I might get one. Just need £10 more for a 3ds plus one game,i might get the money by next week. Most of the money i had i got today and yesterday. I could either save up longer for a psp vita or i could just get the 3ds pretty soon. Can't decide D:
I may save some money up once it drops abit and when good CFW comes out, then the hard part is learning how to install it
At first, I was all for getting the Vita, especially before release. However, with the lack of internal memory, the demand to by new mem cards again, and the 3G aspect, I'm unsure when I will get it. I have alot of content on my PSPGo, so I'll be fine with just the core system. And no, I refuse to do CFW. In the beginning, I was all for it. Now, I know it ruins systems. Not in the sense of bricking, its more in the sense that it kills the demand for content. Yes, I'm poor like everyone else, but I miss the day when developers didn't worry about people ripping them off. CFW is great for going retro, but not for new systems. I am looking forward to see what kinds of games come out. I'm almost sure the God Eater 2 will be on the Vita. God knows I played the hell out of that game. And MHF3? Yes pls. xD And, I'm hoping, absolutely hoping, they port the Digimon game to the Vita and bring it to the US. If they did that, I'd be set. Does anyone think they'll port PS2 games to it too? X
You should read into it more. Apparently sony is doing everything in there power to stop piracy. I mean seriously, look at some of the measure they've taken.
Thats what you said... you know.. nevermind. Back on topic. Im pretty excited about the new Resistance
If I have money I'll buy one. The problem is that I live in Brazil in which the products (eletronical games, video games) have a 120% tax over the US price. a 3ds here is R$ 799 = $ 428.993 and the vita will be R$ 1000 = $ 536.913. I don't hvae money for any of them. It sucks to be a gamer in Brazil...
You should buy your games and stuff online then. Do Play.com deliver to Brazil for free? You should try them, they're great.
The guys at the Customs, search 6/10 packages and play.com sends the product in a box and displays what it is, so obviously they would open it and then I would have to pay the tax. I could try a tecnique that some my friends do, that's like this: I have a part of my family in the UK, so I could ask them the 3ds, byt then they have to take it out of it's packaging and rap it up in clothes and write on the box "clothes". I would then hope that my box is not selected to be opened. My friend tried this but when he did it they used to open 4/10 boxes...