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Should all drugs be legal?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 1prinnydood, May 9, 2009.

  1. knightroad

    knightroad Well-Known Member

    Yes. My reason is because people who really want them, get them anyway. People who are going to hurt themselves do anyway. I think that there needs to be age restrictions to at least give yunggins a chance to grow up and make good choices, but adults? They should be able to get high if they want to, at least in the comfort of their own homes. I'm against drinking and driving, so other drugs might not be suitable for driving/other public functions, so they could be legal as long as you are 21 and you are doing it in your own home!

    Because I don't wanna go to the store and the clerk be any spacier than they already are! Yes, you sell games, right? Why don't you know anything about them then? What is with that vacant stare? Really the folks at gamecrazy/gamestop are already on something........ anyways.
  2. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Please tell me that was a joke post...

    Anyway, I think SOME drugs should be legal. No opium, acid, cocaine, or anything that can f**k you for life on the first try (although all of them can, these are almost certain).
    Weed and maybe shrooms should be legal, if for no reason then to shut you people up. The "less harmful" drugs are still bad, but if taken in moderation, I assume, can be enjoyable (Ha! I've never smoked >.< )
  3. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    shrooms are basically like acid

    and i will quote one of my mates (one of the best one liners i have heard)

    someone asked

    "why did they take them form legal to illegal and not only that but A class"

    my friends response

    "if you've ever taken shrooms you'd understand why they are illegal"

    sounded better at the time
  4. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Ghb = gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid makes you feel drunk without causing liver and brain damage
    5moa DTP (my bad put this in wrong was tired) Should be 5moa DMT = A very new form of Dimethyltryptamine, I put it in as its the new fashonable designer drug on the scene. Feels like taking 500 acid tabs at once but the effects only last 10-20 mins. No known toxicity.
    MDA = 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine this is the precursor to MDMA(ecstacy) its street name is Adam. Similar effect to E but less trippy and a more physicaly chilled out feeling.

    If drugs where legal then you would not be buying crap made badly or using bullshit ingredients. The market would be regulated and purity could be guaranteed.
    It takes a hell of allot of opium to become addicted also with a regulated market dosing can be done properly so no more overdoses. Nothing you mention is dangerious in itself, they can be used in a dangerious way, but lets not blame the drug for that.
    What kind of a world do you think we would have if everything in life that had some danger attached to it was illegal. It would be a very crap existance, no more driving no more climbing trees no more playing sports. No, in all other areas in life we are allowed to make risk assesments and judge whether or not to do something, so what so different about drugs?
  5. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    I dont think drugs should be legal to everyone. Like tobacco kind of age limit to them, because if teens take them it could hard there unfinshed developing bodies

    Age limit to drugs should 27 because at least if they die they would of had some life
  6. koniferus

    koniferus Well-Known Member

    Marijuana does absolutely nothing to your mind. Everything you have ever heard about that is bullshit propaganda. You're grandparents thought masturbating made them go blind and grow hair on their palms. It was also common knowledge that the world was flat. Just because someone says it, doesn't make it true.
  7. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    actually your wrong (i am a pot smoker my self just to clear things up) it true to say that nearly every study ever done is a crock of shit and the results where made up so we can be fed lies but some independent studies have been done which are interesting like the effects of pure THC vs THC plus other chemicals in the plant which supports stronger strains being potentially bad for your mind (thc on it own gives you a bad time, but then i don't go for strong stains cause i like to chillout and have a giggle)

    and it is true that if you are prone to mental instability prolonged use can have some negative affects but then again prolonged use can do that anyway

    anything can be dangerous with prolonged use or misuse but the occasional smoggy room is just plain fun :D

    what i don't get is why the government lie or distort the facts like they never add the "prolonged use" part or if they do they don't state that its like half ounce of heavy shit per day every day which would be lovely but not many people want to smoke that much every day or have the money to.
    by lying they don't help the problem it makes it worse because when you start to have fun with drugs you learn very quickly that most of what you thought about drugs was a lie so you continue from then on to not believe anything they say even if real evidence comes up (boy cried wolf scenario)

    at the end of the day all drugs are (potentially) dangerous but to those that use them and educate them selves on them it never does a bit of harm.
    but to say that they do no harm is irresponsible because someone may hear what you say and just take what ever thinking they will be fine without thinking what they are doing first.

    drugs don't harm the intelligent
    drugs harm the stupid
  8. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Drugs should be legal. I don't live in a free world if I can't choose to put a harmless plant into my body. The excuse is that the government is protecting people from the dangers of drugs -- what dangers? Marijuana (cannabis), psilocybin mushrooms, dimethyltriptomine, salvia divinorum, and various other NATURAL drugs have NO LONG-TERM DAMAGES, despite the unsupported opinion equity has on this subject. However, the pharmaceutical drugs we are sold (and are supported by many major governments) all have very low lethal doses. Those are the legal drugs. Some try to say that marijuana causes people to commit crimes -- this is just plain fucking stupid. Even if it were true, said person should be ARRESTED FOR THE CRIME, NOT FOR USING THE DRUG.

