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Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey - USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jason5877, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    This, this so much.

    People are damn impatient, and because they're idiots, we get screwed over because people are impatient little pricks who have to bug people instead of waiting for it to be released.
  2. Reme

    Reme Well-Known Member

    tried on no$zoomer it works and saves but wont highlight the answers on most of the questions -.- kinda anoying but playable

    tried on desmume 9.5 works with a slight bit of lag up to where u can first save save then crashed right when i went to the deck but for the 2 seconds i was on the deck it highlighted the answers to the question...T_T

    Edit: when i change the ''render'' settings in no$zoomer to opengl it messes the questions background up but highlights the answers if i swap between the 2 i can actually tell if im agreeing or disagreeing to something lol
  3. nephatitus

    nephatitus New Member

    does it have the same save file type? I wonder if there would be someone out there who has a cyclosDS or any other compatible card that works when playing the game, who is willing to make a copy of their first save spot file (sorry my English is bad). It is virtually impossible atm to get an uncorrupted game file while playing the game. I have an R4.

    just throwing some ideas out there with some wishful thinking. :D
  4. klladude

    klladude Member

    From what it sounds like, even if you make a save file with a working card, as soon as you try and save with a nonworking one, it will be corrupted.
  5. nephatitus

    nephatitus New Member

    so i guess transferring thAt save file would be a no go.
  6. sabregod

    sabregod Member

    Does this Game works flawlessly on AKAIO 1.5.1. Thanks :D
  7. klladude

    klladude Member

    If it doesn't work on 1.6 I seriously doubt it works on versions prior to that.
  8. Athmel

    Athmel New Member

    Sounds like he's asking a question and making a statement all at once.
  9. zehro

    zehro Member

    It works on M3 Sakura 1.46x (game patch 1.47h) if you use Real Time Save. The in game save causes freezing. Lucky we have a Real Time Save function!
    Really loving this game.
  10. kwiiman

    kwiiman Member

    Look, all i want is to get on and play the game. I have an r4, but i have seen no help for them. I had hoped this had no AP as the last game i got to have AP was kingdom hearts, which annoyed me greatly as i have no idea how to patch, so it took me nearly a day for a game which eventually disappointed me. If someone could give simple terms to a layman, I would be eternally grateful.
  11. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    There's no fix for R4 yet.
  12. fahsky

    fahsky Well-Known Member

    I'm using TTMenu_V1.17a02 (if that's the one you mean?), & get the 'save failed'/'save corrupted - deleted' error in-game.
  13. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    No he's talking about V1.17a12
  14. mimmu777

    mimmu777 Member

    Akaio 1.6 RC2 released
  15. Starmongoose

    Starmongoose Member

    Well, I'm happy for the people smart enough to get a card that still gets updated.
    Though it still doesn't help me and my poor, now redundant, DSTT.
  16. zeno16

    zeno16 Active Member

    Running on a M3i Zero with Sakura 1.46, with game patch version 4.7H X and it keeps freezing when I try to exit the ship for the first time, gets a black screen.

    Hope they fix it in the next update, cause i love the first minutes of the game.
  17. Ecchineko

    Ecchineko New Member

    @zeno: I'd wager they'll include it with the next F/W update which should be up some time this week. Using RTS is a viable option for me too, but I'd still like to use the games own save system. Well, be checking M3 forums. ^^
  18. snakerune112

    snakerune112 New Member

    Hey I got the r4 III and i cant get into a random fight no matter how long i run around and it cant save
  19. zeno16

    zeno16 Active Member

    @Ecchineko: Yeah hopefully they will, The RTS is working wonders but I keep getting stuck after I choose which sector to go to for the first mission, which results in a black screen. So right now it sits in my card waiting for the update.
  20. Castor Krieg

    Castor Krieg Member

    Save/Load working.