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Should "mixed" people be brought into existance?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by tyson_rss, Mar 3, 2011.

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  1. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    You're an idiot and I'm sorry for ever thinking you had the intelligence to be a troll.
  2. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    only way to remove racism is to remove all the non-white races so the supreme white race can rule!
  3. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    if we did that littlekill the world would become a society of idiots.
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Do you know anything about history?

    It's not just race that has to do with it. It's also tribalism and clans, etc.

    So, everyone will have to die in order to end racism.

    And yes, there should be mixed people. Who gives a fuck what you are. You're human no matter what.
  5. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

  6. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    if you mean tribalism as nationality. than yes, of course its racism. but basically race=racism (uses same root) of course i know my history. definition of racism: Racism is the belief that the genetic factors which constitute race, ethnicity, or nationality are a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that ethnic differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

    so, yeah. racism is basically physical discrimination. if you mean tribalism and clans like what happened on africa (therefore they became slaves. because of their separation) thats another thing. not really racism.

    and i have to agree with you on the mixed part. it doesnt really matter how you look, you are still a human. but many people seem to care. therefore why maybe this topic was made
  7. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    You do realize that we all came from a tribe of sub-human people from Africa some millions of years ago right?
  8. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    Everyone came from Europe and Africa at first, so the racism here in America is quite contradictory.

    But perhaps you all are right about how mixed people should be.
  9. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    No, that doesn't work.
    Reason being, race is a cultural thing.
    In reality, there are no human sub-species.
    We are all one race.
    There are no cladistic differences between humans.
    Say you bring a group of black people to live in Sweden, and a group of white people to live in Africa.
    Given a few hundred thousand years, the black people would be white and vice versa.
    Without breeding with any outsiders, only with their own group.
    So, there will never be the ONE race, because it already is here.
    As with any race, there are always phenotypical differences between individuals.
    Well, in that case, we should also forbid the poor from breeding.And the handicap.
    And short people, they have a hard time too.
    In other words, NO.
    That is ridiculous.People should be free to be with who they want and to have kids.
    Something tells me you really didn't think this through.
    I lol'd...
    Is that what creationists resort to now, to avoid the problem of interbreeding?
    Never meant to exist?
    And who the hell sets these laws on who is meant to exist, and who isn't?
    A little absurd there, don't you think?
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i dont know about Adam, but scientist already found eve, in a project call Mitochondrial Eve, because our mitochondrial always pass down from mother side without any influence from the father side, it can be trace back to a single female in Africa who live around 200,000 years ago.

    so we are technically related.

    back to the topic, hybrid race should be bring into existence, its one of the way to end racism once and for all, plus i meet some british chinese back in my college, IMO they are pretty hot especially their blue eyes.
  11. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    its science not creationism actually
  12. Conrannex

    Conrannex Guest

    This might look bad coming from me and it might also look unexpected but I believe the superior race is white anglo-saxon.

    Black people come from places such as africa and have not had the need to evolve as much and they're generally more brutish and slightly less capable.
    Asian people have migrated a lot and because of certain factors they have stunted growth and physical issues. Their intelligence seems to be on-par with whites but because of a lot of culture and stereotypical factors they on average do well in school, e.g. strict parents.
    White people are the most dominant and well-balanced race. We have high intelligence without the physical losses, we are also (in general) the most attractive race due to historical factors.

    I promote interbreeding or race-mixing due to the simple fact that it is healthy and productive to the gene pool (not to mention I don't like the idea of denying love due to an uncontrollable event). Studies have shown that race mixing yields good results, mainly race mixing involving whites, not to mention a lot of mixed-race people are rather attractive.

    Though, if you want to look at it on a moral standpoint.
    Why the hell not? You find them attractive? You like their personality? You love them enough to have kids?
    Where is the problem? You have the right to love who you want and (if it's mutual, don't get any ideas, social-retards) you have the right to love them how you want. What kind of fool needs to ask a question like this? Oh wait, Tyson...

    On that note, it's nearly 8am and I have noooo idea what I'm on about.
  13. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's called humanity.
  14. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    So if black people are less capable and white people dont have physical losses why are all the best athletes black?
    Are you also saying black people are less intelligent?

    And after your previous posts its not unexpected to see you write something racist.
  15. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    i find conrannex both funny and a little truthful. but whites aren't superior to anyone, anybody is just as capable as whites, believe me, i've seen some pretty dumb ass white people.

    And about the part where he said whites are more attractive...that's actually wrong. There are studies that show inter-race or mixed people are more attractive than any dominent race(which i find hard to believe, guess it depends on what you think is attractive at the end of the day)
  16. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    I think I feel a little Spanish/American blood in me. Maybe.
    Every race is equal, that is a simple fact. Now, telling that to others is another story.
  17. j c 2000

    j c 2000 Well-Known Member

    I am part Anglo-Saxon =) How constructive I am to threads.
  18. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    You know that's not literally Eve from the bible, right?
    It's mitochondrial Eve, a title, nothing to do with the Eve from the book.
    Again, hybrid race cannot be brought into existence.
    Care to explain or provide sources?
    BTW, if you are talking about people from the bible, it's not science.
    EDIT:You might be talking about Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosomal Adam.
    But in any case, i would like to learn more about this 8 of each thing.
    My bold.
    Am i starting to get through to anyone here?
  19. Conrannex

    Conrannex Guest

    I was speaking in general terms. Yes, _most_ of the fastest runners are black, and? You can hardly call the minor differences in physical potential between blacks and whites. I am saying that black people naturally have less intelligence, of course there's going to be exceptions to the rule, I am being general, here.
    Again, there are exceptions and I am talking about potential.

    I wasn't bring mixed races in to the equation and as I said, a lot of mixed race people are attractive.
  20. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Do you have any proof?
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