    Even legal recreational drugs are significantly more harmful than natural illegal drugs. Alcohol kills 85,000 people in the UNITED STATES ALONE annually. Marijuana? Zero. Mushrooms? Zero. Hell, alcohol even tops other illicit drugs like cocaine, heroin, crack, and methamphetamines SEVERAL times over. We even market caffeine to our children, which kills over 8,000 people in the US alone annually. So why are drugs like alcohol and nicotine legal? Because they are not the drugs that open your mind to the truth that culture is an operating system on which we runs our lives. It opens our perspective to the possibility that what we've been taught isn't necessarily the truth. Like meditating, it allows us to view issues from a rational non-emotionally-interfered aspect. You see things for truth. And this means that the government can't control you. Alcohol (Which is really just poison. Too much poison and you die.) and cigarettes don't do this to you. The government doesn't care about your life. It cares about protecting you from the truth.

    According to Dr Leslie Iversen of Oxford University's department of pharmacology, "Tetrahydrocannabinol is a very safe drug". And according to the authors of the Canadian Medical Association Journal, "Current marijuana use had a negative effect on global IQ score only in subjects who smoked 5 or more joints per week." For the period in time in which I smoked marijuana twice a day, I achieved higher grades than I've ever had in high school. Life was more fun. I've learned that the best explanation we have for life is that something exploded out of nothing and here we are. We are a species living among other species on earth. We are a capitalistic species. That despite what your parents have told you, there is no God -- when the circuit of neurons in our brain stops, we stop living. We are dead. We are within a consciousness that we realize our own fucking existence. We are on a rock flying through space. When I stopped smoking marijuana twice a day, I had no problems whatsoever because there are no addictive properties in marijuana. If I don't drink copious amounts of caffeine within 24 hours, I get headaches and feel awful and perform at a significantly lower-than-par level. Further, we're WASTING tax payer money and hurting the economy by supporting jail-times for "criminals" incarcerated for the bullshit crimes of possessing marijuana, which more than one fifth of those incarcerated in prison in the United States are there for. We make everyone pay for these people, when more than half of those in the United States support the legalization of marijuana. That's so god damn ridiculous. Further, these people aren't benefiting the economy by being in a cell rather than working for their "crimes." Even worse, the US pays over 2.4 billion USD to the Drug Enforcement Administration with tax money. And with this money, they go and violate state laws in states like California that support medical marijuana. So they go and raid facilities that provide SAFE MEDICINE to cancer patients, Down Syndrome patients, Tourette syndrome patients, depression patients, those with eating disorders, and more. Meanwhile, we provide kids with ADHD (which is commonly misdiagnosed) medicines like Adderall which creates a stellar high with a quickly-built tolerance, high levels of addiction, and a low lethal dose.

    One last thing, someone needs to consume between 25-30% of their body weight in psilocybin mushrooms to die of toxicity. For a 140 pound person, this means 16,000 grams of mushrooms. To put that into perspective, 5 grams of shrooms make you hallucinate beyond control. When under the influence of more than 6 grams, I would pay to see them attempt to eat more.

    But people die of over-the-counter pain medicines accidentally while we make nature illegal.

    I'd continue but no one would want to read a post 5 times this length. I'm also getting bored.
  9. koniferus

    koniferus Well-Known Member

    YES! That's what I always say as well. I hate hearing someone say "Oh that guys burnt out" meaning he smoked himself stupid. No, that dude was stupid to begin with. Pot is just an excuse for the stupidity.

    And good post void. I could go on and on as well, but talking to people that believe everything the church, mommy, and the government tells them is like talking through a brick wall of blind faith.
  10. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    (I did not quote your full post but agree entirely with what you said)

    I would go further than your opening words and say that true freedom is not only the choice to do as you wish with your body and mind but also to knowingly poison yourself.

