I find it incredibly unattractive. You really wanna taste a cig on a kiss or just in the air in general? Not me.
Smoking is shit...always has been and always will be. Although, if the Government stops cigarettes, 1,000,000,000+ will be reluctant to stop and hold some protest. You just can't stop some things in this world. Cigars are about $10 a pack. And sometimes people smoke a packa day. $3,650 gone in a year. Personally, I'll never smoke, and keep clear of smoking faggots. They can kill themselves all they like. Keep away from Peer Pressure, try be friends with......NERDS LOL.
did you all know that smoking can reduces 8 minutes of ones life every cigar they suck..if they smoke 30 boxes a month,the smoker successfully reduces 120 days of he/her life..wanna married with life-shorten people? hmm...
If I smoke, I'm gonna be in deep shit if ever my father finds out about it =\ and smoking girl isn't sexy at all.
I am a smoker myself, but, hypocritically, i wouldn't like it if my girl started smoking. Theres just something about it i don't like when its a girl doing it, maybe i'm just odd. lol.
Smoking kills pregnant babies. I don't get why they put all those SMOKING KILLS YOU ads on the boxes when it doesn't work. LOL. Financial crisis.
Not financial crisis dude. It's a life crisis Post Merge: [time]1260968958[/time] Because if you smoke you can't get off of it. Unless you go to therapy. Basically, you get addicted like a guy high on crack. (Coke)
It's not the same. Sure the addiction is similar but a crackhead will kill for a hit but a smoker will ask someone else for a smoke but not kill (maybe steal a pack of smokes)
I have no idea what this topic is about anymore. I will say this, I have known some bad people in my time, a person smoking is hardly bad. I have known some people who are liberal with their sex, so I have enjoyed both man and woman in my pleasure. I do not wish a man or a girl who is non-sexual on anyone, that person is either non-human or modern Christian, the worst of the zombie classes. I would argue that the slutty girl is by far the best person you could know as a guy. There is no such thing as a slutty guy, all guys are slutty and any bloke who says otherwise is a liar or a monk.
As i have said before, i used to be a crackhead. I would lie, steal (from my own family)and cheat.But i never had to kill anyone... The thing is, i was able to stop.And i can't stop smoking cigarettes! By this, i just wanna tell all those who say that quitting is easy: f*c$ off!You know nothing about other people's lives, and what is easy or hard for them.(This last part is not directed at anyone in specific).
Yeah...I"M MAD AS HELL!!!!! Not. Maybe the F-OFF thing was a little much. Sorry. I just mean that one thing can be easy for someone, while extremely hard for someone else. Every person is different.
smoking doesn't only kill you, it gives bad breath and dark lips too. eww?? and contributes a lot to global warming. i don't see any good side of cigarettes. i don't really get it too why they put those nonsense ads like 'smoking is dangerous to your health' on the boxes, i think everybody already knows that?? they just don't want to do the right thing, because if they do, there is always a way. Post Merge: [time]1261061144[/time] i understand you. my mom is a smoker since she was young, she promised me like 51 times that she'll stop and i told her not to blame the addictive nicotine. and guess what, her new year's resolution for 2010 is to quit smoking! that makes it 52nd.
My dad smokes and he gets so f*cking pissed off sometimes. basically he goes nuts. (Sorry about the F'ing. Im telling the truth)