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Should all drugs be legal?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 1prinnydood, May 9, 2009.

  1. harobikes34

    harobikes34 Member

    Yeah i agree that they should be legal. But i belive they should be regulated and taxed. Its a win win like that. Oh and have laws like they do for alcohol. No driving.
  2. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    they should need a prescription for all of them
  3. harobikes34

    harobikes34 Member

    Yeah try finding a doctor to write you a RX for Crack
  4. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    well of course.... they wouldnt give that!!
  5. black dragon 1

    black dragon 1 Well-Known Member

    Speaking from personal experience:

    I used to smoke weed several times a day and use coke plus extacy during the weekends.
    I'm what you call easily additive.
    Yet I figured out that being wasted every day isn't cool or good.
    So I quit using coke and E (without any help).
    Now I smoke some joints in the weekends except when I have to work.

    I think there should be some sort of control on drugs.
    Drugs shouldn't be illegal but there has to be a form of controlling bureau to see if people are easily addiced to drugs or anything else for that matter (sex, internet, computergames, etc)
    If not the government then who else can?

    Also the age for using drugs should be defined otherwise a 6 year old kid can go and use herion or LSD. People who say that the drugs aren't bad haven't seen a kid offering sex so they can get high with the money they get.

    Drugs definitly change people, mostly for the worst because when they're high everything is cool and good, funny and relaxing. But when they come down hey feel worse and cranky.
    Not to mention the mood swings they have. Going from nice into anger at the blink of an eye.

    I'm not saying don't do drugs but keep it moderate and do it with friends so they can keep an eye on you and you on them.

    I'm not trying to offend anyone but like I said in the beginning I'm speaking of personal experience.
  6. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I agree with this, there definitely needs to be an age restriction. Weed in particular, has been linked to osteoporosis and brain damage when smoked by a person who is still developing, yet has been linked to strengthened bones in old age if smoked after someone's finished developing.
  7. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    an age limit makes no difference, look at all the kids smoking and drinking and the fact that its illegal anyway so if a kid is taking it now do your really think and age restriction will help
  8. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Yes i believe it will help, it won't stop under aged taking of the substances, but neither does having it illegal. At least when it's legal the country's making money from taxes which it could (and should) put into stopping under aged people from getting hold of it. For instance; getting drink as a minor in Ireland has become much harder since they brought in a law in which the person buying the drink for the minor is liable for up to a €5,000 fine and/or up to 18 months imprisonment.
  9. black dragon 1

    black dragon 1 Well-Known Member

    That is one way to get underaged to not do it or drive further into the illegal circuit.
    But does it work?
  10. dracky w

    dracky w Well-Known Member

    I have a policy of:if it grows in the ground without help and doesnt kill you are okay
  11. GideonB

    GideonB Well-Known Member

    Personally the government should have no control over you other than punishing for murder and such. But illegalizing drugs like Cocaine and Cannabis is stupid because that makes more people use them. Yeah if you legalized them the same thing would happen but you can control who you can give the drugs to. Just it seems stupid to completely ban a drug when a lot of people smoke them anyways. I think that not all drugs should be legal, but the majority of the safer ones should be. If, albeit under heavy control to who you distribute them to.
  12. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Put it this way; I have a younger brother and a younger sister, my younger bro is 14. Him and his friends don't drink, even though I've offered to buy it for him as it's "too much effort to get", but a lot of his friends smoke hash! The only reason he doesn't is because I've talked to him about it and I think he realises how dangerous it is to smoke as a minor. My sis is 19, many of her friends are already on harder drugs like heroin and cocaine, they drink as well but none of them are heavy drinkers. I have a friend who is 29, he hangs around with people his age and for them alcohol is a staple. They drink every night if they can, it's a similar story with my uncles. I think this might have had something to do with the relaxed laws on alcohol when they were growing up and perhaps the lack of education in my uncles' cases.
  13. dracky w

    dracky w Well-Known Member

    Maybe by banning it the govm just wants us to buy it more
  14. black dragon 1

    black dragon 1 Well-Known Member

    Perhaps. It's like with sigarettes: no more commercials ands sponsoring of events, people buy more.
    Doubt it if it'll work with drugs
  15. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    people just see the pleasures in drugs and not the harmfull effects, they should be educated more about those
  16. royj

    royj Well-Known Member

    you all people crack, or you all on drugs.. why should all drugs be lagalize. this introducing chaos into a country. even if he sell these drugs at high cost, when people get hooked onto them and they really want them they would do and thing to get them ( killing, larcening etc) the government might also want to make deals with drug buses (undercover), if you all get what i am saying.. there is no way the government can prevent children from getting them. there are some father who encourage the children (mostly sons) to do drugs and stuff. so people, if they legalize these drugs it will spell out havoc to society.. and my speculations are by no mean exhaustive
  17. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    anything that can one high should be banned
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    they also have no factual basis. Weed, for example, is legal in a number of countries.
  19. LilJezJinx

    LilJezJinx Member

    I think all drugs should be made legal. Just from personal experience, when I was 15 it was easier for me to get any kind of drug I wanted then to walk into a store and get alcohol. And I lived in NYC where it is a lot easier to get ciggs and alcohol then in some of the other states. I went to Florida once and couldn't get any ciggs or even the scratch off lotto stuff without ID. So if you want to make it harder for kids to get drugs make it legal and slap restrictions and fines on them and not only will it be harder for kids to get but if they do happen to get their hands on some it will at least not be mixed with the poison that is going into heroin and meth and coke that is happening now when its illegal and not regulated.

    No matter what you do teens will find a way to get something they want, the only thing that can be done is to make it harder for them and safer if they do get their hands on drugs. But I find making something illegal gives it more allure and it makes getting even easier cause any dummy can get some to sell.
  20. Kospor

    Kospor Member

    Well in some countries they are legal... but I dont know how they do with kids taking drugs or depressed etc... so I am not sure.. well maybe its your own body.. but its the same as saying you are allowed to kill yourself.. which is another story...