    For the record I have not used any illegal drugs for a couple of years, but I would like the freedom to use any drug again in the future if I so please.
    It saddens me that many people have been classified as criminals even where no victim exists. It saddens me that genuine criminality is being given a pay check by the prohibition of some drugs. The thing that saddens me most is that we have alowed ourselves to contrive of a form of law which is not based on the sanctity of the self and self determination, rather we have laws made to criminalise private venture and interfere with personal exploration; this is a form of thought policing.

    I have asked many people who have not used drugs, 'Would you use drugs if they where legal?', most have said no, of the few who have said yes they could qualify their response by talking about how certain illegal drugs could help them with medical conditions. Hardly a scientific argument I know, but it would seem that legalisation of drugs would not lead to a mass drug binge.

    Did you know when aspirin was introduced by Lilly to the American market, at that time Cannabis was recognised as the number one pain killer? Did you know that Lilly petitioned the government to classify Cannabis as illegal so they could develop a market for an inferior drug? Cannabis is easy to advocate, but do remember heroin and cocaine are regularly used legally in many treatments.

    I have always said in my posts that some people will get messed up using drugs, legal or illegal. I have known a number of people who have sadly screwed up their lives because of drug abuse. They got into drugs because they enjoyed it, that enjoyment turned into self-harm. It cannot be argued that making criminals of these people helps them, us, or society. In the past, in the UK, drug use was considered a health issue, in that people who where messed up on drugs could get help from the health service with no concern for legal problems, this resulted in a great way to help people in need and a low burden on health budgets, national resourses and society. Now drug use is a matter for the law, so people with problems cannot come forward without incriminating themselves and the money waisted on this approach is insane.

    Drugs can lead to bad things, but the drug laws are utterly destructive.
  11. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    no people come forward more then ever. you can't get busted just for taking it, if your in possession yes but if you go to the doctor or hospital or whatever your helped out.
    there are more drug rehabilitation places with more understanding about drugs and the psychology behind the misuse then ever.

    drugs should not be fully legalized yes lets free up the fun mind bending ones but there are to many stupid people to let them loose on harder drugs.
    you talk about the uk, have you seen how much we drink? we are the worst binge drinkers in the world, what do you think would happen if you let them lose on crack or coke or heroin?

    we may be smart and can use drugs without killing our selves but you can't say the same for the majority of the population. some of those laws do protect people and make things nicer for everyone.

    and i'm still surprised that you fully support full legalization all the way, i've done drugs hey i still smoke weed but from my experiences, people i know and all that shit and i'm sure you have seen the same i would think it a stupid idea to let people loose on some of it. yeah we should be free to do what we want but as with anything some people spoil it for the rest of us and those are the people it needs to be illegal for.

    but lets be realistic, those that just use drugs every now and then for recreation rarely get caught as you buy it you go somewhere quiet (or not but not in the public eye) and have a nice time and don't get busted because your not stupid. the people that get caught are those that deserve to be caught, those that do it in public or do it while driving or carrying copious amounts on them or ...... well i could go on but i hope your getting my point.

    some people should not be allowed to do what they want and that's why we have laws, yes some are corrupt and are angled toward making profit though the taxation of medicines but they do still protect some people.
  12. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I agree that more people come forward now than did do 10-20 years ago, I know that all illegal drug use revealed to the health service in the UK is automatically reported to the police. I used to work for the cops.
    I also agree there are more rehabilitation clinics than before, this is not a good thing, it means more people are seeking help(or legally forced to seek help) than in the past. Why are more people getting messed up than before the criminalisation of drugs? The drugs have not changed, but social attitude towards drugs has changed considerably.

    There will always be people doing stupid things, this happens in all aspects of life but we do not legislate against stupidity in any other form, why single out drug use. I disagree when you pose the idea that the majority of people are stupid and will get messed up on drugs. The majority of people do not use illegal drugs, many people do get drunk and do crazy bad things. You suggest that people who behave badly on alchohol would behave worse on coke or heroin, I would say that alchohol abuse is very nasty when compaired to smack or coke abuse.

    It is illegal for all of us, are you really suggesting some form of elitist drug legalisation where only the sensible people get respect? In every aspect of life there are idiots, drugs are no exception.

    I do get your point and it goes to the heart of my argument, why should anyone need to get caught? Why does society feel the need to criminalise those who want to indulge themselves? Why is it ok for you and your mates to get away with it? Why are you forced to be clandestine about something that should be ok?

    I agree that those who use drugs and drive should be busted.

    I think people should be allowed to do what they want with one very simple consideration, the golden rule if you like, treat others in a way you would like to be treated.
  13. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I think they should at least be decriminalized, sure the government can seize them if they find them, but i dont agree with their arresting users.

