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Should the death penalty be applied to murderers of all ages?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by wtfroms, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    Death Penatly should be banned in all countries...
    its nothing more then a contradiction.

    Killing a man for murder only prooves your just a bad as he is.
  2. blazergame

    blazergame Well-Known Member

    It depends on your age and what kind of murder did you do i guess
  3. Rekal188

    Rekal188 Well-Known Member

    Why do you think the you think the death penalty should be banned? If the death penalty was in all countries and was givin if u murdered or raped someone guess what? there would be alot less criminals!!

    All I know is if someone killed the people i hold dear I would kill em if the law didnt work and i would gladly accept any consequences

    Also for the the topic question I believe that if you kill on purpose you can take the consequences no matter what age you are
  4. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    i would've thought this topic would have been dead already...
    as far as i know different age groups have different rights, and i personally thinkg they should just serverly punish you according to your age group i.e a teenager, make that person do community service or some kind of hard labor, after all we all know we hate doing work
  5. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    Should the death penalty be applied to murderers of all ages? Personally I think... no. They should suffer or tortured to death like 10 years or more, death penalty is way too easy for an escape. Pain will surely make them realize what they have done. If they have sincerely changed inside the jail, give them a chance, free them. But in heavy cases like a man has killed 50 people, that's a different story. Tie him up, feed him ants, cut his fingers and feet, pull his eyeballs off, and so on until he lives miserably.
    Post Merge: [time]1259305697[/time]
    if i were in that place, making him suffer is a sweet revenge. i'll make him bleed until he pleads to just take his life away. revenge is a strong emotion, and for me i can't control it, even if it takes my life.
  6. christian_o18

    christian_o18 Member

    Well, If a 10 year old kid killed his/her parent(s), its just right for him to be charged of death penalty BUT we should also consider that a 10 year old kid is still a pediatric, unless he's 21 year old, he can be charged of D.P..

    Here in our country, Death Penalty was banned by our former president Estrada, even the Lethal Injection was banned.. The highest penalty here is Lifetime Imprisonment which for me is humanitarian BUT at the same time, it gives advantage to the wrongdoers because they know that there's no Death Penalty here..

    Here in our country, Philippines, child below the age of 21 years old and below who was accused of crime, will be sent to an institution (such as Boys Town, who specializes on rehabilitating and catering for these kind of clients) until they reach adulthood and by then, if proven guilty, can be charged of Lifetime Imprisonment and will be sent to jail..

    There is also a consideration to take before charging a person to such heavy punishment, example of conditions such as Schizoprenia that we all know that a person with this condition is not in his/her own self and thinking..

    Lets go back to the 10 year old child, Im sure every country has a special institution like our country who will cater to these kind of children until they reach the adulthood before they can be charged IF proven guilty.. :)

    We should also remember that A Wrong cannot be corrected by another Wrong.. Follow the Law Of God. :) He will put judgement to those people who kill another. :)
  7. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    So there are allot less criminals in Texas than in any other American State? You are talking crap.

    The death penalty is murder, pure and simple. Most civilised nations have banned it. Murder by proxy is the refuge of the morally bankrupt coward.
  8. JohnnieBob

    JohnnieBob Well-Known Member

    I remember 2 10-12 year-old boys tortured a 6 year-old (or the likes) to death. They should be killed.
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Jamie Bulger.
  10. Rekal188

    Rekal188 Well-Known Member

    No its not murder it's just getting rid of the sickos that will just murder and rape again
  11. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    well, no...only in violent, malicious murders should the death penalty be sought after.

    for one reason, there is this case - Murder in the First Grade

    the boy didn't know what murder was. he had a gun and used it. should he be killed for this?

    i'm split. i'm unsure about it myself. i don't know why this kid had the gun or why he went to school with it. but i know that a 6 year old can't be held accountable for murder.

    the death penalty shouldn't be applied to everyone. i'm not sure as to who, but it's very hard to say...it's really up to the circumstances and the people involved.

