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Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey - USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jason5877, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    ^Requested topic does not exist

  2. guywhatever

    guywhatever New Member

    http://www.normmatt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=356 That should be the topic there. I just hope we can get the updated loaders or whatnot soon. I figured Acekard 2i wouldn't have a problem with this game.. I still love this flashcart and it seems that we may have the fix soon anyway.
  3. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

  4. ReikiYamiSaito

    ReikiYamiSaito New Member

    Help please, I used R4 ver. 1.24 and when I tried new game it crash (black screen). Is there any way to fix this? Most of the errors in this forum seemed to be save error, so I don't know what to do
  5. candita

    candita Member

    works & saves great on my r4i gold 1.31b
  6. scottg1990

    scottg1990 Well-Known Member

    Saves perfectly on akaio 1.6 (acekard 2.1)
  7. jpt93

    jpt93 Member

    RC1 or just 1.6? Because I'm running 1.6RC1 and it has the save error.
  8. CrvyloOo

    CrvyloOo Member

    Is the "latest build" of AKAIO up for download?
  9. scottg1990

    scottg1990 Well-Known Member

    AKAIO RC1. What i did is i pressed and held the "X" button while loading the game and the loading bar should turn red and save properly
    Post Merge: [time]1269389784[/time]
  10. guywhatever

    guywhatever New Member

    Just tried this with AKAIO 1.6 RC1 and it didn't work. Save Failed.
  11. scottg1990

    scottg1990 Well-Known Member

    Thats odd. It works fine for me :s I cant imagine what golden sun ds's AP would be like lol
  12. jpt93

    jpt93 Member

    RC2 isn't out yet. Apparantly it's going to be out 'soonish' according to Normatt in a topic on the 15th iirc. So expect it in the next few days, but no set date has been given.

    Damn, I'll still give it a shot for confirmations sake, I suppose.
  13. guywhatever

    guywhatever New Member

    I did everything exactly like you stated, pressed and held X while the game loaded from AKAIO and LOADING turned red. The game still said Save Failed.
  14. jpt93

    jpt93 Member

    This. It very 'laggily' filled up the bar a little bit and said save failed.
  15. lol123qaz

    lol123qaz Member

    I can second this doesn't works when you just hold x as it shows the loading screen for acekard 2i akio 1.6rc1 the loading screen will turn red and when you appear at the main menu of the game the option to continue is there but it is corrupt then deletes itself dang.....
  16. jpt93

    jpt93 Member

    I even tried to load the 'Save Failed' file and it just said it was corrupted and deleted itself. Don't know what you guys are doing that I am not... But it doesn't seem to work.
  17. guywhatever

    guywhatever New Member

    Perhaps you or this other person can share their settings to have this work? I haven't changed anything and it doesn't work for me. Same as jpt93, I tried to load a save file and it gave me the save corrupted and deleted itself.
  18. picklesword

    picklesword Member

    First of all I was running AKAIO 1.5 and I was able to save at first, I thought that there was no AP protection because everything was moving smoothly, but when I tried to save it again it failed. I'm pretty sure the protection it has can fail, but still when you save over a file and it doesn't work it becomes corrupted. WTF kind of person will believe that you can load a corrupted file? It has NO SAVE INFORMATION on it.
  19. lol123qaz

    lol123qaz Member

    =( i had it working but it wont work no more i overwrote the saved file it works on No$GBA so i used a converter to get it to work on the ds but once saved it corrupts the data =\
  20. flashjump

    flashjump Member

    well guess its not just the first save. its whenever you save the savefile gets corrupted.