I don't mind if a person smokes, but I do wish they smoke far away from me. Means I tend to avoid being around smokers.
It's impossible to comprehend a book whilst music is playing-let alone doing both and having a conversation. Unless you are a super computer that is.
Theres nothing sexy or cool about smoking. I think its lame that some people think it /some groups in my old school though there was hot by doing it...
People in my old school were always smoking in the toilet too....... I don't really like being around smokers, they pollute the air we breathe in and we get poisoned even though we do not smoke...
not hot, bad. i hate cigarette smoke. but i also thank there should be no bans on it ether, people should be be to smoke in restraints and bars if they want too. thats what the smoking section was for
its not like people actualyl use those..... i see people smoking where the no smoking sign is.. like wtf... are you that stupid