Why not? I think everyone understood what it is anyways. Also you can do a quick google search and find it out if you don't know it. It's when a man/woman sucks a man's penis. I quite don't grasp the concept of this topic, there's nothing to argue. Smoking is unhealthy, put people like the way it feels or whatever.
ummm............................. smoking's bad for her health, i dont care if you like her or not, best to tell her to quit! OR ELSE she gets hooked onto it badly and turns into skin and bones!
Bad. Absolutely no gains from it, besides a possible blowjob XD. And all the negativities. Simply not worth it
Never happens to me...thank god anti smoking laws do work to some extent here... Agreed 100% If they don't quit-I'll quit ..them.
it gives heart disease, asthma, thin body, lung cancer, etc. (only if you wanna be "cool" by smoking) and you also get hooked onto it because it has nicotene in it. Post Merge: [time]1258109664[/time] I totally agree with this statement. Though I'm still a grade school kid so I shouldn't get into this crap.
Bad, if the girl keeps smoking, Missy won't be sexy anymore, instead, she might be crying on the hospital. Girl on the picture? Sexy in your language, for my language, normal, and nice fashion.