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Should adultery be considered a crime?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by rock91, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    There is no doubt adultery is wrong. But as others have mentioned here, it's just a waste of time to even bother investigating it.

    I personally wouldn't want a family to stick together while it clearly isn't working out either. So sometimes adultery can force a bad marriage to finally hang its boots. So it has its future positives.
  2. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    That could be the reason they are adulterers in the first place......because they were stoned.
  3. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    Though I do believe that adulterers are evil for not being faithful as it is basically breaking a sacred vow between the couple and God. I will not agree with the government getting involved in matters of the heart, or matters that they don't have any business sticking their nose into.

    There is a saying... "don't let the camel stick it's head in the tent." the reason is that once the camel finds that it is cool inside the tent, it won't want to leave and it will s*** all over everything. The Government in these kind of situations... is the camel...
  4. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    There's also the saying: "never let a Cornish man know the secret slur to your knicker draw". The reason is that once he does, he'll stick them up his arse and jig around your dining room slapping his penis from hand to hand.
    The government in a situation like this is whatever ethnicity i just said, the dining room is your life the knickers are your penis and the jig is your wife.
  5. Dess

    Dess Member

    I am sure that if you ask someone who has been betrayed by their spouse in such a way then they would answer yes. The way I see it is that marriage is a contract, and just as with any other contract there should be heavy penalties for whoever would break it. I would completely advocate making marriage just as legally binding as it should be spiritually.
  6. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Separation of Church and State would like a word with you

    Marriage has no always been a religious thing, it can have no bearings in the way laws work
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Wow, to be legally bound to a spouse? That's a bit overboard there.

    God forbid that there's some problems in the relationship, or that the couple isn't compatible together for long periods of time, or that they haven't tested the waters long enough or that their sex life sucks or their kids changed them or whatever.

    Hell, I'm happily married but I'd think it'd suck a lot to be forced or obligated by law to be with my husband.
  8. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    That's because they are highly biased, which is the reason that people can't testify against their spouses in court.
    Yes, they should have an anvil dropped on them and their penis stuck in a mousetrap; a measures as sensible as the prospect of being forced to stay with someone you don't love because of leaving them being illegal.
    "Legally binding and spiritual" lol, because those two things go so naturally together.
  9. Dess

    Dess Member

    I'll admit my knowledge of the law is rather lacking even by layman standings but I don't remember Mr.Separationofchurchandstate having any real say in how things are run, I kind of thought that at best he was like a protester outside of a courthouse.

    @Natewlie How I envision such a contract wouldn't prohibit a divorce however regrettable that would be for any kids involved. I fully understand that people are stupid and will get married without actually understanding what they are getting into or who they or getting into it with, or that they don't have the willpower to try and make it work out. They would be able to divorce about as easily they could today. Pretty much it would just force men and women to keep it in the home for the length of the marriage. Really if a man makes a promise he had damn well better keep it, especially if it is something of the magnitude of remaining faithful to his spouse. Kind of a pet peeve of mine, men not acting like men (Should probably point out I'm not saying anything about gays). If a man makes a promise he should keep it, even if it causes trouble for him down the road. Heaven help them if I ever find one of my friends has ever been unfaithful, or worse yet if my younger sisters husband ever philanders about. Sorry bout the rant there.
  10. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    I may very well be wrong, i always assumed Separation of Church and State meant that you can't really use religion to decide anything pertaining to what the state does, like does and such.

    Even if it's not, you still can't impose religious acts, like Marriage onto the laws. There are a lot of religions, not all of them have the same outlook on marriage, You can't really use one religion's Marriage to make a law that weighs over everyone.
  11. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    I refer you to my previous posts in this thread.
  12. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member


    Really, if someone decides to have consensual sex with someone else outside of marriage (if they were already married), then the law has no place to be there. It's beyond the law to police "people's feelings towards one another", as it is always a matter of subjectivity.

    It would be different, for example, if the adulterer leaves his/her spouse without giving necessary compensation, say leaving his children and wife behind while he goes on some fuck-trip to Bangkok. Then a case could be made, not for adultery but for abandoning his children and wife.

    A marriage is a social contract, but SEX ISN'T. If shit happens and your spouse is fucking someone else, work the problems out like the adults you are, and decide whether it's better to divorce or not. HAVING CONSENSUAL SEX is not a crime one way or another.
  13. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    With the number of times I've had to escape half-naked from a chick's house, you'd almost think it is. Christ.
  14. pbehhe

    pbehhe Member

    i think that its stupid, a law against making a free-will decision will break the human rights
  15. Miax98

    Miax98 New Member

    I think that, even if laws don't forbid it, the moral laws does....
    The human think. It's because of his brain and his will of control that he's so far... At the base, the human is an animal but with the times, he has been separated of the other with a few points. One of these points is the sex. Animals having sex only to give birth to the next generation. Human is different. He have sex to take care of his own pleasure. The human is also selfish because for his own desire he don't hesitate to change partners. But the human have betters feelings than animals. The human being wants to be good, so he forbid in his head this horrible act.
    Why animals are changing partners? Because they want more and more babies...
    Why Humans are changing partners? Because they want more and more pleasure
    So the reason of the animal is only for makes good around him
    The reason of human is only for himself and not the others.
    So I think it should be prohibited by the law:if you want to change then break the wedding!
  16. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Holy shit. There are so many things wrong with this post, I'm tempted to start a nuclear winter and clear the Earth's face of the boils that is mankind. But I'm eating tempura right now so maybe later.

    Bonobos and dolphins also have sex for pleasure.

    Humans? Wanting to be good? Have you been living under a rock?! Yeah, electrocuting someone else's balls for fun is moral and righteous, and so is raping Postal and turning it into a movie. Shit like this always makes God proud.

    There are animals that don't change partners once in their life time. Haven't you ever heard of birds? Jesus Christ...

    You wanna fund a civil suit against Tiger Woods for whipping out his willy? Yeah, that's fine with me. You wanna take MY money to fund that civil suit? GTFO.

    Not according to statutory rape laws. But I totally agree with you.
  17. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    I think we should all GROW UP and take an objective view of the real world. What is the MAIN reason people have sex? What is the MAIN reason you and your junior high friends decide to procure a porno magazine? WHY do you look at porn on the internet?

    A. Pleasure
    B. Reproductive purposes
    C. God

    note, B and C are incorrect :p

    Even though our evolutionary purpose for sex is for reproduction, it has grown to a point where our reason for doing it is of course for pleasure. So we're not being selfish when we enjoy sex, even with different partners. It's just grown to a point where the pleasure aspects of sex are more dominant than the reproductive. In other words, we are just being human. I don't think anyone has the moral balls to condemn people for CONSENSUAL SEX (not underage either -.- ).

    Plus, adultery is a fact of life. It's a statistic. People screw other people over. Trust me, you're not doing the world a favor by using the LEGAL SYSTEM to police people's sex lives.
  18. EarthMomma

    EarthMomma Guest

    why should adultery be judged by others what business is it of anyones? you see and hear about stars and the "adultery" but what the heck? freedom huh try the judical circuit and to all say whom so ever is innocent casts the first stone. sheesh shut up girl (Me)