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"Six Year Old Drives to School Thanks to GTA"

Discussion in 'General News' started by ultra, Jan 13, 2009.

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  1. nekosabre

    nekosabre Active Member

    They put too much emphasis on GTA, the kid also mentioned another videogame. It's probably driving video games in general that are to blame. But, what are you blaming them for? Causing a six-year old to REALLY want to go to school? Or is it because he actually learned driving up to the level of Yukari from Azumanga? I agree that the parents are partly to blame, but the kid may just be really resourceful. Although, yeah, they really should have gotten up to take him to school :p

    Oh, and, I'd have to say that video games really can help you to drive. I took to it a lot more naturally because of all the videogames I had played with driving in them. It helps you to judge distances, and get down the amount of turn needed in a turn. I'm probly not explaining this very well, but I think other people will agree.
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    This sort of correlation is exactly what the Jack Nicholson feeds upon.

    Also, why does a 6 year old have access to GTA?
  3. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    The same reason he had access to the keys.
  4. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    XD :p
    sooo true.
  5. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    it would be awesome if he got to school and lure some girls to his home hahha
  6. alienjellybaby

    alienjellybaby New Member

    Haha. This article was a basis of an english essay we had to do!! (Effects of playing video games)
    hahaha Its so cool he managed to drive a car~~ I can't believe he wasn't even scared!! :p
  7. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    atleast he didnt use cheats ;D
  8. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    "write so acording to gamespot if I put this code in my car wont blow up" 5 minutes later the car crashed and the kid was in hospital before he died he said "gamespot lied to me"
  9. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    Just hope this kid never gets wind of the whole "hot coffee" scandal :p
  10. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    damn...that's kid's gangsta :D kid got more street cred than K-Fed :D
  11. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    i laughed so hard here cause it's true. they put too much blame on games causing violence that they don't consider how it can help a person in the future. maybe not in this specific style but... yeah you get the point
  12. medostix

    medostix Active Member

    that is soooo cool!!!!!!
  13. lubuisking

    lubuisking Active Member

  14. MrNeutral

    MrNeutral Member

    yeah no viruses just dont dl anything stupid thats normally the key rule get a better browser if you need it i really hate IE i just use it when the site isnt compatible with opera
  15. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Opera!? Netscape? lol
    outdated browsers ugh.

    I learned how to back in a semi truck (or a truck with trailer attached) from GTA.
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    opera is still updated actually.
  17. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I can't believe people still use Opera though.

    Chrome is pretty much the same sort of thing, just faster, and neither have my beloved addons, like Noscript. :(

    I don't like that people can see where you've been with the speeddial thing.

    I still find this article hilarious.
    And they deserve an EPIC FAIL
  18. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    That was amazing!
    I just wonder what the f**k is wrong with those parents, letting their 6-year-old to play GTA? Kistus..
  19. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Typical american. In europe we have a solution for this, it's called clutch... no way a six-year old can start an engine then.
  20. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    I was thought to drive early, in the province, but I won't be able to have my license yet...
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