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Smash Bros... got ideas for the next one?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Nighthawk1996, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    How about Liquid Snake or Solidus? Zero or X would be good as well.
  2. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    What the hell? Ezio, and Yu-Gi-Oh? No. NO.
    And why would you cut all the memorable characters?

    Personally, I don't really think they need another Smash Bros, and they already said they won't be making another one. They already got tons of memorable characters, sure there's 1 or 2 that would have been neat to see, but they've pretty much got them all.
  3. ddmdsc

    ddmdsc Member

    well, my wishes would be to keep jigglypuff *I LOVE beating her up XD* Put roy, mewtwo and dr. mario back in, keep all characters from brawl in, put pichu back in.

    Now for new characters.

    Vaati from minish/Four swords adventure.

    Tails (Miles prowler), Shadow AND Knuckles.

    Zero from Megaman Zero series.

    Vent And Aile from Megaman ZX.

    Omega Zero from Megaman Zero 3 and ZX.

    Lugia and Raichu.

    Thats all i can think of right now, my next post will have more.
  4. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Jiggly Puff is by far the most useless character next to sonic, and yet one of the most memorable. XD
    I think just Megaman and Zero alone would be fine, or possible one of Dr. Wiley's robots, like Cutman maybe.

    Here's my idea for attacks for a Galactic Federation Marine from Metroid.

    Normal Attack - Elbow Slam, like, melee attack with the butt of the gun
    Nomal attack + Left/Right - Large melee attack bringing the gun down on the enemy
    Normal Attack + Running Left/Right - Running Gun Smack
    Normal Attack + Up - Punch with fist into air
    Special - Fire Assault Rifle
    Special + Right - Toss Energy Grenade
    Special + Down - Plant Charge (Down Special again to detonate) (Can be "Charged" so to speak. Simply pushing S+D will plant it, but will have a smaller explosion, holding it longer will give it a bigger explosion)
    Special + Up - Jet Pack jump into air (Does damage to those caught underneath in jet pack exhaust, and to those above from impack)
    Smash Attack - Activate Phazon Enhancement Device (PED), makes all attack much more powerful, and take a lot more damage.
  5. Raven1992

    Raven1992 Well-Known Member

    You'd be surprised, actually. My friend was a complete jigglytank (lol) in Melee. He'd completely annihilate people with that rollout move O_O
    .. Yeah, Jiggly's a pile of poop XD

    Was Pichu in Brawl?
    ... If it was.. let it burn. IN HELL.

    I like your Galactic Federation Marine moveset :3
  6. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    bring back roy he was the best character ever
  7. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    That's what they look like, for those of you who don't know. I had to make up the whole Jet Pack thing though. They don't actually have Jet Packs, and I couldn't think of any other Up+Special move, though it's not like Brawl didn't go against Metroid Canon either (Samus Emergency Pistol doesn't actually have a whip in the games).

    I also had an idea for the Metroid Other M style Marines.
    Same moves as the Galactic Federation Marine, EXCEPT, Left/Right+Special Makes the Marine draw their Freeze Pistol, which, as the name implies, freezes the enemy, it can be charged, the longer it's held, the longer the freeze.
    And then the Assault rifle can run out of ammo (If you look at the picture, you can see that their guns are magazine fed), so I'm gonna say after 30 rounds are shot, you stop and reload, the dropped magazine can then be picked up, and tossed at the enemy.
    The Smash Attack would be a couple other marines controlled by AI coming in and kicking the butts of the other players.

    I also had an idea, for Dark Samus as a character. She wouldn't really walk, but more hover in the way that Mewtwo did in Melee.
    The moves would be much the same as Samus, but slower, and more powerful.
    Regular Special fires multiple phazon energy shots, with a sort of Shotgun like spread, a charged shot fires a continuous spray of the for a few seconds.
    Up Special makes her do a double jump, and can then float in the air for several seconds.
    Down Special makes her go into morphball, but instead of dropping bombs, you do a speed boost, pommeling anything in your path (This move can be charged.
    Missiles are the same, but move slower than regular missiles, and are much more powerful.
    The Smash Attack would be her Commandeering Aurora Unit 313, which can fly around, and fire incredibly powerful lasers at enemies.