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should nintendo re-create HALO DS?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Renji217, Dec 31, 2007.

  1. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    not only that, all the nintendo consoles lack the graphic power of its generation (except the gamecube and other retro consoles)...
  2. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    o.k, I didnt know that Wii graphic was lower then 360
  3. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Much lower. The Wii supports a maximum resolution of 480p for NTSC, and the 360 I believe supports 1080p.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    That is only one way in which its lower.
  5. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    so why is Wii "so great" that everyone seem to love it? (except me...I hate Wiimote)
  6. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    It's because of the Remote probably. Everyone thinks it's so cool to have a controller that reads motion instead of buttons. That's why I have one. Are we gonna have another Console Wars battle here? We've already had, say, four "Battles of RomUlation".
  7. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Console War? nah...Console War are only for fanboys, i'm not a fanboy.....but i dont really like Wiimote, i mean i must move my arm during the game, and the button on the control are.....call me old fashion, i perfer Joystick or pad.
  8. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    i think the main reason on why people love the wii is its innovation, the controller was revolutionizer... although the ps3 has got the same function, the wii's is much more ''deeper''... and every console nintendo has done (except the gamecube and other retro consoles) have been done for players to have fun, and not for them to be astonished with great graphics, as sony and microsoft have been doing...
  9. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    The resolution doesn't matter nearly as much as people draw it out to be. Most people don't even own a television that supports 1080p. The best 1080p ever looks is when you have your game on pause anyways. However~...

    360: 3 symmetrical cores running at 3.2 GHz each
    Wii: 729MHz

    360: 500MHz
    Wii: 243MHz

    360: 512MB @ 700MHz
    Wii: 88MB

    I know someone's going to reply saying "BUT VOID NUMBERS MEAN NOTHING," which is true, but you can't deny that the 360 is a more powerful console. C'mon, now.
  10. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    woah youve all lost the plot!

    'halo wont be good on DS cause it cant match xbox graphics!!! ZOMG!!!'
    'putting halo on DS will wreck halos reputation as 'best' game ever'

    seriously people you expect way too much.

    I would expect halo DS to have graphics along the lines of CODDS or Brothers in Arms DS, and for an handheld its pretty darn good. And if you wanted serious graphics and serious play then you wouldnt be playing on a DS in the first place. I mean seriously whats the worst that could happen? itd flop and no one would buy it? so what! shit id give them a 10 just for trying.

    Fact is no it wont be as good as xbox, but who cares, if other developers had worked along those lines we wouldnt have Mario Kart DS, any of the FF series or most of the other FPS, Adventure, Action or fantasy games that have been released for DS.

    Give it a rest M$ fanboys.
  11. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i know how you feels, once i posted a fact and spec of all next gen console during a console war and guess what...99% nintendo fanboy says "spec is nothing" and they all forget about the fact that game can do better in with a better spec console.....since then, i told my self, never join another console war (unless i want to flame because i had a bad day) as those fanboy are too blinded by thier loyalty to certain company to accept the truth

    well i guess i'm the only one who dislike Wiimote.....i dont think movement sensor is inovasion, its nothing new there is alot of movement machine out there, machine like Dance Dance Revolution or Time Crisis is a good example, or even better example, there is a shooting game in japan that involve moving your body to dodge the bullet, its kindda like Dance Dance Revolution + Time Crisis....and if you played those machine before, you will understand why i dont want to own a console like Wii, 8 hours (my min gaming time with a console) of constant moving my arm arent a good idea.

    its not just graphic, they have to remove some function from the game as well (like NPC capable of displaying real time emotion \ facial changes during the conversasion), i didnt played halo before, but my friend show me the trailer of Halo 3....so i'm sure they cant be in DS without some major downgrading....not to mention you have to put everything into a game cart...and NDS game cart arent very big compare to a DVD (even CD is bigger then it).
  12. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    we all know numbers mean a lot, people... nowadays, people won't play a only black and white game, only with squares, no circles, and such... a game which appears for the first time on different consoles, like wii and xbox360, for example, a new game, like ''seph's the best!!...'', and we have to control him, move him, feed him, and so on, people would prefer that game on the 360, because it's much more powerful than the wii, even if the wii could be funnier... the wii is cool for party games, with many people, and for short playing games, which doesn't take you much time... if a game is very long, and you can't stop playing it, then you'll end the day without arms...
  13. jadin72

    jadin72 Well-Known Member

    i agree with jin_kazama, i always preferred wii games like the sports ones and mario party 8, (although zelda on wii is cool). if you want to sit down and play a massive game like halo it needs to have good graphics.
  14. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i believe so, especially if it will bring in money for bungie and nintendo. they could make an alternate halo game specifically for wii [sort of like a side story or something] and have wii and ds connectivity, which can unlock new features.

    i think the purpose of the visuals is for demonstrating the power or the special feature of the system or trying to make a point about the system. halo was the trademark for the xbox and xbox 360, which was to glorify the graphics capability of the system [xbox 1 was the most powerful out of the other last 2 gen system]. now, apply that to the ds and you see that it can't no longer be about the graphics, but about the gameplay and it's function. when mario 64 came out, it was to show the new concept and use of the analog joystick and a new 3d gaming world experience [graphics and game design and such]. when mario 64 ds was released it was about hardware and what that hardware is capable of [it's functions] and how you can change it's gameplay on the new hardware [gameplay].

    ddr pads and guncon accessories aren't new concepts either and they were just popularized by using it for the proper software.

    graphics, how is it that nintendo can pull off something awesome and other companies cannot on the ds and the wii. on the ds you have metroid prime hunters and the wii you have mario galaxy. btw, best graphics by a third publisher is the creator of dementium, the game is visually impressive.

    btw, this will never happen as when microsoft let bungie go, they made agreements that the halo franchise and everything halo will be microsoft's and microsoft's only. so unless microsoft get's a piece of the share or dies or let's the agreement be placed on bungie's hands, this will never happen.
  15. lepermessiah

    lepermessiah Active Member

    it would be just like CoD4 for DS not nearly as good as the original.

  16. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Of course.
  17. FantomRedux

    FantomRedux Well-Known Member

    What people don't seem to understand is the position of Microsoft. It's nowhere near as simple as "M$ don't own Bungie, so they can release a Halo game on Wii/DS/PSP/PS3." Microsoft will still have an influence on Bungie. Don't forget that M$ still have the rights to produce the film. Although, legally, they could easily release a game on the other consoles, financially they probably wouldn't want to. They have too much vested intrest in the 360, simply due to XBox Live. I'm not saying that there is no chance that it will happen, but there is a very high chance it won't.