If anyone is looking to upgrade to V4.7: http://www.handheldsources.com/M3DS/Download_M3DSR.html go down to "System for M3i Zero & M3DS Real(4-3-2010)"

    Now I just need to figure out how I can skin this ugly menu system. I miss the old clean looking R4 style already. I like things simple ><
  6. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    So this is just for the M3 correct?
  7. BlueSonikku

    BlueSonikku Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I did a little searching and found this from the official site that I was directed to. So far things seem t be working fine. I'll do some more testing later tonight. I'm also going to run PKMN HG and SS through the paces and see what happens.

    I'm still waiting on that patch for my R4, I don't want to give up on it just yet.
  8. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Yeah I tried the latest firmware for my clone of the R4 (N5) and Pokemon HG/SS seemed to be working fine, and then when I had too much confidence, it blacked out
  9. BlueSonikku

    BlueSonikku Well-Known Member

    I hate when that happens. Likes to catch you with your guard down.

    I'm going to play all four, Sonic Classic Collection, Sonic & Sega Allstars and the two Pokemon and let you guys know what's going on with the M3Zero. I think even if it does take a crash or too I might just have to wait for the update on the firmware cause I only had the 1.4 or something that came with it and it locked out SCC, then when I updated it to this new one it worked fine so far.

    Always helps when they have regular updates. (Prods someone to help the poor R4) <---I still love it's menu layout more.
  10. GhostFace977

    GhostFace977 Well-Known Member

    Wait a minute!
    Has anyone tried the Soft Reset for the R4 problem with any of the patches? If I remember correctly, for Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story, the game had to be patched, put on the R4, then you had to turn off soft reset, and it should of worked 100%.

    My memory is quite foggy though, I just remember the soft reset part.

    Maybe we could try that with every patch released for this game compatible with R4DS?
  11. BlueSonikku

    BlueSonikku Well-Known Member

    I always have soft reset turned off on my R4 and it still just gives me dual black screens when I try to play it.

    In any case been playing Sonic&Sega Allstars Racing, all tracks, all characters (that I could unlock) and missions for about four hours and no glitches yet, Classic Collection is working just fine too. Ah it brings back such nostalgic memories.

    the only hang up I had was Pokemon HG & SS. when I got to route 29 I hit black screens going into a building. I turned it off started again from a save point and did'nt hit anything since. I have a feeling though I will so I save often.

    I'm using a M3i Zero with v4.7 FW
  12. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    I tried the arm7 fix before I knew if it worked clean or not, and it gave me errcode=-4, so if you have R4 with YSMenu, then DON'T try arm7 fixes with this game!!!!!

    Edit: My previous statement is wrong!!!
    It doesn't work, clean or fixed! I have an R4 with YSmenu, and I get errcode=-4.
  13. BlueSonikku

    BlueSonikku Well-Known Member

    Everyone with a R4 is getting the same thing patched/clean or other wise. I think it comes down to the AP that's in the game. Someone mentioned a while back that there was a team working on it or something...but seem to be slower then a elderly man with a walker in getting a fix. I gave up on my R4 for now and ended up playing it on my M3i.

    Just have to be patient.
  14. Hotbullets

    Hotbullets New Member

    I'm sorry to bother you with this question you guys, I'm quite new to this. This game doesn't work on my M3i Zero, all I get is a black screen. I'm not sure why. Maybe the firmware is outdated? (I'm not sure what version I'm using, where can you see that?)

    Thanks in advance for the help.
  15. BlueSonikku

    BlueSonikku Well-Known Member

    As I said in previous posts:

    I use M3iZero. I found that it runs S&SASR clean when using their new upgrade System V4.7h X. Also runs Sonic Classic Collection fine thus far

    List of fixes and supported games for V4.7


    Upgrade your Firm ware here to V4.7: http://www.handheldsources.com/M3DS/Download_M3DSR.html go down to "System for M3i Zero & M3DS Real(4-3-2010)"

    Then run a non patched clean file.
  16. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    Is there anything released for TTDS (1.17a12 with latest updates)?
  17. jaimyinthahouse

    jaimyinthahouse Well-Known Member

    Does it work on Acekard 2i with akaio 1.6RC-1??

  18. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    is there any thing for r4 sdhc i relly want to play it and i am not buying it for the ds if i buy it i am going to buy it for the 360 so i can get on the dlc when more comes out
  19. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    No. Not yet.
  20. Hotbullets

    Hotbullets New Member

    Thanks for the help, but it still doesn't work... Instead of a black screen I now get an error message saying he couldn't find the save data.