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Should all drugs be legal?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 1prinnydood, May 9, 2009.

  1. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    that is because drug are an controled product, when all drugs are legalise, the number of dead will be high rocket. People without proper knowledge will not know which drug can kill in overdose. Even with proper knowledge, people will still die on overdose, that is because like i said most drug can cause human body to develop a dependancy on that drug, the longer the body expose to the drug, the higher tolerance it get, with higher tolerance, more drug are neded to get the same level of effect.

    no, i said it take a prolong use of drug to develop a dependacy, a point where the body simply cant function without the present of the drug. Dependacy isnt a mearly addiction, its a need.

    True everything that people do will give them certain point of happiness or fullfillment, which why people do them in the 1st place, but they are not at the same level as the effect of drug, plus you also need to take into count other effect the drug cause on the body.

    You use herorin occasionally, its good because you let your body to reset its tolerance which pervent it from developing dependancy on it, but you also keep in mind that everyone is differ, some dos that work for you, might starting to develop dependacy for other which help them to become addicted to the drug.

    Law is useless for people who have unstable state of mind, law is only usefull to rational mind because we can make a proper decision by taking into count the cause and effect of our action, people who have unstable state of mind wont take that into count since they only know one thing, they need drug to make them feel better.
  2. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    well done for adding your very intelligent point, thanks for providing reason and understanding to your aggressive attack. you have just enlightened us all with your wisdom and have changed our minds completely, how can we refute your great knowledge of drug use and the effects and the impact on society. i'm just surprised you didn't try to save our souls as well with your excellent debating skills

    for fuck sake how many times will in debates will we get idiots like that, that don't read and don't add any valid point but in stead use their powers of anti-understanding to shout their mindless opinions at us with out reading anything that is said or contribute to the conversation.
  3. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    @1prinnydood, you make a lot of good points. I still think that, if drugs were just decriminalized, it would keep the users out of the jail system which would in turn save money for the state/government, which could be then put into the war against drugs, which would then help them focus on dealers and the method of drugs reaching everyone. Maybe if we just slap the users with a fine? I dunno its hard to really determine what should be done, but decriminalization should be the first big step taken. It's just not fair to give someone who has a problem even more problems. Being sucked into the legal system is a terrible situation.

    If we can keep the drugs out of the system, then the users may be forced to go prolonged periods of no using. Although It's very painful when drugs like heroin/crack hit you in the withdrawal stage, but in the end, anyone who is trying to get off the drugs must face this point

    I think i may have suggested that, I just think we should have almost absolute freedom to treat our own bodies any way we wish. We should never have unlimited freedom to do whatever we want to anyone else.
  4. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    And I'll tell you something else right now. I have the solution to the drug problem in this country. Nobody wants to hear it, but I have it. Not less drugs, more drugs. Get more drugs, and give 'em the right fucking people. Mmm mm, cuz every time you hear about some famous guy overdosing on drugs, it's always some really talented guy. It's always like Len Bias, or Janis Joplin, or Jimi Hendrix, or John Belushi. You know what I mean!? The people you wanna have overdose on drugs never would! Like Motley Crue would never fucking overdose man, never! You could put them in a room with two tons of crack. They come out a half an hour later, "Rock on man!"

    "Shit, they're still alive. Fuck! They're probably gonna make another double-live album now, God dammit!" - Denis Leary
  5. Ultimate-Sonic-3000

    Ultimate-Sonic-3000 Well-Known Member

    Some are good an some are bad.
  6. c740

    c740 Well-Known Member

    people tend to abuse them so taking them should be controlled.
  7. Younity

    Younity Member

    What about people who get addicted to now legal drugs such as meth and heroin. One problem though, theyve spent all their money on this drug which has now consumed their life.. they need to get some more but they have no way. The only result is some illegal method which would have been avoided if the drug wasnt available to them in the first place.

    Many drugs should be legal, yes. but highly addictive ones, i dont think should.
  8. Miminari

    Miminari Well-Known Member

    I HATE when people use the whole "government is to blame!" bull. There's nothing we can do about the goddamn feds, so stop bitching about it.

    Anyways. There is nothing wrong with usage of such substances in moderation or once in a blue moon.