    Drugs dealers i believe should be arrested because they are selling harmful drugs, don't try to tell me Marijuana is harmless because that is complete bullshit. It does cause harm to your body, although not nearly as much as Tobacco or Alcohol.

    For the government to arrest and prosecute drug users is complete utter bullshit, I believe it is the individuals right to choose to use or not no matter what the government says, If the government dictates what we can do and what we cant do, then that is not true freedom. We as humans deserve the right to decide for ourselves what we can or cant do to ourselves.

    In the state of California to legally use MJ, all you need to do is hand over just over $100 and say you have back/neck/groin pain or whatever, and BAM Medical Marijuana Card. Then you go to a dispensary and purchase whatever weed you want that come in all sorts of weird methods of ingestion. This is also Taxed, which helps keep the government off their backs, but for the longest time, although it was legal in the State, It was still illegal in the eyes of the almighty Federal Government, and they could go in and shut you down, essentially breaking State law for the sake of the Federal Standpoint.

    For now, MJ is legal if you are willing to dish out the money, although you can still be fired from your work if they do a random drug test even if you have the card. But its legal cause they figured out how to tax it.

    In the end though, drugs should decriminalized.
  14. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    you guys got to understand why drugs are illegal.

    1. Most drug are harmful in huge doses

    2. Human body will develop a dependancy after a prolong drug use, in order word, once your body start get used to the drug, it cant function without it, a condition call withdrawal.

    3. Most drug simulate certain brain area, creating a fake happy feelings, fullfilment or exitment (commonly know as high), which make most drug highly addictive.

    4. Because of point #3, most drug have the ability to alter the human behavior making the abuser voilent and unstable without the present of the drug that abuser have been taking.
  15. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    @Littlekill, I agree decriminalisation is better than prohibition, but this raises an ethical issue, is it ok to ask another person to take a legal risk on my behalf? Should dealers be at risk of arrest because of user's desire? I think this is wrong.
    The other problems with decriminalisation are that it does nothing to stop the flow of poor quality and badly made drugs which account for many drug problems and deaths, and it aids organised crime as users will no longer have any incentive to report dealers.

    I agree, but just because something can be harmful does not mean it should be illegal. Horse riding kills more people each year than drugs. Should we ban horse riding?

    This is true for many drugs both legal and illegal, and as you say it does take prolonged use to develop an addiction. I used to use heroin, I never got addicted as my use was occasional. Addiction is not an automatic symptom of drug use.

    People do tend to repeat experiences that they enjoy, anything that brings pleasure can be psychologically addictive. Some people suffering withdrawal can be violent and abusive, some people are like that anyway, thats why we have laws to protect people from such behavior.
  16. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    the whole we should be free to do what they want thing is bullshit in my opinion, we should not be free to do what we want.
    like murder for example, should you be able to commit it?
    is it within your right as a free person to do it?
    and we can pose the same argument you put to drugs.

    not every one does it
    people deserve to do what they want
    should you be criminalized for killing a piece of shit scumbag that deserves to die
    just because its made legal does not mean everyone's going to stat killing people
    it just means that those who really need to kill someone whether it be for protection or a better life can

    ok i'm over exaggerating using murder as an example :D but i hope you get my point, you can apply the argument to most illegal things and at the end of the day lots may not abuse it but some will so we as a society are allot better off for the laws that are in place.
  17. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I have never suggested people should be unconditionaly free to do what they like, I am not barbaric. As long as people are not denying others freedom, which obviously includes their right to life, then they deserve freedom.
  18. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Everyone makes points like this, but the problem with them is horse riding is LEGAL, so everyone can do it. If EVERYONE had access to drugs, the amount of drug-related deaths would skyrocket
  19. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Everyone who wants to access drugs is aready getting them regardless of the law, the illegal trade in drugs is massive. Most people who do not take illegal drugs don't do it because they are illegal, they don't take drugs because they don't want to. I very much doubt you could find a sociological paper which would suggest that the legalisation of drugs would cause a mass drug binge. In countries that have moved to legalise some drugs such as cannabis in Holland the percentage of Dutch people who use cannabis is lower than the European average.
  20. double_doose_14

    double_doose_14 New Member

    for all those people idiotic enough to be saying that all drugs should be legal should go shove their heads as far up their arses as they can. how stupid are you people? grow the f*** up, take all the drugs you want for all any of us care, and just bugger off. go smoke on ya pipes ya stupid dickheads