    this is a really hard topic for me to debate.
  12. r1motochick

    r1motochick Well-Known Member

    Yes, if anything, it can be an example for all the other little kids thinking the law can't do anything to them cuz of their age....
  13. leonx3000

    leonx3000 Member

    I'm all for slow, painful tortures.
  14. r1motochick

    r1motochick Well-Known Member

    I totally agree to this. That's why in so many 3rd world countries, crime is way down. It is out of fear.....
  15. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    just make sure he's been proven guilty ;D you really can't do this to the wrong person. you really shouldn't.
  16. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    Justice is the same as revenge......
  17. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    A lot of the posts here seem to be focused on revenge, like torturing the accused.
    Would this bring back the person who was killed, or make the rape victim forget about what happened?
    I would be for the death penalty if we could always be 100% sure the person is guilty.Unfortunately, most of the time we can't.
    And death penalty simply to remove these threats from harming anyone again.Not torturing them for revenge, i think that's just childish.
    Do you really think someone will not murder because someone else got tortured?
    Is the crime rate any lower in Iran or North Korea than it is in the USA or Canada?
    What if we focused more on ways to prevent people from committing crimes, rather then focusing on how to punish them?
    Things like reducing the poverty line, providing better education, etc?
    I would say that it's really your country who is at fault here.
    Why give prisioners the chance to get a free degree, and not free citizens?
    Maybe if they had the chance to get an education, instead of living in the streets, they would not have ended up in prison.
    Also, it seems like people in your country struggle to get three meals a day and clothes for their bodies.No wonder they resort to a life of crime.Who's really to blame here?
    We like to sit on our high chairs and judge others.
    But just walk a mile in their shoes...then you really might know what it's like to sing the blues.(Everlast reference :) )
    One way to address this would be to stop arresting people for stupid things like possession of pot or other small violations.
    At least here in my country it's one big reason why prisons are so overcrowded.
    But when you live in a pluralistic society, which god's law would you follow?
    If you are referring to Yahweh (the Judeo-Christian god) do you think we should stone to death a woman who was raped in a city, while allowing a father to sell his daughter into slavery?
    I know this is off-topic, but come on people, we should follow the law of men as a society.If as an individual, you believe in a certain god and in his laws, follow them.But don't try to make them societal laws.
    No...It's not.
  18. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    A lot of the posts here seem to be focused on revenge, like torturing the accused - why would you do such thing to an ACCUSED? that's not even lawful.
    I would be for the death penalty if we could always be 100% sure the person is guilty.Unfortunately, most of the time we can't. - that is not really a great idea. As you were saying, it will NOT bring back the person who was killed, or make any other victims forget about what happened.
    And death penalty simply to remove these threats from harming anyone again.Not torturing them for revenge, i think that's just childish. - revenge is the only way you could feel better especially when you know the LAW is not always on your side. How would that be childish, a kid won't even think about that kind of thing, maybe a child soldier can.
    What if we focused more on ways to prevent people from committing crimes, rather then focusing on how to punish them? - sick and tired of these words. this is what you can call childish. you can't do anything with the law unless you're a law breaker, what are you gonna do, tell these things to their face? everyone will hear you but no one is going to listen. it just doesn't make any difference.
    Things like reducing the poverty line, providing better education, etc?I would say that it's really your country who is at fault here.
    Why give prisoners the chance to get a free degree, and not free citizens?
    Maybe if they had the chance to get an education, instead of living in the streets, they would not have ended up in prison.
    Also, it seems like people in your country struggle to get three meals a day and clothes for their bodies.No wonder they resort to a life of crime.Who's really to blame here? - the government
    We like to sit on our high chairs and judge others.
    But just walk a mile in their shoes...then you really might know what it's like to sing the blues. - try to place yourself on their shoes and you'll know what it feels like.
    One way to address this would be to stop arresting people for stupid things like possession of pot or other small violations. - for some reason, I certainly would like to agree with you. This is why I hate the police.... so much!
    At least here in my country it's one big reason why prisons are so overcrowded.But when you live in a pluralistic society, which god's law would you follow?
    If you are referring to Yahweh (the Judeo-Christian god) do you think we should stone to death a woman who was raped in a city, while allowing a father to sell his daughter into slavery?
    I know this is off-topic, but come on people, we should follow the law of men as a society.If as an individual, you believe in a certain god and in his laws, follow them.But don't try to make them societal laws.No...It's not. - There is a separation of the church and the state for this topic. Please do study your political science and please do respect that. This is why I hate atheists. We like to sit on our high chairs and judge others, and that's from you.

