Actually I just laughed and shrugged it off. It was all about lookin' good. If I beat the crap outta the guy just for slappin' me, what would people think. And plus, he'd probably invite friends. Sure I know people who could kill him and five other guy's alone, but I'm just to either lazy or passive to care. That seems a little harsh. The actual person's not bad, I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to condemn someone just cause of one flaw. What about you? Do you smoke?
I didn't read much of the topic but I agree that smoking while pregnant can lead to premature birth weight as well as many other birth defects, and why you would want children and be miserable is beyond me. Most chicks that don't smoke are really god damn uptight and it pisses me off, and the chicks that do smoke think you're a badass when you roll a smoke for them. Rolling tobacco also prevents people from bumming smokes off of you, and also makes them believe you were in Grease or born in the '50s.
What about guys who smoke? Do chicks look at us the same way we look at them in that situation. What would be a women's view on this if a man was smoking. Personally, I don't smoke, my health sucks enough as it is.
I never said the lady was bad (personality wise), I'm just saying its very undesireable. Its not like I hate the person for smoking or anything like that, I would just never date her =p.I don't smoke, my father is in the hospital at this moment for having his lung cancer removed. Which was most likely caused by smoking.
What can I say.The 1 in the picture does look hot.If she is holding a pen or any other things she would have been even hotter.For me,not just girls,but guys as well will look terrible when they smokes.We all know that smoking is bad for health in any way with a bad breath and body odor.What's so good about looking cool when smoking?I mean,I admit that some people when they smokes they can look cool,but they HAVE TO pay the price of having a bad health and bad breath.So I won't want a life partner who smokes.I don't want to kiss nor get kissed by a smoker.YUCK!Imagine what is inside of a smoker's body(the heart and other internal organ I mean).
Feh, it took me awhile to figure it out, but I think all the hate for smokers stemmed from all the after-school specials and the S.A.N.E and D.A.R.E program. I remember it innocently telling me to not smoke, and now I kind of remember it actually making me (and others) think that smokers were bad people. You remember the movies... Grammy! Stop smoking or you'll die! Oohhhh grandson of mine, you are right, I will quit! *happy music Think of all the noir flicks of the good years of film, imagine what all the tough guys and mysterious women would be like without cigarettes- let's face it, that was a large part of their image. All this talk of kissing ash-trays and yellow fingernails, teeth, sternums, and spleens is giving me flashbacks of Elementary school and me dumping my grandma's cigarettes down a toilet with tears pouring down my face. That just opened up another fond memory of mine... A police officer, in order to show us how bad a cigarette can be for you, lit a cigarette ON CAMPUS, hooked it up to a doll thing with fake lungs, and had it smoke! OH NO! SMOKE MAKES THINGS GET A LAYER OF BLACK ON DEM! Wait, this is a smoke-free campus! WHAT ARE YOU DOING Ah, the good 'ol days.
Smoking girls are definitely bad, if you said smoking ladies or women, then some of them are hot. Just dont let it look like a person suffering from tubercolosis or any lung problem... thats just wrong.
Total turn-off for me. I just don't see the point in it. It shows that they don't give a fuck about their health or yours for that matter.
...Because of my mother's smoking, I had a few..difficulites in life, accepting my mother smoking AND my asthma at the time (got over it thankfully). Really it's up to the one admiring if the girl is hot or not, however I have my own views... 1.I HATE the smell, I don't even let smokers in my car(even when not smoking)! 2.If you find it attractive that's you buisness, but personally that's wrong, a filthy dieses (bad spelling I know) stick with a bad smell! 3.The only thing I would find attractive in a smoker is a stick of dynamite-these people always go next to me waving these sticks in my face and breathe it on me-I had to wear a mask near co-workers simply because of the smell (and it's fast food-not good to see a guy wearing a painters mask while working there eh?) That is my view on the matter-not only that but some times (or most times) they would die of lung cancer, or have trouble breathing, lowered life spans...sure if your the guy who puts up with the smell and lives fast and dies young then your cool-but what happens if your live longer? Preety heart breaking eh? I'm sorry if I offended any smoker just that when I was younger dad brought me up to hate them, little did he suspect that my own mother was a closet smoker! I don't hate them-only thier habit-unless they come up to me and puff in my face! ...And the girls are the hardest to tell to stop, I don't know why but I become the bad guy at the train platform if I tell them off (and your not allowed in aus ethier-fine if caught)!
bad i hate all ppl that smoke i dont even know why the hell they made it in the first place if its so bad
Yes, it depends on the girl. Smoking is bad for your health, it doesn't make you sexier. It's even worse for your old days, yellow teeth, bad breath, shorter lifespan, and everything else. Oh, did I mention the impotence possibilites?
smoking overall is bad for the person smoking and those around them, so its bad! really really bad i had to do this presentation on how it affects our internal organs and our body as a whole and its pretty bad those little nicotines are badd little spongebobbers...... .... so its bad