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Smoking Girl : Bad or Sexy??

Discussion in 'Debates' started by EDRICK88, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. ultra

    ultra Guest

    they do exists in other places. one example is australia.
    it's not iran, it's irian. there are other places where blacks do reside such as australia for instance. there are also places where chinese people reside, such as peru.

    i believe we can post in foreign languages, but then you're only restricting it to only one specific group which would only confine the posts. it would therefore be a bad idea to post foreign language topics and responses as people will ignore it or it would create paranoia amongst the board members and it's administrators. imagine creating a version of the creationist and evolutionists debate where the language is non other then english, most of use would never bother with it. of course i could be wrong about it.
  2. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Did I fall asleep and a new country get created? I've never heard of "irian." Maybe this will help:

    Loony wasn't saying black people didn't live in other places, he was saying their origins were in Africa and the West Indies.

    I personally think they should combine Iran and Iraq and call the new country "Irate." So many angry people. But then again, I guess I would be pissed off too if America was occupying my country. Well, I guess they do, I do live in America. I can't stand us either.

    Sorry. Didn't mean to get so far off topic. Let's digress shall we.

    Smoking doesn't make anyone look cool. Smoking is a bad habit that is very hard to break. Trust me, I struggle everyday to not light up. So no, smoking doesn't make anyone look hot. It just makes them smell like smoke.
  3. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    Irian is a region in the west of Indonesia, it shares an island with Papua new guinea

    and ultra is either malay or he comes from Sumatra

    ps: aren't we getting off topic here?
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i dont remember malay word like that.

    they looked the same to me.
  5. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Whatever Cahos v_v'
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Qouting from the [rules] on the issue of off topicness:

    - Posts must maintain a certain level of quality, posting just for the sake of it benefits no one, if all you have to say is "hi", "thanks" or similar then don't bother. It does not require much to expand it a bit to "Thanks for this, I really appreciate you taking the time to upload this." yet it means so much more to the person who posted the thread you respond to.
    - Posts must be on-topic until said topic has been thoroughly discussed. If the topic is a question then absolutely no off-topicness before said question has been properly answered. This includes questioning the topic author with mindless questions such as "Why would you want to do that?" or similar, please state instead "I wouldn't recommend doing that as ..." then said user can draw his or hers own conclusions
  7. kuka3717

    kuka3717 Guest

    i like smoking :)
  8. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    You are very naughty :3
  9. Delph

    Delph Member

    Nah smoking is ridiculas
    And btw , for us lads , it makes your king fisher shrink , so i wouldnt
  10. BlackFlameNG

    BlackFlameNG Active Member

    It depends on the woman holding the stick. Only the right women can pull it off but when they do....DAYUMN!
    Otherwise it's kind of a turn-off. Nothing bad unless you have to endure that person's breath.
  11. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I personally don't want to kiss an ashtray, whether or not they can pull it off, it disgusts me all the same.
  12. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    same here i dont want to kiss a ashtray cause im not smoking so she must not be smoking ...
  13. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    smokers just... bleh.
    I don't get why younger people think it's "cool", must be because yellow teeth/nails, bad breath, gum disease and premature death are all "cool"...
  14. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    maybe there emoes and want to die early?
  15. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    ^most so called "emo's' aren't really emo, at least in the sense of cutting themselves. At least not the "emo's" that I know, and I don't really think their suicidal, of course I can't know what's goin' on in their head, but emo's are some of the friendliest/most irritating people I've ever met. I've been slapped by emo's before. FOR NO GOOD REASON!! the guy just walked up to me and slapped me one day and returned to his seat.
  16. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    Bad? Sexy? Smoking doesn't make a girl bad or sexy...it makes her teeth yellow, her breath stink and her purse dry. I know cause I'm a smoker :D
  17. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    You don't consider that bad. Sure it doesn't make the person bad, but terrible to be in a relationship with.
  18. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    an emo slapped you? for no reason? that ain't right....what you need to do is gang up on that emo trash, and see 'em pee their pants...
  19. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    A chick that smokes is bad in all kinds of ways. Its not one bit attractive, smells terrible, and its bad for both of you for that matter.

    Plus have you ever kissed a smoker? Yuck.
  20. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    come on...:D