    So I think some illegal drugs should be legal to an extent, meaning slightly controlled.
  9. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I was not blaming the government or feds, there are no feds where I live, I was asking a question which relates to the relationship between people and the government who are in service to those people. Let me put the question a different way. Is it right that the servant decides what the master eats? Do you pay your taxes to be treated like a child?
  10. Miminari

    Miminari Well-Known Member

    The point to where "the servants decide what the master 'should' eat" and "treated like children while we pay our taxes" is our doing. We let them get away with it since the very beginning.

    Probably if we were shrewder and noticed it from the point such behaviour is established, and actual action was taken from that point on, most of this wouldn't be happening. NOW it's when people complain about "treated like children" and "forcing others on what to eat". Not only that, but all they do is come up with such BS [America is paranoid? But so are the low-life conspiracy theorists. Such claims cannot be made without some form of it] and sit on their asses. Now it's too late to take such action becuase of the ignorance we portrayed.

    My problem is not with the government itself, as you see. It's the citizens who had the rights from the very beginning, and failed to utilize it.
  11. Luga

    Luga Well-Known Member

    All drugs shuld be legal, I mean, Crack does less than Aspertime, Caffene, Nicatine, and Alciholl!
    Salvia is another drug that is on the edge of becoming banned!
  12. NC200X

    NC200X Well-Known Member

    "All drugs should be legal.." Why? Currently illegal drugs shouldn't be legalized. Have any of you thought about all the violence that they cause? In my opinion, if you haven't experienced the violence that they cause, you don't have the right to say whether or not they should or should not be legalized.
  13. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Thankfully the apathetic and sheeplike nature of N. American people towards their relationship to government rarely exists elsewhere, the Chinese have more spine and allot more to lose by non-conformity. Also, to blame past generations for current situations is an insult to all people who do currently work for change.

    I do not seek to blame anyone for a worldwide drug policy failure, there are too many players to point the finger at one group. Rather than pointlessly searching for someone to pin the blame on I think it is better to pose more construtive methods of dealing with drugs and to accept that drug use has always been a natural aspect of human existance and not nessesarily a negative one.
  14. Miminari

    Miminari Well-Known Member

    Your poor understanding of what is "safer than crack" is reflected by your shitty spelling skills.
  15. NC200X

    NC200X Well-Known Member

    Please try to be more mature. Don't insult anyone for no reason.
  16. Miminari

    Miminari Well-Known Member

    I'm sheep-like?

    What difference does that make from those who are all in the "LUL CONFORMITY IS FOR LOSERS" club?

    If anything, I find that the "counter-culture" are a bunch of arseholes who think they are better than most becuase they apperantly know the "truth" behind everything. You're no better than the media itself.

    You all strive for the same goal: brainwashing and using fear tactics.
  17. NC200X

    NC200X Well-Known Member

    I agree with Miminari.

    To Miminari: I'd hate to be on your bad side!
  18. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Do you realise that all of those people who want to get drugs can already get them? People who do not take drugs are not taking them because they are illegal they are not taking them because they do not want to. Do you know that in every study and real life situation where drugs have been decriminalised or legalised there has been a reduction in crime and an overall lowering of drug use? as people are more likely to confront any drug problems they may have when they think that government and authorities are genuinely there to help them.

    Also going by your crazy idea, should only women who have been raped be alowed to discuss rape law? Please say no.
    Post Merge: [time]1243625250[/time]
    Where did I say that, I do not know you, how could I possibly make such a comment? Do you represent the entire population of N. America? Lets try to keep on topic.
  19. saintzin

    saintzin Member

    yes. because when drugs are legal you know who, how, when and where people are doing them. when all drugs are legal you can actually control them better. amsterdam does this, and the drugs users fell when drugs became legal, believe it or not. not by a lot.

    remember. Legalization = control. Prohibition = crime. when things are illegal then violence comes in to control who makes the profits. if it was legal, grocery stores wouldnt be robbing other grocery stores, like dealers do.

    if this doesnt make sense to you then you dont have an open mind
  20. NC200X

    NC200X Well-Known Member

    *Sigh* You call my idea crazy, but I don't think so. Also, please don't go off topic. And you're right; I don't take drugs because they are illegal. But, that's not the only reason. If you're gonna ask what my other reason is, think about it. It's really obvious.