lol! even if they did that the government will be suffering... and thats what they dont want... they should just ban the crap... its killing everyone!
well, they cant. government gain lots of money buy the selling of cigarette (especially in my country where cigarettes is one of the main contributor to the economy). the government doesnt care youre dying because of cigarette, they care about money. =.=
then thats not a proper government, a government is suppose to be an organization to is together ffor the betterment of the citizens of their country
If people want to slowly kill themself by smoking then they can be my guest. People die by smoking and drinking, but from my perspective it's actually a sort of suicide, which is prolonged, and ironically the death is quite painful. Which brings me onto my next point - 75% of the population lack commen sense. I don't smoke. It's a timeless event which has no ulterior motive. It's forced on by peer pressure unsurprisingly. But.. I'm what you may call a black sheep.
Your not the only one thare-though death doesn't come as soon as one may think-seena heavy smoker for most of his life live until he was 72, a big surprise... But he did walk my hyper dog around-and several other's-so he did keep healthy... It's appaling though when alot of the nicer looking girls smoke though
We're way off topic here. Girls are or aren't hot with or without cigarette? If a girl looks hot, does it really matter if she smokes? I don't mind it but that's because I smoke too
Off topic -I'm a girl and I smoked like a freaky chimney and right now I'm trying to give up... I started smoking when I was in high school and that was probably the biggest mistake I've ever made On topic - I don't think smoking or not has anything to do with whether people find you attractive or don't, *but* I have to admit that you're a lot less attractive when you smoke: yellow teeth, shit hair and skin, not to mention you smell like an ashtray all the time. I've always been with guys who smoked too so it's never been a problem and my partner smokes as well, but I can understand all of those who wrote that they wouldn't go out with a girl if she smokes. Smoking is by way of being a more effective repellent than carrying around a bottle of whisky in a paper bag...