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Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey - USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jason5877, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Rod182

    Rod182 Well-Known Member

    Well, looks like there's still no solution for my four-year old R4. Don't plan on buying another card while it still works though, and so far hasn't been a single game that I actually wanted to play in it but couldn't (doesn't help the fact that I played like 3 games on it last year).

    Back to the patiently waiting game we go. At least there's still N64's Bangai-O to keep me highly entertained!
  2. Isaac20

    Isaac20 Member

    No, M3 and G6 have the same firmware. Speaking of which, confirming that it works for the G6 with v4.8 X.
  3. OtakuGirl

    OtakuGirl Member

    Frodo, none of the videos in the game froze for me, even with the previous system 4.7.

    Isaac & Dragoon, it's the M3/G6 system that I use on my M3 Real linker and the 4.8 works perfectly even for the disembark protection.
  4. frodo626

    frodo626 New Member

    That's really weird. I have the latest firmware (deleted system folder) and deleted all of my save files and I still get frozen once the baby starts crying in the opening vid.
  5. c0071000

    c0071000 Member

    is there a sav fail fix for dstt yet???
  6. Starmongoose

    Starmongoose Member

    Not yet @c0071000 but hopefully if we wait patiently, something will come about.
  7. IQbrew

    IQbrew New Member

    I'm surprised that our flashcarts aren't able to save and load the state by themselves.
    This protection would be useless, then. Anyone know of something to do that?

    I use R4ds, I get the save and load error.
  8. OtakuGirl

    OtakuGirl Member

    My bad, sorry. Scratch that, it worked with the 4.7 but now the intro video freezes with the 4.8. Didn't notice since I immediately tried to load the RTS to make a real save ingame using the updated system. I had to restart the game since the RTS was toasted and directly skipped the video. Maybe there's a video on youtube or something so you could at least see it?

    Eventhough it's weird since the second video (when flying into the Schwartzwelt) worked with the 4.8. So luckily it's only the first vid that freezes.

    RAWRZORZZZ Active Member

    Plz if anyone finds R4 patch at all plz post link :'(
  10. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    Now using Acekard 2i with Akaio Firmwire RC2 saves/loads perfectly now freezes every 3 to 5 minutes.Wow Nintendo your really making this tough for us pirates huh? XD
  11. KevInChester

    KevInChester Well-Known Member

    Something up there AnimeboyX3, been playing it on AKAIO 1.6RC2 for over 2 hours, no freezes at all + saves/loads fine. You haven't done something with the rom have you, like an arm7 or something?
  12. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    Naw I only downloaded the rom and that was it.I just threw it in there.I play it for like 3 to 5 mins. then bam it freezes.Not sure why though.Mind giving me info on how to stop the freezing?
  13. KevInChester

    KevInChester Well-Known Member

    No secret, I just put RC2 on my card and the game and started playing. Using a 4gb SDHC (transcend I think). Might be worth deleting the __AIO folder from the flashcard and recopying over AKAIO.
  14. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    I was thinking I might've needed to do something like that.Alright I'll give it a shot I'm also using a 4 gig as well a sandisk.Anyhow will give this a shot.
  15. KevInChester

    KevInChester Well-Known Member

    Also people will recommend you format etc with Panasonic Formatter, though it's recommended, I can see why people would be reticent, as it can be a pain transferring files back etc If you continue to have troubles run a scandisk with fix errors automatically on it. Takes about 3-4 seconds to complete, and usually fixes this sort of issue :) You can then delete the 'found' folder it may create.

    RAWRZORZZZ Active Member

    Still no r4 help??? :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :-[ :'( :'( :'( :( :-[ :'( :( :-[ :'( :-[ :( :'(
  17. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    honestly man, there are so many problems with r4 and new games nowadays its completely 100% in your best interest to invest in an acekard.. god knows acekard is eventually probably going to have problems but meh.. imho if i were you i would just order an acekard and grin and bear it til it arrives :(
  18. Lafieradeidad

    Lafieradeidad New Member

    I have a really huge question....first...my SMT works fine in the NO$ZOOMER, but is imposible to uncorrupted the save files, later i heard about DEsmuME working fine (Save files included), but when i download de DEsmuME 0.9.5, i can only see a black screen with the sound of the game...so....can you please help me
    why the DesmuME doesnt work in my computer (black screen problem)??
    could i fix it??
    Pd: sorry for my bad english (im not from an english talking country)
    I' VE BEEN WAITING SO LONG FOR Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey (damned save files!!!!)
  19. Starmongoose

    Starmongoose Member

    If there is no help for the DSTT by the end of the week, I'm just going to scrape some money together and import it from the U.S.
    Atlus deserve the money, and I was feeling guilty about it anyway - but still, not got the money to splash out on anything besides the weeks food and rent.
  20. tekken999

    tekken999 Member

    I want to play this so bad on my dstt not on a damn emulator(thought it seems i have no choice..)....how were the Japanese able to fix the anti piracy save issue so fast?!?!?
    Do they have a bunch of Elite hax0rs or something?