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Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey - USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jason5877, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. crownCLOWN

    crownCLOWN New Member

    Hmmm working on dstti latest official firmware but as everyone else, save problems. well at least this can be considered a "demo" til I get the ori game ???
  2. lol123qaz

    lol123qaz Member

    Yep yep all happy it was released early for nothing =p j.k don't want ppl thinking im ungrateful although the demo comment makes sense its more like how far can you go in one sitting =p
  3. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    What's the latest official firmware for DSTTi?
  4. crownCLOWN

    crownCLOWN New Member

    Err the latest official release is pretty old, its also used with a normal DSTT o_O 1.17 lol

    @lol123qaz 1 sitting provided you dont get careless, screw up and die xD
  5. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    Crap.I only got DSTTi.I had no idea DSTT had compatibility for this game.Oh well *Waits for AP Patch*

    *Reads Mangas* -w-
  6. fahsky

    fahsky Well-Known Member

    DSTT isn't working either. He's just saying the DSTT & DSTTi cards use the same firmware, which is 1.17.
  7. AetherShadow

    AetherShadow Member

    I can confirm what crownCLOWN is saying, since I have a normal DSTT with the 1.17 firmware and it isn't working. It might not work, but I'm going to try the code that was used for the JPN game. I'll be sure to report back if it does work.
  8. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member


    My Fault I misread

    Good luck.I've been awaiting this game for sometime.

    I'd hate to imagine what more nasty Anti Piracy Nintendo has for the future games.
  9. crownCLOWN

    crownCLOWN New Member

    You mean its totally not working on the normal DSTT? Or that its the save problem?

    @fahsky thats exactly what I meant! :D
  10. englishteacher

    englishteacher Well-Known Member

    the japanese ap only takes several hours to crack and i think it has same protection as this one. i wonder why no one crack this one as quick as the japanese one. maybe not enough skilled coders?
  11. Arcana109

    Arcana109 Member

    Probably not. Though a patch should come soon enough if its the same as the Japanese one.
  12. The Unwanted

    The Unwanted Member

    I am unsure if anyone has posted this already, but for AceKard users that run the AKAIO firmware, it has been stated that the saving problem has been fixed in RC2 that will be released soon (according to what I read that is).
  13. Dirke

    Dirke New Member

    I tried what people did for the JPN version and it didn't work, I'm going to try a few more edits on the rom and then call it a night though, I'm still an amateur at this stuff...
  14. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    does it work with 1.17a12?
  15. Spoofus

    Spoofus New Member

    the man who works on AKAIO said he wont release RC2 yet because people are impatient and keep asking about...but he will release at a later just not as soon many would like..it probably would of been released already..or by tomorrow but as i said people are impatient and i guess this is their form of punishment lol
  16. SkimGuy

    SkimGuy Active Member

    I'm using M3DS Real firmware 4.7h, and it gets past the intro (I didn't skip any text except when I was already on the ship)
    Crashes when saving, but using Real Time Save to play right now
  17. englishteacher

    englishteacher Well-Known Member

    Well, AFAIK the AP protection is the same, but most likely this game has different AP protection addresses from the Japanese version that need to be hex edited to solve the problem.
  18. lcleong

    lcleong Well-Known Member

    alright, who the idiot bugging him? =.=
  19. klladude

    klladude Member

    In other words: STFU and leave the guy alone!
  20. Spoofus

    Spoofus New Member

    just like klladude said if people would quit whining over a free service maybe more would get done but eh what do i know right