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Smoking Girl : Bad or Sexy??

Discussion in 'Debates' started by EDRICK88, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Not quite. He gets pissed when I do anything stupid. DX XD
  2. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    And how is that related to him smoking?
  3. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    He cools himself down when he smokes.
  4. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    And yeah, it does help, when i'm very nervous or stressed, to have a puff.
    But on the other hand, if i don't have a cigarette in a while, i'm gonna get nervous without any apparent reason.
    So yeah, it might calm you down, but you also get nervous because of it.
  5. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    True. My dad does the same
  6. tranceman01

    tranceman01 Active Member

    benefits of smoking - getting to have extra 15 minute breaks from work whenever you want with no further questions asked. its also very calming and meditative. its like all your problems float away in a puff of smoke. i've never been nervous without a cigarette but sometimes there are a few very frustrating people that just make you clench fists and you have to step outside and smoke one. but then again im more of a hookah smoker than a cigarette smoker.
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    oh and its not that ads don't work. it probably does to some people. its just that people that wonder why ads don't work forget that nicotine MAKES YOU FEEL AWSOME! its addictive! its relaxing! its something to do! and for the most part its not the nicotine that kills you its the tar, the chemicals, the other stuff that they wash tobacco in that kills people. which is why i don't really like cigarettes. id rather smoke my shisha tobacco out of a hookah
  7. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    Lol, how come nobody had notice the pregnant babies thing yet?
  8. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Mmmm? I agree with what you say.... but a quarter of it I dont understand....
    Smoking reduces 8min. of life.... so think carefully unless you are crazy for a cigar/cigarette.
  9. tranceman01

    tranceman01 Active Member

    ah but you read this reduction of 8 min. of life from somewhere assuming that people already know when they're going to die. i bet you anything that "fact" is from thetruth.com or some other anti cigarette program. WHICH PHILLIP MORRIS PAYS FOR! i mean are you really going to say to me that someone from an anti cigarette campaign got a whole bunch of people that smoked and sat there and waited for them to die? and then compared that lifespan to a bunch of other people who didn't die? seems kinda desperate but its already accepted by a lot of people ....i can accept that it gives people cancer which significantly reduces lifespan. but to give a specific time that each cigarette takes away from someones life is astounding.
    also if you've ever worked in retail you know those types of people who like to just pick someone that works at a store and tries to start shit with them and they're the most frustrating people ever to work with well i'm pretty sure one of them will make you want to just step outside and scream at the top of your lungs or punch a wall or something well some people go and have a cigarette because it seems less insane.

    A hookah is a tobacco waterpipe from the middle eastern regions like egypt and such (jabba the hutt has one and the caterpillar from alice in wonderland smokes a hookah) and shisha is a flavored tobacco mixed with molasses. the good things about it is that theres no tar and theres not as many poisonous chemical additives. at most its whatever chemicals they use to reduce nicotine content. so the tobacco isn't that much better for you but you're not going to get as many negatives as a cigarette. as for it being meditative the smell of burning tobacco is very pleasant. the unpleasant smell is more the tar being burnt. the relaxed feeling you get from smoking is nice too. i haven't experienced jitteryness or withdrawal at all but i also don't smoke packs and packs and packs of cigarettes i think that's just nicotine abuse. but to sit down after a long day, and smoke from my hookah a bowl of wildberry mint or a bowl of rose flavored tobacco is the best damn thing in the world.
    ----------Not directed at any poster-------
    if it is actually 8 minutes of life taken away by each cigarette and theres 525600 minutes in a year (365 days*24 hours*60 minutes) then that gives me 65700 cigarettes to smoke before i take away a year of my life. take that the average pack contains 20 cigarettes then that means that to smoke away a year of my life id have to smoke 3285 packs in a year OR 9 packs a day (3285/365) If AVERAGE life expectancy is 78 years via google (Canada's A.L.E. is at 81, and UK's is at 79, USA's is at 78, China's is at 72)
    in order to make my life span 77 id have to smoke 3285 packs in 50 years (im 23) thats 65 packs per year. 8 minutes won't scare people away and honestly how much am i really going to do at 77. the people i worry about are the ones that smoke cartons of cigarettes on a daily basis like they want to get lung cancer by tonight.
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    actually to go back to topic id have to say that its not hot when they smoke... but only if they already weren't that hot in the first place. as in smoking does not make you sexier but if you already were sexy it wont hurt my look on you.
  10. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    So true, sadly.
  11. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think it's something like 90% of all smokers start before the age of 18. The average age that people start is something like 14...
  12. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    whats the difference of a bong, a hookah, and a shishah???
  13. Skane

    Skane Well-Known Member

    Smoking is disgusting.
  14. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Why would you PAY to kill yourself, I mean what do you gain from it????
  15. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    I get second hand smoking pretty much a lot....
    My mum and dad smoke... and im worried about their health and mine...
    This sucks...
    A packet of smokes average 50 yuan RMB... Which is 5 euros, which is almost 8 dollars
  16. ADMSeraphes

    ADMSeraphes Well-Known Member

    A little side information about how the smoking debate began....

    Before the Second World War, smoking was a normal way of life. Even doctors and health personnel advised it.

    But when the Nazis took control, their scientists were actually the ones who found out that smoking was bad for you. Hitler saw this as an excellent piece of research and tactic against the Allies, thinking if they didn't smoke, they wouldn't smell badly, and they'd be better at fighting the Allies. The Allies weren't aware that smoking was bad for you, and it wasn't until well after the war did any allied government find out that smoking was bad!

    BTW, Smoking is a no-no in my book. It ages the user quicker and nearly has the same effects as ice.
  17. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    Smoking is BAD. I lose interest in any girl who smokes, even if it was Megan Fox. (FAT THUMBS..)
  18. darkphire

    darkphire Active Member

    bad breath,yellow teeth and black lungs their is absolutely no point in smoking so I say bad
  19. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    i hate smoker... man or women... especially when they smoke near me... i know it's their right to smoke, but i also have a right to have a nice and clean air to breath...

    i've seen the lungs of smoker.... it really is scary and disgusting.. wonder if the smoker have already see their lungs condition.... could it stop them??
  20. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    I know....
    Teens (17-18) smoke because they think it's cool.... But it's not... They want to be like Big Smoke or those homies in GTA....