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Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing - USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by doomeyes, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    True. Sorry, but the R4 users maybe forced to buy a new flashcart...
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    For a few games no, but if it continues to get worse yes...
  3. paintape

    paintape Well-Known Member

    m3 sakura still doesn't work... waitin for patch
  4. ymg414

    ymg414 Member

    There is no need for R4 users to buy a new flash cart we can use YSmenu!
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Nope , ysmenu errorcode =-4
  6. cheif913

    cheif913 Member

    Did you not read my post earlier?
    The official R4 team maybe gone but other teams are updating unofficial firmwares all the time
  7. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member


    They are games that work like mario and luigi BIS (U) and legend of zelda ST (U) , but not for thease newer ones, like Sonics errorcode=-4 problems
  8. metal10

    metal10 Active Member

    is there a patch for M3 SIMPLY yet? if there is, can some1 plz post the link so i can get it patched n also a guide if any ty if done so xD!
  9. Well, the R4 team isn't working on anymore firmwares, but earlier today the R4i Gold website had a new kernel but it didn't work... the website is http://r4igold.cn/ and the R4i Gold shown there is my kind. Anyone have a fix/patch yet? If not, does anyone have any idea how to fix it?
  10. Dougidog

    Dougidog Member

    Really need r4 sdhc patch !!!
  11. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    i so want to post in caps (THERE IS A PATCH FOR THE R4 SDHC) but it is not out yet and we need to wait for it to come out. i am not an ass so i will not say that

    all so i think that a hex code or a ar code might work
  12. klosec12

    klosec12 Active Member

    i tried for the Edge v 1.8 and no sucess. *Sigh* now i just have to wait for the new update to arrive!
    Post Merge: [time]1268033268[/time]
    soz about last post. wrong topic!!
  13. worthy

    worthy Member

    Like this one here http://www.r4li.com/
  14. XeNo - A.K.A Steelez

    XeNo - A.K.A Steelez Well-Known Member

    those r4 firmwares are useless for the original R4. I will suggest you stick with r4 v1.18 + YSMenu
  15. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    R4 without YSmenu is like getting rid of fire without water!
  16. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Hahahaha :)
    Well I guess it's true.
  17. worthy

    worthy Member

    The firmwares on http://www.r4li.com/ do work on the original R4 (trust me, I've tried it on my original R4), but it's taking them so long to release a new firmware and like the above posts say, use YSmenu as they update more often.
  18. sonicfanboy

    sonicfanboy Well-Known Member

    does anyone know where i can buy a acekard in england
  19. OXOBloxo

    OXOBloxo Well-Known Member

  20. Silver_Fragment

    Silver_Fragment New Member

    I tried it out and it worked on my M3 Real with Sakura 1.46 firmware.

    I'd say this xDelta patch is definitely a solution for M3 Sakura.

    (Too bad it works only on European Version... I think. )