    i'm really sorry for bumping in your opinions. i just don't agree with them.
  19. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    I don't see why you quoted my post entirely and then proceeded to just re-write everything i said with your words jumbled in with mine.
    It would be a lot easier on the eyes if you could quote the specific parts of my post you want to adress, and then proceed to quote the next part, and so on.
    A little more work on your part, but it would be appreciated.
    Sorry, i should of said the convict.
    My point still stands.
    As i explained right after, the death penalty would not be for revenge, but simply to remove a threat from our society.
    I would also like to add that such penalty would only be applied if one could be sure the convict had very slim chances of rehabilitation.
    So, in other words, i oppose the death penalty.
    Well, we disagree here.
    I don't think it would make me feel any better.
    I don't think killing someone who killed someone you loved would bring closure to you.
    This of course is opinion.Maybe the majority of people would feel better.Maybe they wouldn't.
    I tried searching for some percentage of murder victims, if the death penalty brought them closure or not.I couldn't find anything.Anyone here know of any study like this?
    Revenge is childish, not torture.That's just stupid.
    Don't really know what you're trying to say here.
    But in case you misunderstood me, i'm not saying we should not punish law breakers.
    What i'm saying is that everyone seems to focus ONLY on punishment, and very rarely on ways to prevent it.
    We do agree on some things!
    That's what i just said!?!
    Nice to see we agree again!
    But the police are just doing their job.
    Sure, many of them are pricks, but also they have to deal with the scum of the earth.It's only natural they act the way they do.
    It's the governments and the courts who are at fault here.
    I don't know if you noticed the quote box right above my statement, but i was replying to a poster who was suggesting we should use his god's laws to make legal decisions.
    Separation of church and state is what i believe in.That is exactly why i said what i said.
    Well, you seem to hate a lot of people.
    I feel sorry for you.
    All that hatred can't be healthy.
    A word of advice, in case you want to listen:
    Don't generalize.
    Not all cops are bad.
    Not all atheists think like me.
    Yeah, i'm not perfect.
    But this coming from someone who just told me he hates specific groups of people, doesn't really tick me off.
    I thank you for bumping in my opinions.
    I enjoy debating.
    If not, i wouldn't post here! ;)
  20. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    - not much work, just a few ctrl c and v, and i just like the color of purple lol, ok sorry i'll make it easier for your eyes only heheh

    - it doesn't remove the threat, death penalty is not justice and it should not be applied to murderers of all ages

    - what are you talking about, revenge doesn't mean killing. anyone here know of any study like this?

    - so we're talking about revenge here. ever heard of 'an eye for an eye'? Although many aspects of vengeance resemble the concept of justice, revenge connotes a more injurious and punitive focus as opposed to a harmonious and restorative one. Whereas justice generally implies actions undertaken and supported by a legitimate judicial system, by a system of ethics, or on behalf of an ethical majority, revenge generally implies actions undertaken by an individual or narrowly defined group outside the boundaries of judicial or ethical conduct. The goal of revenge usually consists of forcing the perceived wrongdoer to suffer the same or greater pain than that which was originally inflicted. and for torture, they deserve it. they should have use their heads before doing all those actions. i want to hear your side of which it is childish.

    - everyone? on punishment? are you kidding, everyone seems to focus on taxes!

    - heheheh

    - that Law of God he was talking about was morality, nothing else. he didn't say use it to make Legal decisions.

    - Well, you seem to like a lot of people.
    I feel bad for you.
    Why not generalize,
    Not all cops are good.
    Not all atheists think like you, that's true. Not all religious people think the way I do too.
    i'm not perfect. i do agree i hate certain groups of people because of their ways, if that's not healthy then i can't just like them or what, i can do nothing about it.

    - okay, let's just keep it healthy ;D