Sony stayed kind middle of the way here. His uh...flashlight controller has both project natal and wiimote stuff, since it uses a camera to register moviments(project natal) as oposed to a sensor bar and uses a design that spells wiimote all over.
ahem... IIRC EyePet have done what natal is doing.... IIRC EyePet was annouce before E3..... IF i'm correct, Natal actually copy Sony, not the otherway around.
Actually, motion-sensing based on webcams exist way before Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3. I remeber seeing this kind of games on sites like Newgrounds way before PS2.
Because I understand the technology under the hood and the difficulties MS and Sony face by going with camera-based detection. I guarantee it will be slower and less accurate than what the Wii currently has to offer. Nintendo execs also stated that the Wii Motion Plus was originally slated to be in the original Wiimote design but they wanted the tech to be done right, so they waited on it. I've heard that future Wiimotes will have the Motion Plus built into them; that is, it cannot be detached.
It's possible, I'm still reserving judgement until I see what the professional techs can do. [quote author=xelados]Nintendo execs also stated that the Wii Motion Plus was originally slated to be in the original Wiimote design but they wanted the tech to be done right, so they waited on it. I've heard that future Wiimotes will have the Motion Plus built into them; that is, it cannot be detached. [/quote] Well that's nice of them; they just decided to charge you an extra $x in the meantime to pad their bottom line.
Objection there, severe objection. Nintendo should sue Sony. Look at the classic example where Sony tried to sue Nintendo over the Classic Controller.
A song by one "weird al" yancovich comes to mind here...
Sony maybe not, but it's still severe imitation. Not to mention, they could easily sue Microsoft. For infringement and all-alike, even if the Kinect does not bring about these issues, it's the Avatars issue. Nintendo had the idea nd made it before any of the others. Nintendo should easily sue for that.
All this animosity between the two companies started when Nintendo & Sony had problems with regards to the SNES CD which was supposed to Counter Sega's own CD 32X add-on. Then as an act of retaliation, Sony launched the PSOne & "stole" (or rather, made exclusive contracts for games to be released with them) several key Game Companies like Squaresoft away from Nintendo. Which was why, though the N64 was an edge over the PSOne (or simply Playstation) it's sales was not that great.
Um no. The n64 was released a year after the ps1 due to technical issues. So the Ps1 had a entire year to get more sales then the n64 Another edge the ps1 had was that it used a storage media that could hold 10x much data as the n64's storage media could. Ps1 games were also, on average, slightly cheaper because its storage media was cheaper to produce.
Playstation early development: Note the citations of the SNES CD.
I wasn't commenting about the snes cd. I was commenting about how you said the n64 was superior to the ps1.
If so, Nintendo shoulda have sued WAI FOR PC, that is basically a copy of wiimote for the PC, but they didn't, so... No reason to bring it up against Sony right now.